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Fill in the blanks using the adverbs above

1. We are having a picnic ___________ on the 4 of July.
2. I___________ get in trouble when I am at school.
3. My teacher greets us___________ each morning!
4. I scored very ___________ on my test because I did not study.
5. The man in the parade danced___________ in the street!
6. Jack read___________ during silent reading time.
7. The dog got loose and ___________ ran into the street.
8. The chorus___________sang songs
9. The older boy___________tripped his brother.
10. Dad scraped the ice off the window so we could see___________
11. I took my time so that I could ___________ answer the question!
12. When I got home I had to go to bed___________ !

Circle the adjective(s) in each sentence below. Underline the noun it describes.
1. The kitten drinks warm milk from her bowl.
2. I ate a juicy apple for lunch. . 3. The chirping birds woke us up.
4. We had a picnic in the green grass.
5. My friend has curly hair.
6. Bears sleep in warm dens.
7. Tigers have dark stripes on their bodies.
8. The car had four flat tires.
9. I tasted the sweet ice cream.
10. We sat in the cool shade of the trees.

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