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The latest version of evilgrade does not work properly, so don't download evilgrade

using the git clone command in the video, instead download it from the following

Then go to the downloads and boule click to uncompress it.

Now open a terminal and run the following commands:

cd /root/Downloads/evilgrade/
cpan Data::Dump
cpan Digest::MD5
cpan Time::HiRes
cpan RPC::XML
cp -r isrcore /etc/perl

Now the tool will work, it might display an error about
this is a known bug with evil-grade, if its annoying you
the you can get rid of it using the by removing that lib using
the following command

apt-get remove libterm-readline-gnu-perl

Just make sure you re-install it after you're done in case it is

needed by other tools

apt-get install libterm-readline-gnu-perl

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