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Operation Heracles

Credits Painting
Leigh Buckett, Rob Jenkins, Leicester Phat
Written By Cats, Ben Macintyre, Tyler Mengel, Dave
Matt Hobday Neild, Will Simmons, Chris Webb

Additional Graphic Design

Development & Editing
Duncan Aldis, Kev Brett, Jay Shepherd,
Alessio Cavatore, Gaetano Ferrara, Stewart Francesco Volpe
Gibbs, Matt Gilbert, Mark Latham, Sami
Mahmoud, Doug Newton-Walters, Ben Photography
Sandum, Duncan Waugh
Ben Sandum
Michael Grey, Guy Haley, Greg D Smith,
Christopher Verspeak Mark Berry, Tim Bratina, Martyn Chate,
Gaetano Ferrara, Matt Gilbert, Jon Hickey,
Art Andy Hicks, Michael Kaup, Tim King, Alex
Lloyd, Sami Mahmoud, Doug Newton-
Dave Allsop, Shen Fei Chan, Roberto Cirillo, Walters, Chris Palmer, Austin Peasley, Ronnie
Daniel Comerci, Juan Diego Dianderas, Heath Renton, Andy Robertson, Tyler Schulz, David
Foley, Michele Giorgi, Hai Hoang, Inkognit, Symonds, Mike Tittensor, Duncan Waugh,
Rob Jenkins, Pierre Loyvet, Jonas Springborg,
Luigi Terzi, Eric Wilkerson Dave Wilson, Matt Wingate

Sculpting Special thanks go to Mantic’s incredible

community for their countless hours of
Juan Miguel López Barea, Daniele Cattarin, gaming and feedback, and to each and every
Dave Kidd, MKUltra Studio, Tim Prow, Ben Kickstarter backer for making this game a
Skinner, Luigi Terzi reality.

Firefight: Core Rules
This section will introduce you to the basic rules and core concepts of Firefight. Once you've
learned these you will be able to play your first games and later add more complexity using the
advanced rules.

Firefight is played in a series of Turns, in Examples
which both sides activate their units. Throughout this book, you’ll find boxes like
this one showing examples of how the rules
In the description for each battle, you'll be told work in the game, explaining the various
which player activates a unit first. Every turn actions and dice rolls that can be made by
after that, the player who finished activating each unit. You can use these examples as a
all their units first during a turn will have the guide to help understand the rules, or even
first activation in the next turn. play along with them as practice!

Both players alternate activating their units, Try setting up your models on the table, grab
one at a time, until every unit has been your dice and follow the examples yourself –
activated that turn. you might reach a different result to what is
written here.
Once you activate a unit, you
place an ‘activated’ token next
to them. You can’t activate one End of the Turn
of these units again until your next turn. When all units on both sides have been
If one side runs out of units to activate, marked as activated then the Turn is over.
the other side gets to activate all the units Remove all of the activation tokens from the
they have remaining, one after the other, in table, and start the next Turn with the player
whatever order they want. who finished first in the previous one.

When you activate a unit, it can do two You should also check how many suppression
different Short Actions, or a single Long tokens the unit has, as that can affect what
Action. they can do.
Short Actions A unit can choose to do nothing. This still
• Move marks the unit as activated.
• Shoot A unit that starts its Activation engaged with
• Regroup an enemy unit may only use the Assault or
Disengage Actions.
Long Actions
• Assault A unit that starts its Activation grounded
must first make a Recovery roll, and must
• Double Move
then Rally.
• Disengage
• Overwatch If a unit begins its activation with broken
coherency (due to taking casualties, for
• Rally
example) it must make a Move or Double
You can only use each action once per Move action that will bring the models back
activation. Always tell your opponent what within 1” of each other. However, if the unit is
you’re doing as they may have the opportunity also grounded, it must first make a Recovery
to react to it. roll and Rally as above.

How the models work
Units and Models
Firefight is played with units of infantry and 6. Resilience (Res)
vehicles that fight together as an army or force. This value represents how much damage each

model can withstand before it is destroyed.

Units are made up of a number of models.
Some units may contain just a single model, 7. Nerve (Ner)
such as a powerful hero or armoured vehicle;
This represents the unit’s morale, and is
some have many models working together
used to determine the point at which a unit
in a squad. Models in a unit move and fight
becomes suppressed, or even retreats from the
together. However, as a unit takes damage,
models may have to be removed to represent
the casualties that the unit has suffered. 8. Class

Models in the same unit must stay within 1" This states whether the unit is Regular Infantry,
of each other, forming an unbroken chain Large Infantry or a Vehicle, determining
between all models in the unit. This is called which game rules affect the unit.
Unit Coherency. 9. Special Rules
Each unit must designate one of its models to Special rules represent advanced equipment
act as the unit leader. They will be in charge of or exceptional abilities a model may have.
the unit during the battle, spotting targets and Sometimes a model confers its special rules on
choosing which enemies to attack. If a unit the whole unit. See the Special Rules section
leader is killed you must pick a new leader at of this book for details.
the end of that action.
Unit Profiles Most models will carry multiple weapons
Each unit has a profile that provides all the into battle, and each weapon will have its own
rules and statistics it uses: profile written here.
1. Unit Size 10. Range
This states how many models are in the unit at The maximum distance in inches that the
the start of the game. weapon can shoot.
2. Speed (Spd) Sometimes this will be a pair of numbers
This is how far the models can move in inches separated by a hyphen – the lower number
with a Move action. indicates a minimum range at which the
weapon can shoot, while the higher number
3. Melee (mel) indicates the maximum range.
This is the dice roll required for the models to
Melee weapons have range A and can only be
hit the enemy during an Assault.
used during an Assault.
4. Accuracy (Acc)
11. Dice
This is the dice roll required for the models to
The amount of dice rolled when the model
hit the enemy with a ranged attack.
attacks with this weapon.
5. Defence (Def)
12. Armour Penetration (AP)
This value represents both the toughness and
How easily the weapon can puncture
armour of the model, and is the dice roll that
enemy armour. This number will modify an
the enemy requires to damage it.
opponent's Defence roll during an attack.

