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Today is the last day of the D-CAMP, on this last day we are required to complete the
D-CAMP project proposal that we will work on for eight months. Proposals made
contain background problems, objectives, alternative designs, and product plans to
be made. The proposal is made in the power point format which will be presented
for 5 minutes. Right at 2:00 a.m. when the presentation began, one by one the team
progressed to present the design concept. Each team makes a free and creative
presentation, starting with the concepts of drama, conversation, and roles such as
merchants offering their products. After the presentation session, the entire group
provided input, criticism, and information about the design research that we will do.
All inputs from all judges will be reference in the development of the project for
eight months which will then be presented in Korea.

After the presentation session was completed, followed by a photo session with all
participants and professors who accompanied. Group photos are carried out on the
front yard in front of the building from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Group photos are
taken to capture the moment after 5 days together both with group friends and
university friends. At 6:00 p.m to 8:30 p.m closing session was conducted by
professor Ho and all the committee i-Caps 2019 from Taiwan. In this session a 5-day
activity video was made by the committee. In the video there are moments of
moments that are fun, funny, and cannot be forgotten. At the last session of the
closure, dinner was held together in the building. The many foods available range
from fried rice, meat, fish, fruit, cakes, and drinks. This closure will be an
encouragement to complete the project for the next 8 months.

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