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It is with great pleasure I can recommend the above person for assessing and designing any
project. I had the fortunate opportunity to employee Lexi Oliver to give our medical clinic a
facelift. She began by traveling to our location, spending time with us to determine our exact
needs then quickly submitted a design board reflecting color schemes, furniture placement,
costs and expected time of completion. Once we came to terms on the above selections and
costs, she ordered the items, then came and did the installation. While the project was being
completed we had a patient enter our waiting room and he stated he thought he was at the
wrong place because the change was so drastically upscale. Patients now enter our clinic and
comment on the décor. It is always a WOW factor!…She implemented a beautiful inviting and
comfortable waiting area and even placed two rockers in this area for mothers to comfort their
little ones while they waited to be seen. The staff was elated about how Lexi created an area
not only for them to relax between patients and on their break but also a place for staff
meetings as well as a dining area. Patients continuously request the designer’s contact
information as they are interested in her services.

In summary, this young lady would be an asset to any individual or organization when it comes
to pleasing a customer with the end results. She is very pleasant and willing to go the last mile
to please the client. If you have any further inquiries please feel free to contact my office at
662-237-0404 or


Sharon Meadows, CFNP

CEO Mediquik Clinics Franchisement

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