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*Italics means its on Saki’s perspective and normal words mean its on Aki’s perspective*

Koi No Bishounen

“Aki…wake up, you’re late….” I hear a voice that feels

distant, but it keeps getting closer, it sounded like a voice of a
“Akiii, wake up, I already made breakfast.” The voice feels
very familiar to me but, Im not quite there yet.
“AKIII! WAKE UUUP!” The voice suddenly became louder,
and I finally woke up.
“Hmphh, finally you’re awake, now go take a shower and eat
breakfast. after that, I’ll wait for you.” It was my little sister
Ayako after all, that’s why it sounded so familiar. Well then, I
should get ready so Ayako wont wait too long.

After i finished getting ready I see Ayako still waiting for me

with a bummed face.
“Hmm, what’s wrong Ayako?” I asked her nicely.
“You take too much time to prepare, that’s why im bored.”
She answered me with a bummed face.
“Okay, sorry, last night I was getting up late for playing
games, will you forgive your brother?” I asked her again, but
this time with a smile.
“I guess I’ll forgive you…Sister.” She reply with a grin.
That’s my condition right now, unfortunately…I looked like a
girl. The girls in my class always fantasize “things” about me,
and they even shipped me with a dude, and its not only my
looks, I have a pretty high pitched voice that kind of sounds
like a girl. There was even a guy who confessed to me on the
first year of high school. I wont even be surprise if a new
student confess to me, but im sure the boys will tell them
before it happen.

“W-well I don’t care, Im sure I’ll change later on, and please
act like im your brother ok.” I replied seriously.
“Awww, don’t be mad….but you do look cute.” She replied
with a laugh.
“Y-yeah whatever and don’t you go to your school by bus?”
“Oh yeah, I think there’s a bus stop close by sooo… bye Aki.”
She still laughs at me.
“Ok, be careful.” I waved my hand at her.

I arrived at school on time, and in a distance there’s a person

calling my name and waving at me.

“Akiii, hey Aki, lets go.” Shu called me from a distance.

Shu is one of my best friend, he sees me as a guy best friend,
but sometimes he likes to joke around about my looks.
“Oh, its you Shu, are you in the same class as me?”
“Of course, by the way, want to be my girlfriend?” He asked
with a serious face.
“What…?” I was surprised by his serious face.
“Nahh, im just kidding shishishi.” He interupted with a laugh.
“Pheww…I thought you’re not straight there for a while.” I
followed with a smile.
“Don’t worry, I have a crush and goal for this year, I’ll tell
you later on.” Shu teased me, and im actually curious about it.

We both walked to the class and after we got there, we were

surprised by Saki, she seems to change her hairstyle to a
shorter one, personally I think she’s even more cute than last
year, last year she has a long black hair. Saki is one of my girl
friends that doesn’t always fantasize NTR things about me. I
can say that my close friend group consist of me, Shu and

“Heeeey Aki, Shu.” She greets with a smile.

“Hi Saki, why the short hair tho?” I asked curiously.
“Oh, I just wanted to change my appearance in this second
year.” She answered.
“But you still look pretty Saki.” Shu interrupted.
“I-i-is that so…well thanks then haha.” She replied with a
laugh and a blush.
And then the class begin. I sit next to Saki and Shu sits behind
me, I didn’t expect we’re in the same class again, especially
with Saki. Saki has been my friend since we’re kids, we both
got into the same middle school too. And there is where I met
Shu, Shu is very athletic but he isn’t that smart. For Saki, well
she’s one of that “perfect” student. She’s smart, pretty good at
sports and she’s very cute. And there’s me, im one of that
typical normal guy, my academic scores nor my athletics
scores are normal. Maybe we’re going to go home together
after school. My house and Saki’s is close by afterall.

“Hey, why don’t we go home together?” I asked them to join

after school.
“Of course, your house and mine isn’t that far away.” Saki
“Ok, then, my bus stop is one way with your house too.” Shu

So we finally decided to go home together

(Thank god it isn’t raining, i forgot to bring my umbrella this

morning and right now is still raining season.)

“Ah, there’s my bus stop. See you guys tomorrow, byeee.”

Shu waved his hands.
“Hey Saki….” I asked her a while after Shu went home.
“Hmmm, what’s wrong Aki.” She asked with a curious face.
“No…its just…can a guy like me have a girlfriend.” I finally
said it, I’ve been wanting to ask that to someone and finally I
did it.
“Why do you say that Aki?”
“Its just…im not cool, Im not that smart, im not that good at
sports, and I look like a girl, isn’t it weird if I went to a date
with a girl?”
“…..then…..why not me?” Saki stops and started to ask.
“Why not you?” I don’t understand what did she meant.
“D-do you want me to become your girlfriend?” She said with
a slightly red face.
“W-w-what…excuse me?” I didn’t believe what did she just
“Hmpph, s-stupid Aki. I’m saying, do you want to become my
boyfriend? I-I promise I wont cheat on you, I-I wont make
you feel lonely or sad. ” She asked again with a red face.
“E-eeh…can you wait a minute, its just…too sudden.” To be
honest, I was extremely surprise by this, I didn’t even expect
this to happen.

Saki is my best friend, she’s been making me feel better since

we were kids, I used to have a crush on her in middle school,
but I realized she’s in a whole different league from me. But
still, to this point I still feel better if she’s near me, I always
feel happy when I see her face, when I hear her laugh, and its
always painful seeing her feel sad. I never expected that she
would date me, a normal guy with no amazing achievement.

“So, what do you think A….”

