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Heidi Giordano

Mr. Ermert

Senior Literature/Per 4

March 14, 2019

Blog 1

For my capstone, I have decided to help raise awareness and help animals in need. I knew

that I couldn’t and would never be able to help every animal in the world, but I wanted to make

at least one animal feel loved and comforted. My whole life, I have had a deep love for animals,

so it was a no brainer for me to choose this for my capstone. My family also has a lot of love for

animals, which is why we always choose to adopt from a shelter. Before I started my project, I

read about how many animals are euthanized at shelters for no apparent reason, and honestly I

had no idea all this was happening until I did more research. This encouraged me even more to

want to volunteer, and become more educated on the subject. The foundation I decided to

dedicate my capstone to was the CJV (Chris John Vaughan) Foundation. Jessie Perez is the

founder of the organization, and his story is what really drew me into helping him. His son, Chris

John Vaughan, was in love with animals, but unfortunately committed suicide due to his

Tourette’s Syndrome. Jessie continues to live on his son’s dream, and created this organization in

his honor. In the beginning, I didn’t know how or where we were going to volunteer, but I’m

very grateful that Jazmin knew and introduced me to the CJV organization. After reading the

brochure, I was excited to meet Jessie and all his adorable little animals.

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