13. Special
Some weapons have special rules of their own.
These rules apply only to the weapon they are
listed for, not to any other weapons carried by
the model or unit unless explicitly stated.
Alternative Weapons
Some weapons will have this symbol: v,
and are classed as alternative. This means
that the weapon has multiple firing modes
or ammunition types but can only use one
at a time. Each time a model shoots with
this weapon, it must choose only one of the
available weapon profiles to use.

unit Profile
2 3 4 5 6 7
SPD MEL ACC Def res ner
6 4+ 3+ 4+ 1 3 Regular

1 5 Pathfinders
9 Special Rules: Recon

Weapon Range Dice AP Special

LSX Sniper Rifle 6-40" 1 2 Heavy Firepower,
Slow Reload,
Suppressive Fire
(1), Tag
Genling Pistol 9" 1 1
Assault Weaponry A 2 -

D.O.G. Drone (40mm round base)

SPD MEL ACC Def res ner
6 - 3+ 4+ 1 3 Regular
Weapon Range Dice AP Special
Burst Laser 28" 3 1

Profile 10 11 12 13
Weapon Range Dice AP Special
LSX Sniper Rifle 6-40" 1 2 Heavy Firepower,
Slow Reload,
Suppressive Fire
(1), Tag
Genling Pistol 9" 1 1
Assault Weaponry A 2 -

This action allows a unit to move up to its
Speed value in inches. Each model in a unit
moves independently, providing they stay in
coherency with the rest of the unit.

To move a model, measure from any point on

the edge of its base in your chosen direction,
and place it in the new position. This may be a
straight line, or a curved path to move around
Repeat this step for each model in the unit,
ensuring that all models end up in coherency
with each other as normal.
Moving through Units and
A unit may not move within 1” of an enemy
unless it is engaging the enemy (see opposite).
If there is not enough space to fit the unit in
the desired position, then it cannot move to
that location.
Friendly Infantry units can be freely moved
through during a Move Action, but the Moving into, out of or through an area of
moving unit must end its move at least 1” terrain does not slow movement.
away from other units.
Moving when Suppressed
Vehicles, impassable terrain, or enemy Suppressed units can only move up to half
Infantry units within a model’s movement their Speed value in inches.
distance do not affect the distance it can move,
but there must be a clear path between the Moving On and Off the Board
model’s start and end positions wide enough Unless the unit is falling back or a special rule
for its base, without the team ever moving or mission briefing says otherwise, units may
further than its Speed from its start point or not move onto or off of the board – consider
entering within 1” of an enemy. the edge of the board to be an impassable wall.


Strike team Xiphos is making a Move action.

Their Speed value is 6. To move the first model,
the player chooses a direction, measures 6" from
the edge of its base, and places the model in the
new position.
This process is repeated for the other four models
in the unit, ensuring that they remain within 1"
of each other after moving.

Engaging the Enemy
If a unit wants to engage an enemy unit in
Forge Guard team Sundringr is going to
melee, it may enter within 1" of an enemy
engage the enemy Peacekeepers unit standing
unit provided that it has sufficient Speed for 6” away from their position. The Forge Father
one or more of its models to be placed in base unit (Speed 4) cannot reach the enemy with a
contact with that enemy. Move action, and must use a Double Move to
charge into base contact. Normally this would
Any action that takes a unit into base contact use up their actions for this Activation, but
is called a charge, and all units in contact because they charged an enemy unit, they
are now engaged. The charging unit will now get to make an Assault action too, before
immediately make an Assault action against being marked as Activated.
the enemy, even if the charging unit has used
its allowance of actions for that Activation (if Other Movement
it made a Double Move for example).
If the charging unit does not have sufficient Double Move – Long Action
movement for at least one of its models to be
placed in contact with the enemy, it may not This action works exactly like a Move action,
charge and must stop 1” away from the enemy but the unit can move up to double its Speed
as usual. value in inches.

Some models in a unit may be able to reach In addition, when using a Double Move
base contact and some may not. However, in the unit may only enter or leave one area of
the ensuing assault phase, all models that are terrain. It may not traverse an obstacle unless
within 3" of a model in the engaged enemy it began the Double Move in base contact with
unit may attack. it.
Disengage – Long Action
Note that it is possible to engage multiple
enemy units at once, so long as your unit can This action is only available to units that are
get into base contact with them. currently engaged. It works just like a Double
Move action, except that the unit cannot end
its movement engaged with any enemy. If the
engaged unit is in terrain it instead makes a
Move action (Disengaging is still a long action

As you can see, there is space on the other side of
the Enforcers and Jotunn Mobile Gun for Steel
Warrior team Valdur to fit, within its Speed
However, the gap between is not wide enough
for the team to pass through without entering
within 1” of the enemy unit or moving through
the Vehicle. The Steel Warriors cannot move
x x
around the outside as this path would take the
x models further than their Speed value from their
start point.

Shoot see the target, you need to work out which
enemy models are eligible to be shot at and
Provided that your unit is not engaged with removed as casualties.
an enemy unit, it may use its ranged weapons Any enemy model that is both in line of sight
to attack from a distance. To do so, follow and in range of at least one of your shooting
these steps:

models is an eligible model.

1: Pick Your Target This means that any models that cannot be
You can target a single enemy unit with a seen by, or are not in range of, any of your
Shoot action – this can be any unit that your models are not eligible and cannot be removed
unit leader can see. You cannot pick a target as a result of this shoot action.
that is engaged with one of your own units.
If your unit leader cannot see any unengaged Line Of Sight
enemy units you may choose a different action If you want to shoot at the enemy, you have
(which can include changing a previous Move to be able to see them! This is called Line of
action into a Double Move) or you can choose Sight (LoS).
to do nothing.
Draw an imaginary straight line from each
2: Check Eligible Models of your models to any one of the target unit’s
Now you have confirmed that your unit can models (you can use your tape measure to



Peacekeeper team Odachi is going to shoot at the Steel Warriors. The unit leader can see the enemy
Forge Fathers, so they can be targeted.
The Enforcer player checks range and line of sight from each Peacekeeper to determine which enemies
are eligible models. Two of the Steel Warriors are completely hidden behind a building, so cannot
be targeted. Another is beyond the range of the Enforcer's laser rifles, so cannot be targeted. The
remaining seven Steel Warriors are all eligible models, as they are in range and can be seen.
Note that the Incinerator is out of range of every model in the target unit. The Incinerator cannot
participate in this Shoot action.