“Ok, I’ll be your boyfriend.” I interrupt her before she
finished her sentence.
“Really?” Saki imidiately asked again.
“Of course, I would never lie to my girlfriend shishishi.”
“Then promise me something…” She asked while looking
“What Is it?” I asked her.
“Promise me you wouldn’t make me sad and that you realy
love me…” She asked while imidiately seeing my eyes, her
eyes are beautiful, she seems so pure and elegant with the
short hair.
“I promise. I promise I wouldn’t make you sad, I promise that
I realy love you.” I tried to be as manly as I can.
“Well then close your eyes for a second, I want to give you a
gift.” She said with a smile.

After that I feel something touching my lips, something soft, it

feels so comfortable, and after I opened my eyes I see Saki-
kissing me. Her lips felt so soft, I feel like im no longer under
pressure, it feels so good and comfortable.

“W-well then…see you tomorrow.” She said with a red face

and she started running to her home.
“Aah,..ok...see you too, bye.”
(Is this what love feels like…just thinking about her makes
me happy, it makes me feel calm, even by just remembering
the kiss…I cant wait to talk to her again….buuut …I forgot to
ask her number, and I cant just go to her house, its kinda

So I decided to just go home and wait for tomorrow.

“Im home.” I said when I arrived at my house.

“You’re late Aki, do you want to take a bath first or eat dinner
first?” Ayako imidiately came to me.
“A-a-ahhh, well, I have extra activities at school, sorry.” I
answered nervously with a red face.
(Crap, looks like I remembered the kiss, what a bad timing, I
cant let my sister know im dating.)
“Hmmmm….why is your face red Aki?” She asked with
“Oh, no its nothing hehe, im going to take a bath first ok.” I
reply while trying to cover it.
I finally managed to escape from Ayako’s interrogation. I
imidiately ran to the bathroom. Luckily Ayako already
prepare the hot water for me. How lucky I am to have a sister
like her, she’s like my mother. She’s diligent, smart, and
pretty good at cooking.

“Im Home.” I imidiately tried to go to my room as fast as I


(Finally I can now lay to my bed….AHHH what an

embarrassing day, I still tried to be cool and hold my
embarrassment that time but my face is still red and I still
talked nervously. But….at least I can kiss him. AGHHH
thinking about it makes me want to roll crazily on my bed, I
never thought kissing someone you love would feel so good. I
can wait to talk to him, maybe I’ll talk to him right now
hehehe…oh yeah, I don’t have his number and I cant just
come to his house right now, Its pretty embarassing. Ah well,
maybe I just have to wait for tomorrow to meet him and ask
for his number.)

I’ve slept earlier this night on purpose so I can wake up earlier

so I wont make Ayako wait for me, maybe I’ll try to wake up
Ayako now.
“Ayako, hey wake up…” I tried to wake her up gently.
(I never thought I have such a cute little sister, I never realized
that ive been washing her underwears all this time, she’s
already cute but she’s even more cuter when she’s asleep, I
guess cute is in our genes. Buuut I shouldn’t be thinking like
this right now, I already have a girlfriend and Ayako is my
sister, I don’t want to be a siscon.)
“Huh…what time is it.” She asked me with a clumsy face.
(Honestly, it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.)
“O-oh, its still 6 am, I’ve made breakfast, go take a bath first.”
“Ook…wait….how long have you been here?” She asked
with suspicion.
“I don’t know, maybe 10 minutes.”
“Is that so..” She starts to do something.
“What are you doing Ayako?” I asked curiously.
“Im just checking my clothes and underwear, I worry you
might do something to me when im asleep.”
shouted, my face starts to become red.
“Yep, I guess I can believe you with that.” She replied.
“Sheesh, hurry up and eat, I don’t want to be late again, I’ll
wait for you.”
After she’s finished getting ready, we go to school together
like usual, I cant wait to meet Saki, i want to ask her number
or even ask her to go out with me.

“H-hey Aki…” Ayako suddenly ask me.

“What’s wrong?”
“Thank you for today.”
“Ahhh, don’t mention it, you always do that to me too right,
im the one who should be thanking you.” I replied to her with
a smile.
“Aki…do you love me?” She asked with a red face.
“W-well…I do, you’re my sister afterall, I cant even imagine
if you never do all those things to me.” I replied nervously.
“C-can…can you say it?”
“Say what?” I curiously asked.
“Say that you love…m-me”
“Okay ill say it…..I love you Ayako, thanks for always being
with me.”
( Ahhh…even though I already have Saki, well she is my
sister afterall, and I do love her so much.)
“T-then promise me you would still love me even when
you’re married or when you have a girlfriend.” She still have
that cute red face.
“I promise, I promise I’d love you forever, you’re the best
sister a person can get, you’re cheerful, nice, diligent and
cute…oh, are you free on Sunday? If yes, lets go out together,
its been a long time since we have fun together.”
(Well, you can say this is a sibling date, maybe I have to delay
my date with Saki.)
“Yaaay, a date with my brother, lets go watch a movie then
hehehe.” Ayako said with a smile, looks like she’s back to
“Hey there’s the bus stop, I guess time to say goodbye.” I
pointed at the bus stop sign.
“Oh right, well see you then Aki, be careful.” She waved her
hands to me.

I continue to the train station to go to my school, luckily im

not late, I imidieately go to my classroom to meet Saki, but I
realized she’s not there. Its pretty rare to see her come late to
school, so im pretty surprised too.

“Hey Shu, have you seen Saki this morning?” I approach Shu
and asked him.
“Hmm…to think of it, I haven’t seen her, and I came pretty
early this morning too, class will begin in about 2 more
minutes, I wonder why is she late.”
(Hmmm…is she sick? I hope not, I want to meet her right
now at school, I want to talk to her about things. I want to ask
her number too.)

After 10 minutes of class, Saki came.

