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Padas (Quarters)

1. The first pada or quarter of this asterism (13� 20' � 16� 40' Leo) falls in Leo
Navamsa ruled by Sun. The emphasis here is on just I, I & more I. The evolved souls
can use the warmth of their soul power to illuminate the minds of those around
them, whereas for younger souls planets in this pada just heighten the ego.
"Dignity" and "Regality" are the keywords here. Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Ketu can
function strongly here and give some sort of executive ability.

2. The second pada or quarter of this asterism (16� 40' � 20� 00' Leo) falls in
Virgo Navamsa ruled by Mercury. This is the most sober and hardworking amongst all
of these naturally pompous and lazy padas. The emphasis here is on trade and
enterprise. A well placed Mercury here can give good common sense and heavy gains
through trade.

3. The third pada or quarter of this asterism (20� 00' � 23� 20' Leo) falls in
Libra Navamsa ruled by Venus. This pada brings out the indulgent as well as
creative Venusian aspect of Purvaphalguni. The emphasis here is on travel, harmony,
relaxation, refinement, counselling, creation and appreciation of beauty. Since
this is the Pushkara Navamsha pada most planets except Sun give good results here.
Venus is especially strong in this pada.

4. The fourth pada or quarter of this asterism (23� 20' � 26� 40' Leo) falls in
Scorpio Navamsa ruled by Mars. The emphasis here is on intensified emotions, home
and family life, self reflection and personal valour. Passions are very strong here
and all things in life are approached with a martian spirit. Planets here usually
give rise to a lot of unnecessary strife and complexity. Only a well placed Sun and
Jupiter are capable of utilizing this pada's inner positive fashion.

Lunar Month and Day

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