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Chapter -1

1) Date 2) who 3)who am I 4)echo

2) Ls 5)cat 6)wc –l 7)wc –c 8)wc –w
3) Cp 4)mv 5)rm
#echo a? #echo a* #echo a?b #echo ??*
Chapter -2

ls [a-z]*[!0-9] List files that begin with a lowercase letter and don't end with a digit

See the differenc using

#ls [a-z] #ls [a-z]? #ls [a-z]*
#sort #wc –l
Standard error
$ ls n* 2> errors

$ cat errors

n* not found
Chapter -3
#w | grep | cut -c10-15 ( cut command cut the charater from file
#cut –c1 #cut -c10-15
#who | cut -c1-8 Extract the first 8 characters

$ who | cut -c1-8 | sort Extract the first 8 characters and sort it

$who | cut -c10-16 Extract the characters 10 to 16

$who | cut -c1-8,18- extract the characters 1 to 8 + show all

character from 18 to onwards

$cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd cut the first field from file /etc/passwd
delimiter is set to :

$ cut -d: -f1,6 /etc/passwd Extract fields 1 and 6

#cat /etc/passwd | cut –d: -f1 > username

#cat /etc/passwd | cut –d: -f3 > id
#paste username id > generalfile
#paste –d’+’ username id -d is the delimiter

$sed 's/Unix/UNIX/' filename Substitute Unix with UNIX

$sed -n '/root/p' username Print the line which has root word in
$sed -n '12p' username Print the 12 no of line from file
$sed '1,2d' intro Delete lines 1 and 2
$ sed '/UNIX/d' intro Delete all lines containing UNIX

Table 4.2. sed Examples

sed Command Description

sed '5d' Delete line 5

sed '/[Tt]est/d' Delete all lines containing Test or test

sed -n '20,25p' text Print only lines 20 through 25 from text

sed Change unix to UNIX wherever it appears in the first 10

lines of intro

sed '/jan/s/-1/-5/' Change the first -1 to -5 on all lines containing jan

sed 's/...//' data Delete the first three characters from each line of data

sed 's/...$//' data Delete the last 3 characters from each line of data

sed -n 'l' text Print all lines from text, showing nonprinting characters as
\nn (where nn is the octal value of the character), and tab
characters as \t

#tr e x < intro translate character e to x from file intro

#cut -d: -f1,6 /etc/passwd cut filed1 and field 6 delimiter is set
#cut -d: -f1,6 /etc/passwd | tr : ' '
cut filed 1 and filed6 delimiter is set and translate : to space

Table 4.3. Octal Values of Some ASCII Characters

Character Octal Value

Bell 7
Table 4.3. Octal Values of Some ASCII Characters

Character Octal Value

Backspace 10

Tab 11

Newline 12

Linefeed 12

Formfeed 14

Carriage Return 15

Escape 33

In the following example, tr takes the output from date and translates all spaces into
newline characters. The net result is that each field of output from date appears on a
different line.

$ date | tr ' ' '\12' Translate spaces to newlines


Jul From output of date command

Translate space to \12 it is
28 linefeed means space
converted to enter so output
19:13:46 is as shown


$ tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' < intro

Translate smaill [a-z] character of file intro in to capital character

$ tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' < intro

#tr -s ':' '\11'

Translate with sqeez means multiple of single character in to one space
tab which has : before
$ tr –s ' ' ' ' < lotsaspaces

Translate Multiple occurs of space in to single space from file


$tr -d ' ' < intro

translate delte the space character from file intro

Table 4.4. tr Examples

tr Command Description

tr 'X' 'x' Translate all capital X's to small x's

tr '()' '{}' Translate all open parens to open braces, all closed parens to
closed braces

tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' Translate all lowercase letters to uppercase