“Hi, sorry im late.” She said to the class, she looks exhausted.
She then imidieately sit on her chair.
“What’s wrong Saki?” I asked her.
“E-eh…hi Aki.” She said while looking nervously.
(EEEEEEH what should I do, im still shy to talk to him
normally. I know we’re a couple but I didn’t expect it to be
this akward. Aaaah what should I do, this was very different
from what I’ve expected.)

“Why are you late Saki?” I asked her the second time.
“O-oh, I woke up a little late this morning…and im not that
good at cooking so I only ate bread hehe.”
“Hmm…why don’t you eat breakfast at my house, I only live
with my little sister, and we’re both are pretty good at
“EEEEEH.” She seems a little bit surprised. The whole class
are looking at her.
“What’s wrong Kawashima?” The teacher asked her about her
“Ah…sorry Mr. Sakamoto. Im alright thank you hehe.”
“Ahh, sorry if I said something weird, so do you want to?” I
asked her.
“Want what?” Saki seems confused.
“Do you want to eat breakfast in my house from tomorrow
“E-eeh…are you sure its ok?”
“Yeah, I would be happy if you would, im sure my sister will
too, and plus our house are close by so it wouldn’t be a
“O-ok then…I will.” She said with a red face.
“Great, cant wait for tomorrow then hehehe.”
(Ughh, im trying as hard as I can to act like her boyfriend
without getting too disgusting, but im still kinda not used to
“Oh yeah, Aki, what is your little sister like?”
“Hmm…well…she’s the cutest in the world, she’s nice, she’s
smart, and plus she’s extremely cute.”
“Is that true? I cant wait to meet her, I mean her big brother is
already cute shishishi.” She laughed.
“Hey, im your boyfriend remember.”
“O-of course I remember, stupid Aki.” Her face turns red.
We ended up spending the whole time talking to each other
without paying attention to Mr. Sakamoto. Talking to her and
teasing her is so fun, I wonder what will Ayako reaction when
she meets Saki. Without even realizing it, its already lunch

“Saki, Shu lets have lunch together.” I asked them to join.

“Yeah, good idea.” Shu replies.
“Ok, I’ll be right back, I forgot to bring my lunch, im going to
buy one now.” Saki replies.
“Ah, don’t worry about lunch tomorrow, I’ll make one for you
okay.” I teased Saki again.
“S-shush, s-shut up stupid Aki” She leaves with her red face.
“Wow, you two are suddenly really close now, what
happened?” Shu suddenly ask.
“Ah, its nothing, we’re just really close friends from the
beginning, and plus our house are close by” I replied
(I don’t want everyone knows that im dating Saki, like I said,
im not used too.)
“Ahhh…how jealous I am.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time since you and
Saki are close friends….don’t tell anyone ok, actually…i..i-I
have a crush on Saki.” He looked shy.
“O-oh…are you planning on confessing to her?”
(Crap…what should I do, I don’t want to hurt Shu’s feelings,
but if there’s even any other way.)
“I was planning on confessing yesterday but im not ready
yesterday, but today im extra ready, so maybe after school this
(This is bad, real bad, what will Saki say.)
“Well, good luck on that Shu.”
(Right, I must look calm and act like there’s nothing between
me and Saki until he knows the truth.)
“Shishishi, thank you Aki” He laughed.
(Honestly, Shu is a nice and cool guy. He’s not that smart but
he’s extremely athlethic I mean, he’s the captain of the
baseball team, I’m sure he’ll get a recommendation to a
university easily.)
“Sorry, the line was long so I have to wait for a while.” Saki
came back.
“Don’t worry, we haven’t even started eating yet.” Shu
“Ah Shu, do you make your lunch yourself?” I asked Shu.
“Of course not, I cant cook at all. My older sister always make
lunch for me.”
“Oh that’s why your lunches always looks tasty” Saki replied.
“Thank you, I’ll tell that to my sister shishishi.” Shu laughed.
(To be honest, Shu is amazing, I cant believe he’s not nervous
when he talks to Saki, I mean he likes her.)
“Umm…Saki, do you have time today, after school?” Shu
asked Saki.
“Hmm…I don’t think so, is there something?” Saki replied.
“Oh, well, if you have time, come and see me after school on
the backyard okay.”
“Okay then.” Saki smiled.

The ring bells. Its time for class again, and I forgot to ask Saki
about her number.

(Hmm, I want to see how Saki would react to Shu’s

confession, Shu is one of the popular guy around girls, all
girls should be nervous if he confess to them. I wonder if
that’s true about Saki too, I guess this is to see if she really
loves me and if she really sees Shu as a friend. Ahhh, its no
time to think about this, its already time for class.)
“Hey Aki, you can go home earlier today, I already promise to
come like Shu said, I wonder what it is.”
(Can she not read the situation there.)
“Hmphh, does that mean you don’t love me?” I started to
tease her again.
“O-o-of course I love you, but I promise to meet him , sorry.”
Saki’s face turns red, she seems like she’s sorry.
“Pfft, you look cute when your shy. No need to be sorry, I’m
just teasing you.” I giggled.
“Arghh, stupid Aki.” And again, she looks cute.

The school ring bells again

(well time to go home I guess…or no hehehe. I guess I’ll look

for a perfect spot to see Shu in action. Of course I don’t want
to go home just yet. It’s a perfect moment to see how Saki
will react to this, and to see how Shu will confess. But before
that I should ask for Saki’s number just in case.)
“Ahh, Saki, to think of it I don’t have your number yet, can
you write it down here plea…”
(Ehh, she’s already gone. I didn’t realize it because I’m
thinking about the plan, I think I should stop thinking too
much. But right now there’s no other choice than to search for

I started to search for her everywhere.

(I think i still haven’t search to the library yet, yeah, she’s

always in the library, I’m sure she’s waiting there. Ah there is
the library.)
I went in and search for her, but she’s not there. There’s some
boys here so maybe they saw her.

