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01. Introduce myself, discuss basics of topic as well as reason for choosing specific topic.
a. The Feminist Legal Theory is the idea that the United States Legal System has
contributed to the subordination of women throughout history (thesis). This is conducted
through laws regarding sexual and domestic violence, reproductive rights, and gender
based discrimination.
b. Present stats such as the legalization of women voting (1920) and the civil rights act
01. Discuss Service Learning Experience
a. The Women’s March, January 26th, 2019. The Women’s March was the perfect
opportunity to voice the concerns women are facing due to government interference. I
actively participated in the rally, supported local vendors, listened to speeches by women
sharing their experiences, made signs, signed petitions, collected testimonies from
various women explaining their signs.
b. Rock The Vote’s training camp, February 16th, 2019. Rock The Vote (A branch of the
Women’s March) focused more on the legal issues faced by women, specifically voter
rights and laws. I interacted with panels to discuss voter ID laws, especially how black
men and women have been disproportionately affected. Met with North Carolina
Representative Chaz Beasley to discuss sexual stigma and accessible health care for
02. Discuss the product.
a. Created a documentary featuring various women sharing their opinions and testimonies
of their experiences with the law. Discuss how assembling and editing all that worked.
Discuss viewing party, feedback. Why I felt a documentary would be best. Kavanaugh
01. Discuss overall experience
a. Growing out of my comfort zone, finally being able to do what I yearn to do, building
confidence, developing skills such as communication and organization.
02. Next Steps
a. Discovering a true passion for educating others, learning that my voice is important
regardless of status, plans to study to become a teacher at Warren Wilson College.

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