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Harshita Jhawar


We are interested to find out whether the average stress level of management employees
in different grades is similar. Stress quotient across levels was calculated as below.

Low Middle Upper Top

73 56 46 67
84 87 45 64
85 42 71 63
78 56 12 42
87 42

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Low 6 448 74.66667 298.6667
Middle 4 241 60.25 361.5833
Upper 4 174 43.5 585.6667
Top 5 278 55.6 156.3

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups
2476.664 3 825.5547 2.496495 0.099396 3.287382
Within Groups4960.283 15 330.6856

Total 7436.947 18

Since the calculated value of F is less than the critical value and P>0.05, the null hypothesis accepted
The stress levels across the management levels is similar.

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