“Ahh, excuse me. Have you seen Kawashima Saki from class
2-C here?” I asked politely.
(I asked politely because I don’t know who they are. I’m sure
they’re new students but I’m also sure they know who Saki is,
she’s famous after all.)
“A-ah, s-sorry we haven’t see her here.” Their face were all
(Why are their faces red? I don’t know why but I don’t have
time to ask them why. And I don’t care too as long as It wont
bring trouble to me.)
“Okay, thank you.” I left. I just realized that maybe she’s
already at the backyard, and I just realize a perfect place to see
it too.

I ran there because the place is upstairs, and I don’t want to be

late too see it.

(I’m sure they wont realize I’m there, the place isn’t too
obvious anyways.)

I went to the 3-A Classroom.

(Pheww, thank god there’s no one here and looks like I’m not
late. Saki is still waiting there. Ahh, and here come Shu

“Sorry for keeping you waiting for quite long.” Shu

“Don’t worry, Aki went home earlier anyways, So if you
don’t mind, lets go to the point.” She said with a smile.
“Actually, Saki…I’ve been wanting to say this for a while.”
He looked pretty nervous.
“Saki…I like you, do you want to be my girlfriend?”
(Wow, he looked soo nervous, just look at his sweat. Now,
how will Saki react.)
“Before I answer it, I just want to ask you, what do you like
from me?”
(Hmm, she doesn’t look nervous. Didn’t expect her to be like
this. I always thought she’s actually an akward person.)
“Everything, I love you as a whole, I love it when you do nice
things, like last year when you cheered me up when I lost the
baseball finals. You’re amazing, you look so beautiful back
then and from there I started to like you. I love the way you’re
nice to others, And, A-and….”
(And he did it amazingly, and I do know that Saki used to
cheer him up and she is nice to other people too. I still can’t
believe that she’s my girlfriend, how lucky I am.)
“Okay, stop it there.”
(Hmm, what’s this, what’s wrong with Saki.)
“I understand your feelings Shu, actually, I’m really happy
with it Shu. I think you’re honest and nice, you’re brave, you
were already like this from a year before but right now, I think
you’re nicer, braver and more honest. I know we’re friends
from the start and I’ve been wanting to be closer friends with
you from back then, And because of this, I think we can be
even closer best friends. Thank you.” She seems smiling.
(Oh wow, even though she’s an akward person, I never
though she’ll say something like this, I’m really surprised, she
is a nice girl.)
“…Yeah, I think we’ll become best friends too. Thank you
Saki. But I have another question for you.”
(And wow, Shu seems fine too, I think I know how he really
felt. I have respect for you Shu.)
“Okay, what is it?”
“Please answer this as honestly okay. Saki, do you really love
(Oh, thank you Shu, this way I don’t have to decipher this
conversation. Wait a minute, why did he asked her this?)
“E-eh…I mean, me and Aki are...” She looked nervous and
her face started to become red.
(And there’s her real self. She looked cute as always.)
“Saki, I said honestly right? If you can answer it honestly tho
shishishi.” Shu insists.
(What an amazing person, Salute for him. But why tho?)
“Completely, please.”
(Shu, you’re a legend.)
“Yes, I love him. Sorry for not telling you, I’m always
nervous when I talk about him.”
(Saki failed again yay.)
“Thank you, now then take well care of him okay, never
thought that he would get a girlfriend at all, but he did, and he
have a nice one too, shishishi.” Shu laughed.
(Haa, don’t underestimate me Shu….WAIT, HOW DID HE
“W-w-wait, how did you know about this?” Saki is totally
surprised, and so am I.
(Is he that good at reading situations. And I guess its starting
to rain.)
“Ah, look, its starting to rain. I gotta go home quickly, Bye
(Oh you’re not getting out this time Shu, I’ll interrogate you
“O-okay, bye then.” Saki started to see the windows.
(Maybe I have to go home too before she realizes I haven’t go
home. Wait, she just saw me right, please tell me she didn’t
saw me. Wait, she’s gone, this is bad, I can hear steps coming
here, and no one would come here because they already
cleaned the class.) I started to sweat.

The steps are getting closer and closer…And it was just the
teacher who forgotted her papers.

(Pheww, I’m glad its not her.)

“Oh, Fujisaka, you’re still 2nd grade right? Why are you
“A-ah, I’m looking for Saki from my class.”
“Oh, she’s in the girls bathroom 5 minutes ago, should I tell
her if I meet her?”
“No, please don’t tell her I’m still here.” I begin to sweat.
“O-okay then, see you Fujisaka.”
(There’s a chance that she might be there for a long time, this
Is my chance to go home before she’s mad, I think I brought
an umbrella. I have to go home now.)

I started to run as quickly as I can, But when reached the front

door, I see Saki standing there. I think she forgot to bring her
(I can just leave through the other door, but…)
“Hey Saki, why are you just standing there?” I approach her.
(But, there’s no way I could ever do that.) I giggled.
“Ah, A-Aki, Why are you still here? And why did you
giggled.” Saki’s face turns red again.
“I can’t just let my girlfriend go home alone when it’s raining,
and plus, you forgot to bring your umbrella right? Hehehe.” I
smile and laughed.
“….s..s…s-shut up, stupid Aki” She looks cute.
“Well then, lets go home together, If you’re okay, lets go to
my house and have dinner first.” I bring out my umbrella.
“I-is that okay for you?” Saki seems nervous.
“Of course, and plus Ayako will be happy to have another
“Oh, she’s my little sister, her name is Fujisaka Ayako, she
might be cold and shy to others but don’t worry, she’s the best
little sister a person like me can get.”
“O-okay then, my mom comes home at night too, and my
father is in America right now, okay, lets have dinner there
“Lets get going then.” I smiled.
When we’re walking together, I see Saki’s shoulder wet
because of the rain. My umbrella isn’t that big, and she still
seems shy to me. So, I wrapped my arm on her shoulder and
drag her closer to me.

