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An Narrow Escape

It was the school ______________. My parents planned to bring the whole family to
London. We were all very ______________ and waited ____________ for the day to arrive.
On _____________, we were at the KL International Airport excitedly waiting for our
____________. There was a slight __________ but finally it was announced that we could
___________ the plane. We immediately went into the airplane and out our _____________.
My parents were seated in the front seats while my brother and I were ____________ them.
A few minutes _________, there was an announcement. The passengers were
____________ to wear their seatbelts as the plane was going to ______________. I quickly
____________ my belt and helped my brother to wear his. Soon the plane ___________ into
the air. I was thrilled as we were on way to London!
I looked outside the plane and saw the blue sky and clouds. It was a ______________
sight. Then food was served. My brother and I were so hungry. We ate all the food served. After
that I took out my novel to _________ while my brother was busy with his crossword puzzle.
Ten minutes later, I felt ___________ and dozed off.
Suddenly I heard a loud ___________. I opened my eyes and was _____________ to see
two men wearing masks. They were pointing their guns at the air hostesses and the passengers.
Everybody panicked. I was scared too as they were probably hijackers. Then three other
hijackers walked in from the cockpit. “Keep quiet or we’ll shoot”, said one of them. All of us just
sat and kept ____________.
An hour later, the plane _____________. I did not know where we were but it definitely
was not London. There were police cars coming towards the plane. Some of the hijackers went
to the cockpit while the rest stood pointing their guns at us. There was completely __________
and I was praying hard.
Time passed and nothing happened. The hijackers were probably negotiating with the
police. All of the sudden, I heard a _________. It came from the cockpit. Then the lights went
off and the plane was in darkness. My brother was sobbing and I tried to keep him quiet. “Get
off! Everybody out!” one of the hijackers shouted. All of us got up ______________ to the exit
door. My brother and I held out parents’ hand as we walked out of the plane. Then we were
directed to the waiting room. My family and I were _____________ to be out of the plane.
A police officer approached us and advised us to be calm. He informed us that the
hijackers were still negotiating with the police. They were still in the plane with the cabin crew
but had agreed to let the passengers go. We were in Pakistan and another plane would bring us
to London. All of us ____________ a sigh of relief. I thanked God for answering my prayers. I
was glad the drama was over but I was a _____________ escape which was terrifying. I will
never forget it!

took patiently seats advise later 20 heaved delay behind

off d November
quie scream boar landed holidays fastened beautifu Take shocked
t d l off
shot scrambled read narrow silence flight relieved sleep excited

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