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Research and Innovation Project 2018
Tutor: Edelbais Uribe Martinez

1. Review the documents on research questions for this week and write at least one
research question. It can be more than one, just bear in mind you will try to find a
solution for all the questions you propose.
How do smartphones help adult learners to bolster their language learning or acquisition
process by using it as a tool of learning?

2. Once you have your research question (s) it would be easier to identify what will be
the goal of your research. Go to the link for goals and objectives and write the one
main goal and at least three general objectives (SMART objectives).

"By using the evidence collected from research, adult learners will be able to use
smartphones' features in order to bolster their language learning or acquisition process and
enrich the input received in order to interact more with the target language".
Objective 1: To identify the specific smartphones' features (apps, User Interface, ringtones,
etc.) that might benefit adult learners.
Objective 2: To maximise the learners' interaction with the useful features of the
Objective 3: Transform potential distracting features (e.g. excessive use of social media
platforms) into potential interactions with the target language.
3. Include at least one instrument (YOU NEED TO INCLUDE THE ACTUAL INSTRUMENT)
that would help you collect information on your research and provide an explanation
of its use. You can use the instrument from week 6, as long as it is focused on the main
research problem.
Questionnaire: in order to know the adult learners' habits when using their smartphones.

4. Once you have your research question(s), goal and objectives, answer the following

Which particular setting do you want to observe? A class with only adult learners.
What other instruments will you be using? (Mention at least 2): Focus group discussions:
so that I can make sure how specific factor varies or affects each person. Apps that allow me
to get more data.
How much time do you plan to allocate to collect this information? One class to apply the
questionnaire. One class to make a focus group discussion. One week to observe and analyse
their smartphone use habits.
Is the research focus the right one? Or am I really finding things that point to a different
direction or focus? Explain. I think that the focus of my research is to maximise the adult
learners’ language learning acquisition by using a very common device like the smartphone.
Research and Innovation Project 2018
Tutor: Edelbais Uribe Martinez

Probably by involving with learners’ habits, the research might take a different direction, but
I think it meets the research objectives.
Am I getting as rounded a picture as possible? Or am I relying on just one source of
information that could be biasing what I find? Explain.
I am trying to use the most varied information as possible in order not to get biased. In week
5, I selected different literature that even vary in region. I chose old and new literature
concerning technology (and I am looking for more literature concerning the use of
smartphones in the class).
Am I being objective? Am I using an instrument to collect data as it really is, rather than
how I want to see it? Explain.
I think that the instruments I am using are adequate to meet my objectives. With
questionnaires (bearing in mind that they are anonymous) I can get raw information about
learners’ habits. Focus group discussion help me to receive feedback from learners and see
how smartphones are bolstering or affecting their performance.
Are there other people I can collaborate with or consult, who might shed new light on my
data analysis? Explain.
There is an intense debate regarding this topic and so are forums where people can discuss
their ideas. I think these forums are ideal to share my results and researchers, learners and
practitioners might shed light on my data analysis.

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