“W-w-what are you doing Aki?” Her face begin turn red.
“S-stupid Saki, your shoulder is wet, you don’t have to be shy
or hold back, I’m your boyfriend right.” My face begins to
turn red too.
“O-okay...then, can I hold you too?”
“Do as you want, we’re a couple right shishishi.” Saki started
to hold my hand with both her hands.
(Saki’s hands feel so warm and nice, I don’t want to let it go,
this feeling and her hands.)
“So, how did I do?” Saki suddenly asked me with a smile.
“Hmm…what are you talking about?” I don’t know what is
she talking about.
“You know, about the thing with Shu.”
(W-wait, did she realized me?) I started to sweat.
“W-what do you mean S-Saki?” I’m beginning to feel
“Oh, so that’s why you haven’t went home yet, you’re there
on 3-A classroom window right?. You think I’m that clumsy
to not realize you?” She sounded mad.
“A-ah…I-I don’t know what are you talking about hehe.”
“Hmmm, then I’m pretty sure I saw a girl who looks like you
“Hohohoho, gotcha Aki.” She grinned sinisterly.
“Okay okay…I was there looking at you bot-” I exhale.
“Did I do good there Aki?” She interrupted.
“What’s the definition of good here?”
“Hmm…oh that’s right, I don’t want to hurt Shu’s feelings, I
want to reject him without hurting him because I already have
a boyfriend, I’m sure that if you’re not around, I’ll have a
crush on him. But you’re always by my side anyways teehee.”
(What was that, its so cute, lets make it trending.)
“O-oh, well about that, honestly, I didn’t expect you’d say
something like that. I always thought you’re a clumsy and
akward girl. But I think you did a great job there, I’m sure
Shu wouldn’t be sad after how you respond.”
“Thank you theeen hehe.” She laughed.
“Ahh to think of it, I never confessed to you, neither you too.”
“Eeeh? I-its ok if you’re shy and you don’t wan-“
“I love you Saki.” I interrupted her and smile.
(Hah? what did he just do there, ughh, did he just attacked me
with his smile, did he found out my weakness, how dare that
Aki, I’ll get revenge soon enough aghhhh.) My face begins to
turn red again.
“Y-y-yeah…m-me too Aki.” She seems shy.
(Ughh…just as I thought, I cant handle this.)
“Well, say it.” I teased her more.
“A-Aki, don’t you think its not the right time to flirt hehe.”
(Yeah, do it later when we get to your house…WAIT, NO,
“What do you mean its not the right time? We’re a couple, its
raining, you’re holding me under the same umbrella, it’s the
perfect situation to flirt shishishi.” I laughed.
“M-maybe you’re right about that one ahaha…Ok, ok, I’ll say
“I love you Aki…done.”
“Hoooo, well done, I thought you cant say it without getting
crazy fufufu.” I teased her.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll get revenge on you soon, remember.” She
said with a smile.
“Like you can shishishishi.”

We both laugh. After that the rain stopped, I closed my

umbrella and put it in my bag. But, Saki is still holding me
tightly, even laying her head on my shoulder.
“Ahh, the rain stopped Saki, look.”
“Oh, yeah I guess it stopped, is it still far away?”
“Hmm, nope, we’re almost there.”
“……Saki, why are you still holding me?” I asked her.
“Ah, It just feels good, here holding your arm, and plus you
smell good too nyahah.”
“O-oh, thanks I guess. Don’t let it go ok.”
“Don’t worry, I wont let you go nyahaha.” She’s so cute.
(Huh, what a lucky guy I am.) I smiled.

After walking for about 2 more minutes, we’ve finally arrived

at my house.

“Im home, sorry I’m late Ayako, I have some extra things at
school this day……Hmm?” I’m confused.
“Im coming in….What’s wrong Aki?”
“Oh, no….Ayako always come to greet me quickly, I think
she’s not home yet, I wonder why?”

I imidiately called her number with my phone, im worried

about her.
“….Ah, Ayako, where are you? its already dark, im worried
about you.”
“Don’t worry, I’m on my way home, I have a present for you
Aki hehehe. Ah, I’m the one who’s making dinner this night
right, don’t worry I’ll be home in 10 minutes. Bye.” She
hunged up.
“Hey Aki, I never though your house is this big.” She looked
around her.”
“Well, I guess it is.” I sit beside Saki in the sofa.
“Hey Saki, do you feel tired?”
“Oh...yeah, maybe a little.” She smiled.
“You can rest on my shoulder then, while we wait for my
sister, if you want that is…” I somehow feel nervous.
“Sure, you smells good after all, and I am pretty tired.” She
(but really, seeing her smile really makes me happy.) I
laughed a bit.

After about 10 minutes has passed.

“H-hey Saki…” I begin to feel nervous.

“What?” Saki is smiling.
“About yesterday, ummm…”
“What is it? Are you possessed or something, you should take
a medicine fufufu.” Saki laughed and joked about me.
“Yknow…right, ummm….about the kiss…” I blushed.
“O-oh, w-what’s wrong with that?” She begins to sweat.
“Y-yeah, i wasn’t ready yesterday so it kinda surprised me.”
“S-sorry about that, I know it was so sudden but I want to try
it at least once.”
“No need to apologize, I’m okay with that.” I smiled.
“Okay the-“
“So, do you want to try it again?” I interrupted her before she
can finish her sentence.
“W-what do you mean?” Saki seems confused.
“Of course the kiss…s-stupid Saki.” My face turns red again.
“I-I don’t know…I mean, do you want to?” She seems
nervous too.
“Yesterday seems like it was your turn, I guess its my turn
now, I want to try it again, of course its fine if you don’t want
to, we can try it other time.” I smiled.
(eeh, what should I do. Aki looks like he’s serious about this,
honestly, I want to try it again, yesterday he was a little
surprised and was not ready for it. I guess its not a problem to
try it again now.)
“Okay, lets do it. To be honest, I want to try it again too.”
Saki smiled.
“O-okay…you can close your eyes if you want to….a-are you
ready?” I don’t know why but I feel nervous again.
“Y-yes, you can do it anytime…” She nods and smile.
“O-okay, here I come.”

