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Academic Task 4

Evaluation Parameters for Group Discussion:

5 marks
Analysis of the topic
Coherence of content 5 marks

Language proficiency 5 marks

Interpersonal skills 5 marks
Body language 5 marks
Etiquette 5 marks

Total Marks 30 marks

Topics to be prepared for Evaluation:

1. Digital payments are secure and India is ready to go cashless.

2. Farmer’s income: Will India be able to double it in next 5 years ?
3. Education system is providing degrees not skills.
4. Is euthanasia morally accepted?
5. India needs more job creators than job seekers.
6. Are digital payments secure enough for the Indian economy to go cashless?
7. Linking of Aadhaar: Is making Aaadhar mandatory a good idea?
8. Strategy or Execution
9. FDI in retail: Good for India?
10. Should cricket be the national game of India?
11. If you were a Director, which actor would you choose for your movie.
12. Is MBA degree required for being a good/successful business professional.
13. Should 75% attendance criteria in colleges be made mandatory for all.
14. Are News channels exaggerating the truth
15. Whether Digital Education has taken over Traditional Education?
16. Economic growth is more important than Ecological protection
17. Flexi Timings or Fixed Timings? Which is better at work?
18. Just as we have smoke free zones, we should have child free zones
19. Nepotism and its impact on Professionalism
20. Plastic Ban - Environment Vs Economy
21. Sometimes No Decision is also a decision
22. Article 377 - Will the Society Accept inspite of a verdict from Apex court.
23. Is Brain Drain advantageous for Developing Economies ?
24. Should formal education be abolished?
25. Reservation in India is crippling our country.
26. Are advertisements misleading the customers?
27. Are smart phones making people dumb?
28. Small is beautiful
29. Wisdom doesn’t come with age
30. Money is 6th sense, without which we can’t enjoy the other senses?
Dear Students,
Please note:
You are expected to participate well in Group Discussion. You will be judged as per the
above given parameters. Everyone must be present in the lecture as well as Tutorial and no
late comers will be allowed. All four CAs are compulsory so please ensure that you do not
miss any one of them.

• Be in formals with Ties and Scarfs.

• Wear ID cards.

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