that are not in range of the target unit cannot
Note: Weapons with a range of A cannot be
used to shoot.
Remember that distances can be measured
at any time during the game. Measure the
distance from the closest point on the edge of
each model’s base.
3: Cover
Often, when drawing line of sight, it will pass
help). If you can draw this line without passing over another unit or terrain piece but LoS
over any other units or terrain pieces, line of will not be blocked. Any such units or terrain
sight is not blocked. pieces are known as obstructions. Units
obstructed in this way may benefit from being
Note: The gaps between models in a unit block in cover.
LoS to anything behind that unit. However,
models in the same unit do not block LoS to Draw line of sight from your unit leader to
or from each other. each eligible model in the target unit. If your
unit leader can see that eligible model in the
Some models may be able to see the target target unit, but cannot draw an unobstructed
while others cannot. The unit may still attack, line of sight to every part of it (including the
but only the models able to see can shoot. model's base) then that model is in cover.
Height If at least half of the target unit’s eligible
Things on the battlefield are different sizes, models are in cover, the unit is in cover. If less
which also affects their LoS. than half of the unit's eligible models are in
cover, the unit is not in cover.
If all the obstructions in the way are smaller
than the target (or the attacker), they don’t If at least half of the target unit's eligible
block LoS, although they still grant cover. models are inside defensible terrain then the
unit is in cover.
All the infantry models in Operation Heracles
are considered the same height, so they can’t Example
see through one another. Vehicles however Peacekeeper team Odachi is targeting the
are so large that they can see over infantry, Steel Warriors. The Enforcer player checks
and the infantry can see vehicles above other to see if the Steel Warriors are in cover by
infantry. drawing LoS from the unit leader to each
eligible model in the target unit.
Some of the terrain on the battlefield can allow
units to stand higher up, allowing them to see Four of the eligible models are behind a
over the top of things they otherwise couldn't. barricade. The LoS is obstructed and those
See the Terrain section for more details. models are in cover.

Three of the eligible models are in the open,
and the Peacekeeper unit leader can draw an
A weapon is in range as long as one or more unobstructed line of sight to every part of the
visible target models are within its maximum models, including the bases. The models are
range (and further away than its minimum not in cover.
range if it has one).
Because at least half of the eligible models are
This may mean some models in a unit may in cover, the target unit benefits from being in
be in range while others are not. Any models cover, making them harder to hit.

4: Fire!
Once you’ve established that you can see and
Peacekeeper team Odachi is going to shoot
reach your target, it’s time to find out if you at the Steel Warriors. There are seven eligible
hit! models and the target unit is in cover.
For each participating model, take a number

The Enforcer player takes dice for each

of dice equal to the Dice value of the weapon weapon being used to attack. There are four
they are using. Use different coloured dice to Peacekeepers able to attack, equipped with
roll for weapons that have different AP values Twin Laser Rifles (Dice value 2). This means
or special rules on their profile. the Enforcer player will roll 8 dice to attack.

To determine if you Hit or not, roll the dice and The Peacekeepers have Accuracy 3+, meaning
compare the results to your unit's Accuracy. they usually need to roll 3 or higher to hit
their targets. However, they suffer a -1 penalty
Some things make it easier or harder to hit because the Steel Warriors are in cover. The
and will affect the dice that you’ve rolled. Peacekeepers now need 4 or higher on their
These modifiers are listed below. They are dice rolls to succeed.

The Peacekeepers score 5 hits. These 5 dice

can then be rolled to see if they damage the
Forge Fathers.
Because at least one hit has been scored,
a suppression token is added to the Forge
+1 Short Range The target is within half of Father unit.
the weapon's maximum range.
-1 Cover The target is in cover 5: Roll to Damage
-1 Suppression The Shooting unit is Take all the dice that scored hits and roll them
Suppressed again, this time against the Defence stat of the
Important: When rolling to hit, any dice target.
that roll a 1 always fail, and any dice that roll Each success causes one point of damage.
a 6 always succeed, even if modifiers would
otherwise make a shot impossible. There is only one modifier on rolls to damage
by shooting:
If any hits are scored on the target, place one
suppression token next to it. +X Armour Piercing Listed in the weapon
Important: When rolling to damage, any dice
that roll a 1 always fail, regardless of modifiers.
Models carrying
Multiple Weapons Some units will have a Defence value greater
A model can only use one weapon than 6+. These units are so heavily armoured
per Shoot Action. If it has multiple that it’s impossible to damage them without
weapons you must pick which it is firing. modifiers!
Remember that v Alternative weapons
must also choose which firing mode they
are using.

6: Remove Casualties
The damage dealt by the shooting attack is Example
now compared to the Resilience value of The Peacekeepers have scored 5 hits on their
the target unit. For every amount of damage target. The Steel Warriors have a Defence
equal to the Resilience, an eligible model (of value of 5+, which means that attacks
the controlling player's choice) is removed as normally need to roll a 5 or higher to cause
a casualty. Only eligible models may become damage. However, the Peacekeeper Twin
casualties. Laser Rifles have an AP value of 1, which
means they only need to roll 4 or more to
inflict damage.

The Enforcers succeed with three dice, dealing

3 points of damage. This is compared to the
Resilience value of the Steel Warriors. With
Resilience 1, each point of damage will inflict
a casualty. The Forge Father player chooses
which three eligible models are removed.
As most units have a Resilience value of 1 Finally, because they suffered more than 1
this will usually involve removing one eligible point of damage, a suppression token is added
model for each point of damage dealt to the to the Steel Warrior unit.
target unit. However some units are very
tough and have a Resilience of 2 or more. In Blaze Away
these cases there are extra steps required:
Sometimes you want to keep your enemy
• Allocate enough damage to any model pinned in place with a spray of bullets. You
that has already taken damage to remove can do this with a Blaze Away action.
them from play.
Treat the shooting unit as having Accuracy
• Remove as many eligible models as 6+ when performing this action. Blaze Away
possible with the remaining damage. attacks are never affected by modifiers.
• Any left-over damage is then applied to Instead of rolling to damage, each successful
eligible models of the controlling player's hit adds 1 suppression token to the target.
choice. Weapons with the Suppressive Fire special rule
inflict their bonus suppression as normal.
When a model is removed, as well as suffering
a reduction in firepower, the unit will lose any
benefits that were provided by that model,
such as special rules. All models in a unit are Excess Damage
considered to shoot simultaneously though, Sometimes massed firepower or
so a unit will benefit from a model's special exceptionally potent weapons will
rules until the end of the action in which it is completely decimate their target. If a
removed. shooting attack inflicts enough damage
7: Suppression Check
to remove all eligible models as casualties,
any leftover damage is discarded.
If your attack inflicts more than one point of
damage, add a suppression token to the target

Assault Example

Assault actions are for when troops are Forge Guard unit Sundringr has charged
fighting in close-quarters combat, hand-to- into combat with Strike Team Xiphos. The
hand/claw/tentacle. This action can only be Enforcers are not grounded or marked as
activated, so may fully retaliate in the ensuing
made by a unit that is engaged with an enemy.