I started to approach her. She looks so beautiful even without

makeup. I moved my hands to her cheeks, it felt so warm and
so soft. Her skin is so white and soft, her lips looks soft and
bright. Looking at it makes me feel so nervous. Just as I’m
about to kiss her, there’s a sound of a cat in the house, and I
remember I don’t have a cat.

“Aki, what are you doing, and who’s that?” There’s a voice of
another person, a little girl in my house, it sounded familiar.

I imidiately looked at the direction the voice came, and Saki

was surprised too so she opened her eyes…


It was my mom and Ayako. I’m sweating and I feel
“Eh, you never care about me knocking first right? The door
was not locked, I was about to surprise you with mom and a
new cat.” Ayako’s right, I feel more embarrassed.
“Y-you’re right…” I replied.
“Anyways, what are you doing here alone with another girl
shishishi, right mom?” Ayako grinned.
“…..” I can hear someone crying.
“M-mom, are you crying?” I feel bad to myself.
EVER GIFT TO MOM.” She hugged me.
(Ah, I forgot she’s like this.) I make a pokerface.
(E-eh…) I’m speechless
“Sorry for disturbing the kiss Aki, you can continue on, me
and Ayako will go outside for a while fufufufu.” Mom
“Awwhh, not fair mom, I want to see it too.” Ayako said to
“Don’t worry Ayako, you’ll be there later, its best to
experience it yourself later shishishi, come now, we don’t
want to disturb Aki’s private moment.” Mom laughed again.
And they both went out.
“Sorry for that Saki, my mom is a weird person, don’t get it
wrong, she’s actually nice and smart, but she likes to joke
around like highschool kids, oh well, she does look young.
Well, maybe we can continue that another time okay.” I
smiled even though im mad and embarrassed at the same
“Oh, don’t worry about it, she does seems like a fun person,
your sister too, she looks cute. This makes me want to see
your father, I wonder if he’s cute too hahahaha.” She laughed.
“So, want to go home now?”
“No way, you said you want me to have dinner here right? I
cant wait to have dinner you and you’re mom, and to think of
it I haven’t introduce myself to your mom.”
“Okay then, wait right here, I’ll call them both outside.” I
went outside.
“Ahh…sorry for that Ayako, mom, lets have dinner together
inside, especially you mom, I miss you.” I smiled.
“Oh, don’t worry about that fufufu, it’s a relieve to see you
grow like a normal boy, even though you looked like a cute
daughter of mine hahaha. You even found yourself a beautiful
girl, Its ok if you want to do many things with her, I’m
actually proud of you.” Mom replied.
“Yup, I’m proud of you Aki, it’s the second day of school and
you already found a girlfriend, don’t forget about your
promise to me ok.” She laughed a bit.
“Don’t worry, I’ll never forget my promise to a cute sister like
you haha.” I pat her.

We both came in, Ayako imidieately changed her clothes and

starts to make dinner for us. She don’t want to make mom
tired. While I take my mom to Saki and introduce her.
“Ah, mom this is Kawashima Saki, she’s my girlfriend.”
“A-ahh, nice to meet you Ms. Fujisaka.” She looks nervous.
(Wow…she’s so beautiful in close) I’m amazed.
“No need to be so formal to me, you’re my little boy
girlfriend, you can call me Hatchan okay.” She giggled.
“Hmmm…Kawashima…Kawashima….Oh, you’re the girl
that always plays with Aki 10 years ago right, If I remember,
your house isn’t that far from here. You’re Kawashima Taki’s
daughter right? say hi from me to him okay.” Mom seems so
“Alright…Hatchan.” Saki seems happy too.
(Yosh, they both are getting along well.) I feel happy.
“Everyone, dinner’s ready.” Ayako shouted from the dinning
“Okay, we’ll be there.” I replied from the family room.
“Ahhh, I’m too lazy to move, Aki can you carry me.” Hatchan
looks tired.
“Well, its your fault that you bought a house too big.”
“Hmphh, its no fun joking with you, does he ever do this with
you Saki?” She looks mad.
“Well...he’s the one who always joke first, and he always
teases me, sometimes its frustrating hehehe.” Saki seems to
got carried away.
“See Aki, you can lose her if you cant read the situation.”
“Yeah yeah, lets go eat first, Ayako is waiting.” I tried to
change the subject so it wouldn’t be akward again.
(That hatchan can be really good at being a terrorist, she’s
even recruiting Saki to fight me.)
We come to the dinning table. As usual, she’s very good at

“Yaay, its katsudon time, as I thought Ayako knows what I

want.” Hatchan smiles.
“Wow, it looks really good, and it smells really good.” Saki
looks like she’s happy too.
“Ah, sorry Saki, I didn’t expect any guests to have dinner
together so we didn’t shopped for a better meal.”
“Don’t worry hatchan, I love katsudon too.”
“Psst…Aki…they both are getting along well, has mom used
her special attack yet?” Ayako whispered to me.
“Unfortunately…she did, Saki lost.”
“Cih, I didn’t expect that to happen to an elegant girl like
“Oh trust me, Saki is just hiding her real self.”
“Okay you both, stop whispering and lets eat first.” Hatchan
hits me and Ayako in the head.
“O-okay.” We both replied.
We finally started to eat. Saki really seems too like Ayako’s
food, and don’t even ask about mom, she’s crazy with
Ayako’s katsudon, seriously, where did all the fat from the
katsudon go, Hatchan must have supernatural powers to do

