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- Recently, the work had been being done by John M.Rayyan.

a b c d
Jawaban: Terdapat keterangan waktu recently (baru-baru ini) sehingga verb kalimat
tersebut menggunakan present perfect tense yaitu has been being done

- They asked me what did happen last night, but I was unable to tell him.
a b c d
Jawaban: Did happen, salah/tidak tepat karena walaupun ada kata what, ia berfungsi
sebagai konjungsi yang berfungsi sebagai obyek direk dari verba asked;did, dan happen
menjadi happened.

- On Ellesmere Island in the Arctic one fossil forest consist of a nearly hundred Blarge
a b
stumps scattered on an exposed coal bed.
c d
Jawaban: a nearly seharusnya nearly karena kata benda stumps adalah plural

- I had finished cleaning the house when my friends arrived. this sentence means
a. We were cleaning the house together
b. My friends did not see me cleaning the house
c. My friends came before i started cleaning the house
d. I stopped cleaning the house after my friends had come
Jawaban: Kalimat I had finished cleaning the house when my friends arrived dapat
diartikan: Saya telah selesai membersihkan rumah ketika teman-teman saya telah datang.
Artinya teman-teman subjek tidak melihatnya membersihkan rumah. Jawaban yang tepat
adalah : My friends did not see me cleaning the house.

- Mary has been playing the piano for she was six
a b c d
Jawaban: Kata since seharusnya diganti for

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