1: Roll to Hit
The five Forge Guard models attack using
Take a number of dice equal to the Dice value their Forge Hammers (Dice value 1). Because
of the unit’s Assault weapons (those with a they charged this action, they treat the Dice
Range of A). For units of multiple models, roll value as one higher than normal (2), so get to
dice for the combined Assault weaponry of all attack with a total of 10 dice. The Enforcers
models in the unit that are within 3" of any retaliate with 1 die each, for a total of 5 dice.
model in the enemy unit. Both players roll to hit their opponent,
comparing their dice rolls to their units' Melee
If the unit charged into close combat this
value. The Forge Guard need to roll 3+ to hit,
turn, add +1 to the Dice value of their Assault whereas the Enforcers need 4+.
weapons. These bonus dice represent the force
of the charge, using their momentum for extra
Once you have determined the number of
attacking dice, roll them and compare the
result to the unit’s Melee value, subject to
these modifiers:
+1 Defensible Terrain Your unit was charged
and is wholly within an area of defensible The Forge Guard score 6 hits, and the
terrain Enforcers inflict 3 hits in return. Both players
take these dice and roll them again, this time
-1 Suppression The attacking unit is to damage.
Important: When rolling to hit, any dice takes their Assault Dice (as described above)
that roll a 1 always fail, and any dice that roll and makes an Assault roll for all the enemy
a 6 always succeed, even if modifiers would units engaged with yours. This will mark the
otherwise make it impossible. opponent’s unit(s) as activated if they weren’t
Unlike ranged attacks, in an Assault the enemy
can fight back! Your opponent simultaneously Units that have already been activated can still
retaliate, but with only half the total number
of dice (rounding up). Grounded units cannot
multiple combats
retaliate in an Assault.
If multiple units from either (or both)
sides are engaged in the same combat, If a unit has weapons with differing AP values
all models that are within 3" of at least or special rules, roll each separately or with
one model from any of the enemy units different coloured dice. For activated units,
engaged in that combat fight. halve each pool of dice separately (rounding
In multiple combats, models will attack
the unit they are within 3" of. If a model
is within 3" of multiple enemy units, the
owner can choose which unit it attacks
(declare before rolling any attack dice.)

2: Roll to Damage As most units have a Resilience value of 1
Each player now takes one dice for each this will usually involve removing one eligible
successful hit scored and rolls them, model for each point of damage dealt to the
comparing the result to the opposing unit’s target unit. However some units are very
Defence value. Remember to roll weapons tough and have a Resilience of 2 or more. In
with differing AP values or special rules these cases there are extra steps required:
separately or with different coloured dice.
• Allocate enough damage to any model
Damage rolls are subject to the following that has already taken damage to remove
modifiers: them from play.
• Remove as many eligible models as
+X Armour Piercing Listed in the weapon possible with the remaining damage.
• Any left-over damage is then applied to
-1 Suppression The attacking unit is eligible models of the controlling player's
suppressed choice.
Every success inflicts one point of damage on
the opposing unit. When a model is removed, as well as suffering
a reduction in firepower, the unit will lose any
Important: Any dice that roll a 1 always fail. benefits that were provided by that model,
Some units will have a Defence value of higher such as special rules. All units in an Assault
than 6+. In these cases it will be impossible to fight simultaneously though, so a unit will
damage them without modifiers. benefit from a model's special rules until the
end of the action in which it is removed.
3: Remove Casualties
The damage dealt by the assault is now Note that because the opponent
compared to the Resilience value of the retaliates simultaneously
opposing unit. For every amount of damage during an assault,
equal to the Resilience, a model (of the taking casualties can
controlling player's choice) is removed as a result in mutual
casualty. Only models involved in the combat destruction!
(those within 3" of an enemy) may become

4: Determine Winner the following Turn. This Move is affected by
The winner of the Assault is the side that has suppression as normal.
taken the least damage.
In the case of a draw, no unit may move. The
If all units on the side that took the least surviving units remain in place and the action
damage have been destroyed, the other side is is over. All surviving models not already in

the winner by default. base contact must be moved as close to the

enemy as possible by the shortest possible
In a draw, both sides count as the winner. route, getting into base contact if they can.
The models of the player whose activation it
5: Suppression Check
is move first. Models can move up to double
After resolving casualties, add 1 suppression their Speed value for this move.
token to each surviving unit that suffered
more than 1 point of damage.

The Forge Fathers are rolling against the
Enforcers’ Defence value of 5+. Their Forge
Hammers have a mighty AP value of 4,
meaning they would need 1+ on the dice to
cause damage! Remember that a dice roll of
1 always fails though, regardless of modifiers.
The Enforcers are rolling against the Forge
Guard's Defence value of 6+, with no
Now check how many suppression tokens modifiers.
any losing units have accrued. If it is enough
to cause a unit to be grounded then they are
overrun – the unit is destroyed and removed
from the table.
Winning units never make this check after
an Assault. They can still be grounded if they
have enough suppression tokens though!
The Forge Guard score 4 successes, inflicting 4
6: Pushed Back points of damage. The Enforcers only inflict 1
damage in return. Both units have a Resilience
Any remaining units on the losing side will of 1, meaning each point of damage results in
now be pushed back by the winner. The a model being removed as a casualty.
winner may make a Move action with the
opponent’s losing units in any direction. This Both units have survived, and the Forge
move cannot be used to engage another unit. Guard win the Assault because they took
the least damage. The Strike Team gains a
If a losing unit is unable to end its Move action suppression token because they took more
more than 1" away from all other units then it than 1 point of damage. This is not enough
is destroyed and removed from the table. to ground them – they’ve survived the attack,
for now.
7: Gaining Ground
As they won the Assault, the Forge Father
Finally, provided they were not grounded player now gets to make a Move action with
during the Assault, the winning units may the losing Enforcers. The Forge Guard then
make a Move action. This cannot be used to get to make a Move action too – they could
engage any new units, though they may re- either pursue the fleeing Enforcer and re-
engage the ones they had just fought. If they engage, or reposition themselves in readiness
do re-engage an opponent, it is not a charge for the next Turn.
– any further Assault actions will take place in

Terrain Obstacles
All units can see over this. Obstacles provide
Even in the distant future, the site of a battle is cover.
as important to determining the victor as the
Units may traverse Obstacles, but they may
number of troops fighting there. A cunning
not Double Move over an Obstacle unless they
commander is able to use the terrain to their
began their activation in base contact with it.
advantage, making ten soldiers feel like a
hundred and cutting off their opponent's Units in base contact with an obstacle can
escape routes. ignore it when shooting at an enemy, while
still using it for cover themselves. However,
Open Ground
they can be assaulted by a unit that contacts
The majority of the battlefield is flat and the opposite side. No bonus dice are granted
featureless – we refer to this as open ground. when attacking over an Obstacle in this way.
No extra rules or exceptions apply to open
ground. Large Defensible terrain
Neither infantry nor vehicles can see over this
Impassable Ground
terrain. All units can see into the terrain area,
All units can see over this. Units cannot move but not through.
through or occupy impassable ground. It does
not provide cover. A model in an area of defensible terrain is
always in cover, even if it is fully visible.
Small Impassable terrain
Vehicles can see over this but Infantry cannot. If the area of terrain is a building, any unit on
Units cannot move through small impassable the roof can see and be seen over the top of
terrain, but may use it as cover. other units, including vehicles.

