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Paras, page 221

45. Bar Q 1991 page 97
27. Art 443
46. Bar Q 1986 page 203 #5
28. The right of accession will arise in cases
where a property owned produces natural, 47. Paras, page 727 #4(a)
industrial and civil fruits or where there are
movable and/or immovable property 48. Bar Q 1981 #6
incorporated or attached thereto naturally or
artificially, hence, the owner also owns and 49. Bar Q 1979 #7
enjoys what is produced by his property.
50. Bar q 1985 #5
29. Paras, page 234, question and answer (a)

30. Paras, page 234, question and answer (c)

31. Bar Qs 1999 page 57 (builder in good

faith vs. bad faith)

32. Bar Qs 1992 page 57 (builder in good



34. Paras, page 234, q&a (d)

35. Paras, page 240, q&a (a)

36. Paras, page 240, q&a (b)

37. #1&2 Article 546; #3 Art 527; #4 Bar Q

1990 page 98 (a)


39. Bar Q 1990 page 98 (Lessor & Lessee)

40. Jurado page 348 number 40

41. Bar Q 1987 page 305 #8

42. Bar Q 1980 page 204 #3

43. Paras, page 270-271

44. Bar Q 1985 page 170 #7

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