tr '[A-Z]' '[N-ZA- Translate uppercase letters A–M to N–Z, and N–Z to A–M,

tr ' ' ' ' Translate all tabs (character in first pair of quotes) to spaces

tr -s ' ' ' ' Translate multiple spaces to single spaces

tr -d '\14' Delete all formfeed (octal 14) characters

tr -d '[0-9]' Delete all digits

Some grep Examples

Command Prints

grep '[A-Z]' list Lines from list containing a capital letter

grep '[0-9]' data Lines from data containing a number

Some grep Examples

Command Prints

grep '[A-Z]...[0- Lines from list containing five-character patterns that start
9]' list
with a capital letter and end with a digit

grep '\.pic$' Lines from filelist that end in .pic


#grep -v 'UNIX' intro Print all lines that don't contain UNIX

#grep 'Move_history' *.c Find Move_history in all C source files

The -l option to grep gives you just a list of files that contain the specified pattern, not
the matching lines from the files:

$ grep -l 'Move_history' *.c List the files that contain Move_history

$ grep -n 'Move_history' testch.c Precede matches with line numbers

The -u option tells sort to eliminate duplicate lines from the output.

$ sort -u names options tell to eliminates the duplicate name if any

$ sort –r name options tell to revers the process of sort

$ sort /etc/passwd | cut -f1 -d: | uniq -d Find duplicates

$sort names | uniq –c Count line occurrences

echo $((count=count-1))
echo $((i+1))
echo $((i = (i + 10) * j))
i=$(( i * 5 ))
result=$(( i >= 0 && i <= 100 ))
$ i=$(( 100 * 200 / 10 ))

$ j=$(( i < 1000 )) If i is < 1000, set j = 0; otherwise 1

$ echo $i $j
Chapter-6 Shell scripting

$ namelist=$(cat names)

$ echo "$names"
$ mail $(cat names) < memo
$ filename=/users/steve/memos

$ firstchar=$(echo $filename | cut -c1)

$ echo $firstchar
$ file=exec.o

$ lastchar=$(echo $file | sed 's/.*\(.\)$/\1/')

$ echo $lastchar

$ filename=/users/steve/memos

$ firstchar=$(echo $filename | cut -c1)

$ filename=$(echo $filename | tr "$firstchar" "^") translate / to ^

$ echo $filename

expr 1 + 2 expr 10+20/2 expr "17 * 6"

expr 17 \* 6

$ i=1
$ i=$(expr $i + 1) Add 1 to i
$ echo $i

string1 = string2 string1 is identical to string2.

string1 != string2 string1 is not identical to string2.

string string is not null.

-n string string is not null (and string must be seen by test).

-z string string is null (and string must be seen by test).

test Integer Operators

Operator Returns TRUE (exit status of 0) if

int1 -eq int2 int1 is equal to int2.

int1 -ge int2 int1 is greater than or equal to int2.

int1 -gt int2 int1 is greater than int2.

int1 -le int2 int1 is less than or equal to int2.

int1 -lt int2 int1 is less than int2.

int1 -ne int2 int1 is not equal to int2.

Table 8.3. Commonly Used test File Operators

Operator Returns TRUE (exit status of 0) if

-d file file is a directory.

-e file file exists.

-f file file is an ordinary file.

-r file file is readable by the process.

-s file file has nonzero length.

-w file file is writable by the process.

-x file file is executable.

Table 8.3. Commonly Used test File Operators

Operator Returns TRUE (exit status of 0) if

-L file file is a symbolic link.

("$count" -ge 0) -a ("$count" -lt 10)

"$a" -eq 0 -o "$b" -eq 2 -a "$c" -eq 10
if commandt


if command1


if command2




Program to print a greeting

hour=$(date | cut -c12-13)

if [ "$hour" -ge 0 -a "$hour" -le 11 ]


echo "Good morning"


if [ "$hour" -ge 12 -a "$hour" -le 17 ]


echo "Good afternoon"


echo "Good evening"



if commandl



elif command2





# Translate a digit to English

if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]


echo "Usage: number digit"

exit 1


case "$1"


0) echo zero;;

1) echo one;;
2) echo two;;

3) echo three;;

4) echo four;;

5) echo five;;

6) echo six;;

7) echo seven;;

8) echo eight;;

9) echo nine;;


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