Suppression Suppression tokens affect a unit’s ability to
perform, as they will be distracted from the
Suppression is a combination of fear and task at hand by their efforts to duck and hide.
self-preservation instinct. In the game, this A unit is suppressed while it has a number
is represented by imposing penalties on any of suppression tokens equal to or greater than
unit under suppressing conditions, such as

its Nerve value. A suppressed unit suffers the

heavy fire, shots out of nowhere, and injuries following penalties:
to squad-mates. Heavily suppressed units
will go to ground, which puts them out of the • The unit’s Speed is halved.
action and leaves them sitting ducks. Some • The unit suffers a -1 penalty in both
may even turn tail and flee the battlefield. Shooting and Assault.
The following things will add Removing
suppression tokens to a unit - place
the tokens next to the unit as a Suppression
reminder. Suppression tokens can be removed with the
Regroup and Rally actions, and with some
• 1 token for taking any number of hits Special Rules (such as Headstrong)
from a Shoot action.
• 1 token for each successful hit scored by Regroup
a Blaze Away action. This allows the unit to remove 1 suppression
• X tokens for being hit by a weapon with token, as the troopers pause to gather their
the Suppressive Fire (X) rule. wits and recover morale.
• 1 token for taking more than 1 point of Rally
damage from a Shoot or Assault action.
This removes D6+1 suppression tokens from
Note: Units can only suffer suppression the unit. The unit may then make a Move
tokens from weapons capable of damaging action, although it may not engage the enemy
them in the first place. For example, a vehicle with this Move.
with Defence 8+ can only be suppressed by
weapons with AP 2 or higher.

Going to Ground • Remove one model of your choice. No
further suppression is added to the unit
Sometimes a unit may take so much fire that for removing models this way.
they are completely pinned down, unable to
play any further part in the battle until they • The unit falls back D3” directly towards
can gather their wits – this is called being its own board edge.
Note that you can split the results in any way
A unit is grounded while it has a number of between the two options, providing you do
suppression tokens equal to or greater than not assign more dice to falling back than the
double its Nerve value. Grounded units are unit's Speed. The distance moved is not halved
affected by the following rules: due to suppression.
• Can do nothing on their activation except If this fall back move takes the unit into
attempt to Recover. contact with impassable terrain, the board
• May not make Charge Reactions. edge or an enemy unit, it is removed from the
• May not retaliate in Assault. board.
• May not issue Orders. If a fall back move would cause a unit to end
on top of another friendly unit, it increases its
If a unit currently on Overwatch takes enough move until it can be placed on the board at
suppression to become grounded, it becomes least 1" away from all friendly units.
marked as activated.
Finally, providing the unit is still on the board,
remove D6+1 suppression counters. The unit
is then marked as activated.

Pathfinder team Longstrike begin their
activation with 6 suppression tokens, double
their Nerve value. The unit is grounded and
must attempt to recover.
The Enforcer player rolls six dice (one for each
suppression token on the unit) and compares
the results to the Pathfinder's Nerve (3).

The Pathfinders fail four of their rolls. The
Grounded units are at risk – the troops may Enforcer player decides to allocate the first
turn and flee the battlefield or succumb to die as a casualty, removing a model from the
their wounds. When a grounded unit is unit. The remaining three dice are allocated
activated it must try to recover. to a fall back move. The surviving Pathfinders
retreat 3 D3" in a straight line directly toward
Roll one die for each suppression token on their deployment zone.
the unit, and compare the result to the unit’s
Nerve value. For every roll greater than the The Pathfinders can now remove D6+1
unit’s Nerve you must choose one of the suppression tokens. Their activation is now
following options:

Special Rules enemy unit, any other friendly unit of type
X within 8” and not activated or engaged
may choose to make a charge reaction on
the protected unit’s behalf. If the reacting
This unit has thrusters, wings or mystical unit uses a Move action, and this movement
powers that allow it to hover above the ground. results in the charging unit being unable to

If all models in a unit have this rule, the unit engage its original target, the charging unit
may move over terrain, vehicles and enemy can either abandon the charge (staying where
units without needing a clear path around or it is) or instead charge the unit that moved.
between them. It must still have enough space
to end its move in the chosen position. If the model with this special rule takes
enough damage from a shooting attack to
Blast (X)
be destroyed, the owning player may assign
When this weapon attacks, each successful that damage to any other model(s) of type X
hit is multiplied by X when determining how within 8" instead, as if it were a model in the
many dice to roll for damage. same unit. For example: a Resilience 2 captain
has taken a total of 3 damage at the end of a
This multiplier is applied after Blaze Away shooting attack. You can now assign up to 2
attacks, Shields or any other special rules are points of damage to any other suitable models
resolved – only the initial hits count towards within 8".
The model cannot transfer damage inflicted
Blast weapons also ignore cover penalties during an Assault.
when shooting.
Fire in the Hole!
When a unit containing one or more models
with this special rule charges, no charge
reactions of any kind may be made, even by
units in terrain, as the target unit’s vision is
obscured or it is pinned in place.

At the beginning of its Activation, before any

Recovery rolls, a unit containing one or more
models with this special rule may remove 1
suppression token.
Heavy Firepower
Shooting is a long action for units of Regular Recon
or Large Infantry using one or more weapons Infantry scouts and stealth units can often get
with this special rule. The unit may elect not into advanced positions before fighting breaks
to fire its Heavy Firepower weapons; if it does out. A unit containing at least one model with
this then Shooting remains a short action. this rule may start the game in any terrain
piece outside the opponent’s deployment
Protection (X) zone.
This model inspires fierce devotion from the
units around it, who will leap to its defence Saturation
without regard for their own safety. This weapon fires gouts of flame or toxic
gas that fill an area, so accuracy is far less
Friendly units cannot be grounded while they important! This weapon always hits on a 3+,
are within 8" of this model. regardless of modifiers, even when using a
If a unit with Protection (X) is charged by an Blaze Away action.

