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Anne Frank or Annelies Marie Frank was born on 12 June of 1945 in Frankfurt.

She´s know as the writer of the Diary of Anne Frank, this book is about her two
years that she, her family and other four people have to keep out of sight for
the main and the only reason, THE NAZIS, during the second war but later, she
and her family was sent to differents concentrations camps and the only
survivor was her dad, Otto Frank.

The parents of Anne Frank were Edith Hollander and Otto Frank. She had an
older sister called Margot. The Franks´s religion were liberal Jews. In Anne´s
birthday (thirteen years), she recieve a small notebook that she used as a diary.
Immediately, she began to write in it. When she write in her diary, she said
“Dear Kitty” in honor of a friend´s childhood.

Otto and Edith decided to go hiding with her kids on 16 July of 1942. They had
all that they need to live, food and ensured their safety. On 13 July of 1942, the
Franks were joined by the Van Pels and later, in November by a dentist and
friend of the family, Fritz Pfeffer. She saw that Hermann Van Pels and Fritz Pfeffer
were selfish for the quantity of food they consumed.

She and Peter Van Pels had a kind of romance. Her first Kiss was with him.

On the morning of 4 August 1944, the Achterhuis (the place were they hide)
was stormed by a group of German uniformed pólice. Later, on 3 September of
1944, they were deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp. When they
arrived to Auschwitz, the SS forcibly separated the men from the women and
children. All the people that was sent in that train, were killed and the children
younger tan 15 years were sent to the gas chambers.

Frank was forced to strip naked to be disinfected, had her head shaved, and
was tattooed with an identifying number on her arm. Frank's skin became badly
infected by scabies. Edith Frank was left behind and died from starvation.

Witnesses later testified Margot fell from her bunk in her weakened state and
was killed by the shock. Anne died a few days after Margot. They didn´t found
the specific cause of Anne´s death.

Otto Frank survived his internment in Auschwitz. After the war ended, he
returned to Amsterdam and weeks later, he discovered that Margot and Anne

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