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fie © Cognition Locks down when toy drops silently aren mel Removes cover of mother’s faceta play “ha Wadtisehe snes md conees Locks to familar people and cbjects named ‘Maves selfforward on turmmy (Sr) — ‘Assumes four point aw) postion (8m) Sis briefly proppedon hands (6m) Sts enfloor without support, hands freeto play (9m) » f Fine Motor “Transfers toy from one hand tothe other : 4 Radial palmar grasp of cbject , Picks things out of small bowl or cup Social Emotional Locks for falar people notin room ‘nnew situation, responds to adult expressions Shows preference for known adult and anwiety to strangers © Communication & Langisge KE Responds to own name self Help . Imitates new gestures, waves “bye-bye” Bites food, gums onsolid food (rusk or hard biscuit) Follows point Rakes small abject like raisin, frger feeds set Sleeps nights 10 -12hours - may wake fer a feed

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