Shield (X) Tag
A model with this rule This weapon’s ammo is fitted
is equipped with an with trackers that alert
energy shield generator friendly troops to the location
that protects them from of enemy units. Whenever
incoming attacks. When shooting this weapon inflicts damage
at a unit containing at least one model with on an enemy unit, place a tag marker next to
this special rule, you must discard the first X the targeted unit. Any subsequent shooting
hits to overcome the shield’s defences. Only against the tagged unit gains a +1 modifier to
hits remaining afterward can be rolled to hit. The tag token is removed at the end of the
damage. Turn along with the activation tokens. A unit
may only have a single tag marker on it at any
Note: this means if a unit has multiple time - further Tag attacks on a unit do not add
different weapons firing at a shielded target, additional tag markers.
the first group to fire will likely lose their hits
to the shield, so it is important to consider the
order in which your weapons fire.
Shields do not affect Blaze Away actions or the
amount of Suppression applied by an attack.
A shield’s strength is reduced by 1 for each
suppression token on the unit. Example: a
unit with Shield (3) and 1 suppression token
would count as having Shield (2).
Weapons with an AP of X or more (after the
adjustment for suppression tokens) ignore the
effects of the shield.
If the unit ever has twice as many suppression
tokens as the Shield’s original strength, the
generator is overloaded and will not work for
the remainder of the battle.
Slow Reload
Weapons with this special rule may not be
used to Blaze Away. Unflinching
Suppressive Fire (X) A unit containing one or more models with
this special rule does not suffer the initial
This weapon creates such a storm of bullets
suppression token for being hit by a ranged
or shrapnel that enemy troops have little
attack. It will still gain suppression from other
choice but to dive for cover. This unit deals
sources (casualties, Suppressive Fire, etc)
X suppression tokens on top of any regular
suppression caused when making a Shoot Volatile (X)
or Blaze Away action. This applies even if no This weapon has an unstable fuel source. Each
damage is caused, but the weapon must hit at time a model with this weapon is assigned
least once. damage from a Shooting attack, roll a D6.
If simultaneously firing multiple weapons If you roll X or higher, all is well. If you roll
with this rule at the same target, the highest under X the fuel has exploded. Resolve 1
value X takes precedence over any lower hit from this weapon on the unit the model
values (the weapon must still hit at least once.) belongs to. Apply suppression as if it were a
separate Shoot action.

Advanced Rules
This section explains the more complex rules of Firefight, adding more tactical depth to your
games. These are introduced gradually in the Operation Heracles campaign, though you can
start using them whenever you feel familiar with the basic rules.

Charge Reactions
If you declare an action that will result in charge reaction, even if the unit is marked as
charging an enemy unit, your opponent has activated. Any reaction made will not mark
a chance to react, provided that unit is not the unit as activated unless it was already. In
already engaged, grounded, or marked as addition, the unit may react by removing its
activated. Before your unit is moved into base activation token, refreshing the unit to fight at
contact, any enemy unit due to be engaged full strength in the following Assault.
may make any of the following actions:
Failed Charges
• Move If any reaction results in the charging unit
• Blaze Away being unable to reach its original target(s),
• Regroup or the charging player no longer wishes to
charge its intended target, the charging unit
• Remove activation token*
may make only a single Move action instead
• Shoot** of its original charge, and may not charge any
* only when within defensible terrain other units. Its Activation is then over.
** only when on Overwatch
Any enemy units due to react that had not yet
Moving, Shooting or Blazing Away will mark done so can no longer react to the charge.
the reacting unit as activated, and therefore
unable to fight at full strength in the coming Example
Assault (should one still occur) or act later in
the Turn. A Regroup action can be done for Steel Warrior unit Valdur uses a Double
Move to engage Strike Team Xiphos, 6" away.
free and will not mark the unit as activated.
The Enforcer unit has not yet activated this
Moving as a reaction cannot be used to engage turn, and declares it will react to the charge.
with any enemy, including the charging unit. The Enforcers could choose to Move, but
do not want to retreat from their position
Shoot and Blaze Away actions must be on the battlefield. They could also Regroup,
targeted at the charging unit, and do not need removing a suppression token before combat
to be within line of sight or range at the point commences.
of reaction – they will fire as the charging unit
gets closer. The Enforcers decide to Blaze Away as their
charge reaction. They roll four dice for their
If the enemy has multiple units being charged, Laser Rifles and another three dice for their
he may choose the order in which they react, Burst Laser.
and each reaction must be dealt with in full
They score two hits, inflicting 2 suppression
before proceeding to the next.
tokens on the Forge Father unit.
A unit does not have to react if it doesn’t want With 2 suppression tokens versus their
to. Nerve value of 2, the Steel Warriors are now
suppressed, halving their Speed value. They
Defensible Terrain
can no longer move far enough to engage the
Units whose models are wholly within Enforcers – the charge fails and they may only
a Defensible Terrain area have prepared make a single Move action instead.
themselves for attack, setting up kill zones
and ambushes. They may always make a

It is not always the right time to act, and you Units on Overwatch may Shoot as a charge
may want to hold your units back to react to reaction.
your opponent’s movements.
If a unit on Overwatch becomes suppressed
You may delay your Activation to later in the or goes to ground, it loses its Overwatch and
Turn by putting a unit on Overwatch. Place is marked as activated.
an Overwatch counter next to the unit, then
play passes to your opponent If the only units left to activate in your force are
without you making any other on Overwatch and your opponent has regular
actions or marking the unit as Activations left to make, you may choose to
activated. pass your Activation without doing anything
if you don’t want to activate a unit yet.
You can then activate this unit later in the
Turn. However, you will only be able to make Once only units on Overwatch remain
a single action, either long or short, when available to both sides, players must resume
you do. Once the unit has completed its alternately activating their Overwatching
Activation, flip over the Overwatch counter units until everything has been activated.
to mark the unit as activated.

Splitting Fire • Models with the same weapons but firing
If a unit has 2 or more different types of ranged
v Alternative modes will form different
groups and can split fire.
weapons then the unit may elect to split fire
when making a Shoot action. • The unit leader is still used when
determining if target units are in cover or
Every model using a weapon with the same not.

name will shoot together as a fire group. Each • Every target unit that takes more than one
group’s shots are resolved in the normal way point of damage from the Shoot action
for a Shoot action. each gain an additional suppression
• Each fire group may choose a different
unit as its target (the unit leader must be Resolve each group separately, one after the
able to see the target as normal). other, but remember that all shots are still a
• Different groups firing at the same target part of the same action when resolving any
may have a different selection of eligible special rules (such as Shield.)

