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METROPOLITAN WATERPARK: ZARAGOZA EXPO 2008 ECOSISTEMA URBANO (Project text translated from Spanish by Stephen Ramos) The International Expo 2008 will be held in Zaragoza with the theme “Water and Sustainable Development.” Our Waterpark project for the Expo sees architecture as a manager of energy resources (water, wind, sun), which eventually would become the driving force of the city and the unleashing agents of landscape mutations. A network of technological elements characterizes the image of the Waterpark and launches a complex system of atmospheric, hydraulic, and social features. This net- work also incorporates simultaneous processes of ener- gy generation, water purification, irrigation, artificial flooding, and diverse leisure activities, thus connecting all the park’s functioning strata. We aspire, within an event as unsustainable as an International Expo, to demonstrate that nature can transform any kind of urban waste into a new resource for the city.

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