“So, Saki, what’s your full name?” Ayako asked her after we
finished eating.
“Its Kawashima Saki, why is it?”
“Woaah, you’re not lying right?” Ayako looks surprised.
“Hmm, what’s wrong Ayako?” Im curious too, why does
Ayako act like that.
“Its true, what’s wrong?” Saki also looks curious.
“Don’t tell me you’re dating…..the weak, stupid, looks like a
girl Aki. You won the math contest in the whole prefecture
right? you’re famous.”
(Oi, I thought we’re the same team here.) I’m slightly mad.
“Ahaha, I am dating Aki, I think he looks cute. And yes, I did
won the contest last year, but I think I wont be joining again
this year.” Saki laughed.
“Ah, sorry Aki, my tounge slipped teehee.” Ayako act cute.
(Tch, if she didn’t do the teehee I would’ve hit her.)
“What? I know you’re smart, but you never told me you won
the contest back then.” I’m curious.
“A-ah well, I don’t really tell everyone about it.” She seems
“Don’t be scared Saki, its just his fault didn’t care about you,
I’m sure the school gave her a trophy, how come you never
“Hmm, to think of it, that’s right, they gave me the trophy on
the 5th of October if I remember correctly, its on the festival,
how come you knew.”
“October…its kind hard to remember something else bout
October .” I just remembered something.
“Well, I’m trying to forget everything in October last year but
its still haunting me, Ughh it wasn’t good times for me.”
Looks like Ayako remembered some dark past.
“Oh, you remembered that moment, its not a big deal, you
should be happy about it.” I tried to make her feel good about
that moment.
“What is it, Ayako looked shocked.” Saki asks with her cute
curious face.
(Please do the teehee, please Saki, please.)
“Its just a moment when Ayako still on middle school.” I
answered her honestly.
“It’s ok to tell her Aki.” Ayako tells me to tell Saki.
(Wow, this seems like a big deal.)
“It’s ok tho if you don’t want to.” Saki replied.
(I cant just let that cute face disappointed, I must tell her.)
“It’s ok, I’ll tell you now.”
“Okay, I’m ready.” Saki seems nervous.
“So, on the 4th of October, there was a student act in Ayako’s
school. The act was dubbed “The great confession”. That time
Ayako was already on the third year and was about to
graduate, so the boys in her school planned something. Ayako
was an important student of the school so the boys cant just let
her go without any action-“
(This sounded bad.) I feel nervous or even a little scared.
“-So on the 4th of October, they did something after school.
They prevent Ayako to leave yet, and force her to go to the
field. When she got to the field, there were every boys in the
school lining up before her. Ayako was scarred and she
wanted to go home imidiately, but there was people guarding
the exit. And then, the boys do it to her together…”
(What did they do, Ayako looks traumatized, Aki too.) I’m
“A-ah, its okay if you both don’t want to tell it, I understa-“
“They confess to her together.” He interrupted me.
(What?) I’m confuse.
“They confessed their feelings to Ayako together at the field.
Ayako was an important student indeed, ITS BECAUSE
SHE’S THE CUTEST PERSON THERE, nothing can rival
her. The rule there is “Ayako is for everyone” so it’s a taboo
for someone to date her. But because she’s going to graduate
that year, every boys, 200 students, decided to confess to her
at the same time on the field. Ayako was shocked with it.”
(What did I just know.) I’m speechless.
“But of course its not finished. After the confession, they
come to Ayako one person at once to give their letter and to
get their things signed by her. Ayako did that for 3 hours
straight. I feel worried about her that time, so I went out to
search for her. After I searched for her for about 2 hours, I
found her on the school front gate and take her home. And
when we’re on our way home, it was raining and we forgot to
bring an umbrella or a coat, thus we went home wet. The next
day, me and Ayako got sick. She was traumatized by that.
And to think of it, that’s why I never knew about you’re
contest, I was sick for a week.” I finished telling the story.
“Well, I don’t know to feel bad or jealous for that ahaha, it
must felt pretty bad to have to experience all that, but it must
felt good too to know that everyone in the school likes you.”
Saki replied.
“Ughh, that’s why I only love Aki, but I’m okay with you two
dating.” Ayako said without hesitations.
“E-eh, e-excuse me.” What did I just heard.
“Shut up Ayako, don’t say things that’ll lead to
misunderstood. You too Saki, I hope you didn’t
misunderstood this too.” I hit Ayako on the head gently.
“Okayy.” She nodded.
“Oh and by the way, I heard a sound of a cat just then, where
is it?” Saki asked that out of nowhere.
“Aahhh, I’m going to get her right now, she’s our new pet
Aki, I got it from my friend, mom said its okay to have her.
Her name is Izuna, she’s not that old, about 9 months I think.”
“Hmm…I think its okay for me too, well I like cats too.” I
“A-ayako, can you h-hurry a little.” Saki made a weird face
and she acts weird.
(What’s wrong with that girl now.)
(D-did she said a girl, and 9 months old.)

After waiting for 5 minutes, Ayako finally came with her.

“Taadaaa, here is Izuna, our new family member.” Ayako

release it.

Izuna imidiately jumped to me. I pat her for a bit, her hair felt
so soft and nice, her colour is white. She’s so cute, but
There’s Saki who’s been starring me with a death stare.