Mechanised Tanks
If a vehicle (e.g. a Jotunn Mobile Gun) is
Warfare classified as a Tank, it follows these additional
There are many different armoured vehicles
on the battlefields of the far future. During Tanks cannot enter defensible terrain. They
the Operation Heracles campaign, the Forge can however move into and through enemy
Fathers can deploy a Jotunn self-propelled Infantry units. This is a charge and the Tank
artillery platform to help turn the tide of will make an Assault action against the unit
battle, giving them access to new tactics and moved through, even if it ends its move out of
offering greater challenge to the Enforcers. contact, as it rams and runs over the enemy.
If the Tank ends its move on top of an enemy
Such vehicles and other mechanised
infantry unit and they survive the Assault,
reinforcements follow the same rules as
move the infantry out of the way by the
infantry, with the following exceptions:
shortest possible distance.
Damaging and Destroying
When attacking a Vehicle, for each die
that rolled a 6 to damage, you may take an
additional die and roll to damage again, with
all damage added together before determining
if the Vehicle is destroyed. Any 6s on this
second roll (or indeed any further rolls) also
grant additional dice – keep going until no
further 6s are rolled.
If the amount of damage inflicted on a Vehicle
equals its Resilience, the Vehicle is crippled
and plays no further part in the battle – leave
it on the table as impassable terrain.
If the damage exceeds a Vehicle’s Resilience
then it explodes! Any unit within X” (where
X is the amount the Resilience was exceeded
by, to a maximum of 6) is caught in the blast.
Each unit suffers the vehicle’s Resilience +D6
hits at AP 1 (roll separately for each unit). Tanks can charge other Vehicles as well, but
These units will take suppression tokens from may not move through them.
these hits as if it were a shooting attack. After
Tanks are never considered engaged – they
resolving the explosion, leave the model on
may move freely out of base contact with
the table – the smouldering wreckage counts
enemies, and enemy units may do the same.
as impassable terrain.
Tanks may also shoot and be shot at while in
If the Vehicle takes double its Resilience base contact.
or more in damage, as it has been blown
Tanks have a ramming attack represented by
to smithereens! It explodes as above, then
a weapon with a range of R. If a Tank charges
remove the model from the table.
an enemy unit (not the other way around) it
Vehicles that fail a recovery roll after being will make an Assault action as normal. Tanks
grounded are removed from the table and do cannot retaliate in Assault, but can Shoot as a
not explode. charge reaction if they are able to make one.

Command and Control
Both sides can deploy experienced leaders in
their ranks to ensure victory. The presence of
these commanders unlocks access to a system

of Orders you can issue to your units, allowing

them to co-ordinate their attacks and perform
actions they would otherwise be unable to do.
Orders are given to your troops by spending
Command Dice. Each army has a limited
amount of dice available, so use them wisely.

Giving Orders
To give an Order, declare which Order you
are using, which commander is giving it, and continue their turn even after they have no
which unit will carry it out. There’s no limit to units left to activate. Players continue to
how many Orders your commanders can give alternate Activations until the end of the Turn,
each Turn, but each unit can only receive one and may use this opportunity to give Orders as
Order per turn, even if it fails. well (not all Orders involve activating a unit.)
Note: A commander cannot give Orders while If a player does not wish to give an Order,
their unit is grounded. they may choose to do nothing and pass to
Roll one of your command dice, and check their opponent. The Turn will end when both
your result: players have no units left to activate, and both
choose to pass.
• If one of these symbols is
rolled, the Order is a success – the unit EPG Heracles
carries out your chosen Order according
When using the Command & Control
to the description. Discard the die
rules, the Enforcer army can field a
Captain in addition to any specified
• If a blank face is rolled, the Order is a forces for the mission. The Enforcer army
failure – it has been misunderstood or gains 2 command dice.
didn’t get through to your troops. Discard
the die. An Enforcer Captain may give Orders to
• If a + icon is rolled, it means the Order any Enforcer unit on the table, including
is carried out so effectively that it gives a themselves.
tactical advantage – return the die to your While the Pathfinder D.O.G. Drone is
command pool, it can be used again later. alive, once per Turn you may re-roll one
The Command rules change the usual of your command dice.
sequence of play by allowing a player to

Assault. The unit now being charged does not
The Bruderheim gain the charging bonus and may not react.
When using the Command & Control Courage Under Fire
rules, the Forge Father army can field a Choose an Infantry unit. It may make a Rally
Huscarl in addition to any specified forces action without rolling for recovery. This does
for the mission. The Huscarl replaces one not activate the unit, and may be used on a
model in an infantry unit. The Forge unit that has already activated.
Father army gains 2 command dice.
A Forge Father Huscarl may give Orders
to their own unit or any Forge Father Choose a unit that has not yet activated. It
units within 12” of them. may immediately make a Shoot action, re-
rolling any misses. The unit is then marked as
Orders Hit and Run
Both forces may attempt to execute any of Choose a unit that has not yet activated. It
these Orders, as many times as they wish: may make a Move action, followed by a Shoot
action, followed by a second Move action. It
Bounding Overwatch is then marked as activated. The Shoot action
Choose two units that have not yet activated. is considered to be a short action for the
One unit may make a single Move action and purposes of rules such as Heavy Firepower.
then be placed on Overwatch. The other may
then make its Activation as normal. Move, Move, Move!
Choose a unit that has not yet activated. It
Counter Attack may either:
This Order may only be given when you
would declare a charge reaction, before the • Perform a Double Move action that starts
enemy unit is moved. or ends in a piece of terrain, or
• Perform a Triple Move action (as Double
The reacting unit may instead charge the unit Move, but at triple the unit’s Speed).
that was charging it (provided that it can reach
the target with a Double Move action), and The move is unaffected by suppression. The
will gain the charging bonus in the ensuing unit is then marked as activated.

Campaign Missions
The following battles recount key missions or conflicts during the war for Triton. Each battle
has a mission briefing, which tells you how to set up the table, how long the battle will last,
and what each side must do to achieve victory, as well as suggesting what Advanced Rules you

should try adding to your games to increase the challenge.

Battle 1 - Secure the L.Z.

In the days before the main Heracles fleet would arrive in Triton's orbit, advanced scouts had been covertly
dropped onto the planet to ascertain the extent of the Forge Father invasion. A handful of strike teams and
Pathfinder operators worked with utmost secrecy to gather intel about the Forge Father military presence,
identifying strongholds and supply lines, and prioritising targets for later termination – including enemy
commanders, vehicles and key personnel.
When the fleet slid into the skies over Triton, the mission parameters for these recon elements changed:
eliminate local garrisons and secure landing sites across the planet to facilitate the swift and successful
deployment of Heracles' ground forces. If they could quickly establish a beachhead, the counteroffensive
would be able to deploy heavy armour and maintain the momentum of the Enforcers' signature shock-and-
awe fighting style.

