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LL 4 ! 21) Grafs. : Writtenby.. Guillermo Arriaga For Mariana and Santiago 21 Grams Written by Guillermo Arriaga 1 INT. CRISTINA'S ROOM -- DAY a Male and female clothing is strewn around an upper middle class room, Gecorated in good taste. A leather jacket hangs draped over a chair and a lead blue dress lies on the floor. Cristina (34) - thin, soft-skinned - sleeps face down, naked, half covered by the sheets, barely lit by the light coming through the window. Beside her,;-Paul (41) naked, strong features, piercing_eyes and messy bdir~gits on tie edge wef the mattress, smoking and staring sadly At, ther. 5 Z / i / Vy LA Z He babely runs ‘nis Eidgers over her bak without takihg/his eyes off her, Cristind shifts position Jipbou waking up, He sits.up, brings his hand to/his/ ‘oom rubs his forehead and remains \pensive as he Looks /at’ her... — | i FADE OUT 7 ENTER TITLES 21 GRAMS 2 INT. SODA FOUNTAIN -- NIGHT 2 Fade in to a soda fountain with white walls and red booths. The walls are hung with images of their products: milkshakes, sodas, hamburgers. Michael (37) - dressed informally with a pleasant, relaxed face - sits at a table with his daughters: Taura (5) and Katie (4). Both look very pampered. Laura slurps her chocolate milkshake through a straw. MICHAEL Sweetie, don’t slurp. LAURA why? MICHAEL It sounds awful. LAURA Daddy! But the bottom’s the yummiest part! @ She slurps again. Michael shakes his head in mild disapproval. MICHAEL Hurry up: mom’s waiting for us. Katie starts blowing into her straw, making bubbles. KATIE Look daddy, a volcano... MICHAEL Your volcano's very pretty, but finish up your milkshake so we can go see mommy... She stops blowing and laps up the spilled nilkshake from the edge of the glass. Her father smiles condescendingly- 3 INT. REHAB Room ¢- pay: | He fff A group of people sits in a cizcle’ group, therapy session. a ‘typical drug end alcohol In the group is Cristina, with an intense look in her eyes, who seems to have heen at war.fora long time and is finally on the _) way to finding peace. She talks before the group's attentive stare. CRISTINA Last night I was watching "Cinderella" with my daughters when suddenly Laura, the older one, asked me why neither Cinderella nor "Beauty", nor Ariel had mothers and goddammit, she was xight: there are no mothers in Disneyland. And they know about their grandma, that I was a motherless child, and they're scared to death that they'll lose me and I don't know what to tell them because I'm just as fucking afrai (a beat) Afraid of losing control, of ending up in a hospital again, dying from an overdose. She remains meditative for a few seconds. It is obvious that she is in pain, but will not cry. CRISTINA (CONT'D) I missed my mother terribly and, Bs) damn I was furious when the cancer swallowed her up.. she left me when I (MORE)

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