Forces First Activation

Enforcers: The Enforcers take the first Activation.
The Enforcer army may deploy up to 2 infantry Game Length
units, including at least 1 Pathfinder unit.
The game will last for 5 Turns.
Forge Fathers:
The Forge Father army may deploy up to Victory
2 infantry units, including at least 1 Steel The Enforcers need to secure the Landing
Warriors unit. Zone in the centre of the battlefield. The Forge
Fathers must prevent them from doing so.
Terrain and Deployment
At the end of Turn 5, the side with the most
models in the landing zone area is the winner.
12" Attacker’s If neither side has models in the landing zone,
Deployment Zone
or the number of models is tied, then it is a

Advanced Rules
No Advanced Rules are needed for this battle.
24" Landing
Landing Zone
The landing zone is an area of open ground
with obstacles marking the perimeter. If you
have a landing pad terrain piece, this can be
used instead but is still treated as open ground
12" Defender’s with obstacles around the perimeter.
Deployment Zone

Battle 2 - The Burning Bridges
With the counter-assault underway and strike groups engaging the Forge Fathers across the planet, it became
clear to Heracles' commanders that the industrious Bruderheim dwarfs were well-prepared to resist their
attacks and that any direct siege against them would be protracted and costly. If they were to dislodge their
opponents, they would need some inventive strategies.
On the Rhyol subcontinent in the southern hemisphere, the landmass is fractured into a series of islands
drifting atop Triton's exposed mantle, connected only by narrow land bridges. These bridges, held together
by tectonic stabilisers to prevent them breaking apart in the churning magma currents, were the only
route between the Forge Father stronghold at New Mehagan and the wider subcontinent. If they could be
destroyed, the stronghold would be cut off from reinforcements by a sea of fire.
While a larger force engaged the Forge Fathers at New Mehagan as a diversion, a small group of Enforcers
were dispatched to sabotage the tectonic stabilisers. Suddenly realising what was at stake, the nearest Forge
Father garrison rushed into action to prevent calamity.

Forces First Activation

Enforcers: The player who was victorious in Battle 1 may
The Enforcer army may deploy up to 4 choose who goes first.
infantry units.
Game Length
Forge Fathers:
The game will last for 5 Turns.
The Forge Father army may deploy up to 2
infantry units. They may also deploy either: Victory
The Enforcers and Forge Fathers are both
• 1 vehicle.
trying to control the 5 tectonic stabiliser
• 1 additional infantry unit. pylons, represented by the Strategic Asset
tokens on the board. To control a pylon, you
must have at least one model in base contact
Terrain and Deployment with it, and there must be no enemy models
within 6” of the node.
12" Attacker’s At the end of Turn 5, the side that controls
Deployment Zone
the most pylons is the winner. If neither side
controls any pylons, or the scores are tied, the
game is a draw.

Advanced Rules
24" Use the Charge Reaction, Splitting Fire and
Mechanised Warfare rules in this scenario.

12" Defender’s
Deployment Zone

Tectonic Stabiliser Pylons. These should be

no more than 2”x2”. Place a Strategic Asset
token on each one. Units may move freely
over this terrain, and even end
their move on top. It does not
block Line of Sight and does
not provide cover.

Battle 3 - The Krestürsson Vendetta
The Krestürsson clan has defended the Star Realm in numerous wars against humanity since the nascent
GCPS took to the galactic stage, and the honour roll of their valiant departed is lengthy. In the last decade
alone, the celebrated Lord Maggnus Krestürsson fell in battle on the world known as Hellview, a bloody
conflict that also claimed two of his sons, Ivun and Brono. Lord Ingulf Krestürsson, First and Last Son of
Maggnus and commander of the Bruderheim, has borne a legendary hatred of mankind ever since. Though

the primordial metal on Triton is incalculably valuable and would entice any stout-hearted Forge Lord to
claim it, to Ingulf it also represents an irresistible opportunity to make war against the GCPS and avenge
his murdered kin.
At the siege of Broken Canyon, the Bruderheimers would get that chance. A heavily-settled mining township
in a key strategic location, Broken Canyon quickly became the focus of intense fighting and bombardment
from both sides. Amid the smoke and explosions a Forge Father patrol stumbled upon a group of Enforcers,
separated from the main strike group and lost in the blasted ruins. Strike Captain M'Gari – the very same
Enforcer who killed Ivun Krestürsson on Hellview five years ago – was among them. There was no time to
prepare or wait for reinforcements; such an opportunity would not present itself again. With vengeful fire in
their hearts, the Forge Fathers attacked.

Forces First Activation

Enforcers: The Forge Fathers are the Attackers for this
The Enforcer army must deploy 1 Enforcer battle and may take the first Activation.
Captain to represent Strike Captain M'Gari.
Game Length
They may also deploy up to 4 infantry units.
The game will last for 5 Turns.
Forge Fathers:
The Forge Father army may deploy up to 3 Victory
infantry units and 1 vehicle. The Enforcers need to escape from the Forge
Father ambush and rendezvous with the rest
Terrain and Deployment of the strike group. The Forge Fathers must do
everything they can to prevent the Enforcer
6" Attacker’s Captain from escaping.
Deployment Zone
If the Enforcer Captain leaves the table
through the escape edge by any means, it is
an Enforcer victory. If the Enforcer Captain is
Escape Edge

killed or still on the table at the end of Turn 5,

12" it is a Forge Father victory.
6" Advanced Rules
Use the Charge Reaction, Splitting Fire,
Mechanised Warfare, Overwatch, and
Command & Control rules in this scenario.

6" Attacker’s
Deployment Zone

Concluding the Campaign
Using the rules and tactics you’ve learnt Battle 6: A Line In
during the previous battles, play the following The Sand
missions to finish Operation Heracles and
establish the victor in the war for Triton. One side is falling back and attempting to
regroup, the other in hot pursuit. To cover
Battle 4: Reinforce their comrades' retreat, a band of soldiers digs
Broken Canyon in to make a desperate last stand against the
oncoming enemy.
With news of the showdown at Broken Canyon
spreading, the conflict intensifies further. Each Follow the setup and objectives for Battle 1.
side attempts to secure a landing zone that will However, the winner of Battle 5 may choose
allow their dropships to deliver reinforcements which of the deployment zones to use. The
to the heart of the city. loser of Battle 5 deploys in the landing zone.
Each side may field one additional unit of
Follow the setup and objectives for Battle 1. their choice. Randomly determine which
Each side may field one additional unit of their player gets the first Activation.
choice. The side that won Battle 3 may deploy
one unit in the landing zone at the start of the Declaring the Victor
game, and may take the first Activation. The winner of 4 or more battles is the campaign
victor, successfully conquering Triton and
Battle 5: Plunder ousting the opposition, free to reap the spoils!
As the fighting drags on, each army finds The defeated side withdraws off-planet to lick
themselves running short of provisions. A supply their wounds, but no doubt they will return,
ship was shot down nearby; both sides send out hungry for revenge…
raiding parties to scavenge the wreckage.
Follow the setup and objectives for Battle 2. If neither player has won 4 games, play a
The winner of Battle 4 starts with one unit in tiebreaker battle: use the map from Battle 2 to
base contact with the Strategic Asset closest to set up the battlefield, but this time it’s a fight
their deployment zone. Randomly determine to the death. The last trooper standing wins!
which player gets the first Activation.


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