“H-hey Saki, do you want to hold her too?” I feel nervous,

Saki’s still starring me with a death stare.
“Y-yes please, Aki-sama.” She replied with a soft voice.
(S-S-SAMA? WHAT HAPENNED.) I was extremely
“O-okay, here you go.” I release Izuna.
“What’s wrong with Saki?” Ayako asked, she seems curious
“No idea, she seems weird, but she’s just playing with Izuna
“Nyaaa…Nyaaa, Nyaa.” She looks like she’s talking cat
language with different expressions.
(what is that, its too cute, it rival that of Ayako’s, that nyaa,
do it again.) I grinned to myself.
“What are you doing Saki?” Ayako asked her.
(Noo, don’t interrupt her yet Ayako, I want to record her
doing the “Nyaa”.)
“A-ah, sorry for that, I love cats so much but my family
doesn’t allow me to keep pets, I cant hold myself back when I
see a cute cats because of that. But really, Izuna is so cute
hehehe.” She laughed and apologizes.
“Pftt, you’re a weirdo.” I giggled and joked about her.
“I-I don’t care…ah, its already 9 o’clock, is it okay if I go
home now?”
“Awww, okay then, make sure tomorrow you come here to
see Izuna. Aki, you should take her home, its no good for a
girl to be outside alone at this time. Don’t worry Saki, he
might looked like a girl but he’s actually pretty strong and
reliable shishishi.”
“Yeah, I’ll take you home, want to say goodbye to hatchan?”
“Y-yeah about that….mom’s already asleep, I think she’s
“Okay then, I’ll tell her later, so, want to go home now?”
“Yup, bye Ayako, bye Izuna, I’ll come here tomorrow don’t
worry.” She waved her hands.
“Bye Saki.” Ayako waved back.

We both walk outside.

“Now then, where is your house? I forgot hahaha.”

“Its that way, I guess the last time you came there was 4 years
ago, its no wonder you’d forgot.”
“Aah, now I remembered. Sorry we cant be like old times
again on middle school, I just feel akward around you that
time.” I apologize.
“No need to be sorry, it’s the past after all. But why did you
felt akward tho?” She looks curious.
“I guess you didn’t know but I liked you since 2nd grade of
middle school, but you seemed too far to reach back then,
sorry for not trying to reach you harder back then.” I
apologizes again.
“No need to apologize again Aki, its not your fault. I know
why you feel akward, its natural, it’s a part of growing up.
And thank you to be honest. The important thing is now we
can be together right hehehe.” She laughed a bit, trying to
cheer me up.
“Pftt, you look cute like usual, thank you for being with me
Saki.” I giggled.
“S-shut up, don’t just call me cute like that out of nowhere.”
She blushed.
(Being her boyfriend…it felt like a dream to me, honestly I
want to be with her forever.)

We walked again for 5 minutes. Until we reach Saki’s house.

“We’re here.” Saki stopped.

“Oh, I forgot its this big.” I was surprised.
“Thanks for today, and thank you again for taking me here
Aki.” She smiled.
“Don’t mention it hahaha. Come again tomorrow ok, I’m sure
Ayako and Izuna will be waiting for you again. Me too, you
looked so cute when you acted like a cat shishishi.” I laughed.
“O-okay then, I’ll come again tomorrow.” She then walk
towards me and hugs me.
“See you tomorrow, I’m going to have breakfast on your
house okay.” She blushed and ran to her house.
Im left speechless after that hug. She hugs really good, it felt
warm and comfortable. I went to back to my house with a

“I’m back.” I arrived at my house.

“I’ve already prepared the water, hurry and go take a bath.”
Ayako imidiaetely came.
“Thanks, that’s my little sister haha.” I said laughing.
“Hurry and go to sleep, don’t wake up too late tomorrow.”
“Of course, Saki said she’ll have a breakfast here, and its my
turn anyways to cook tomorrow.”

I went to take a bath. Ayako already prepared everything,

what a nice girl.

(Aghhh, I really want to play some games, but I cant wake up

late tomorrow…Oh yeah, there’s Izuna.)

I went to the living room to play with Izuna for a bit until
Ayako told me to go to sleep. So I went to sleep.

“Mmm…mmm….” I woke up from my alarm and imidieatly

look at the clock to see its still 5 am.
“…..Hi Saki, are you going to have breakfast here” I called
her, and she answered quickly.
“A-ah, of course, just wait, I haven’t take a bath.”
“Hmmm? Take a bath?”
“D-don’t have dirty thoughts about me okay.” She seems
“Weeellll….i don’t know, I mean you have a pretty good
body hehe.” I teased her.
“You pervert, im going to prepare myself now, you should
too.” She hung up.
(Well, time to cook, maybe I should take a bath first) I

I went to take a bath first, then I cook, Ayako already woke up

so I don’t have to wake her. There’s someone knocking
outside so I told Ayako to see who is it.

“Ayako, sorry to disturb, where’s Aki.” It was Saki, didn’t

expect her to came this early.
“No problem, Aki is cooking, go meet him.” Ayako replied.
“Hi Aki” Saki came to the kitchen.
“Why are you this early, you were so late yesterday, what
happened?” I asked her while I cook.
“I guess you don’t know this yet, the truth is that I’m an
otaku, so I watched animes that night, that’s why I woke up
late at the morning.”
“And as you know, I’m an otaku too, but I prefer spending my
time playing games. Here’s the food.” I served them at the
table, I made Omurice for breakfast and tempuras for lunch.
“….Wow, I know that Ayako is good at cooking, but I never
knew you were this good….wait, why aren’t you surprised
knowing that I’m an otaku too?” She said after tasting the
“After seeing the real you the chances of you being one isn’t
that low, and plus I’m glad I have an otaku girlfriend like you,
that way we wouldn’t have a hard time understanding each
other right.”
“T-thanks I guess…”
“But there isn’t much cute girls like you being an otaku.”
“D-don’t call me cute out of nowhere remember, and plus
you’re cute yourself, that means you’re pretty rare right pfft.”
She said with a smug face.
“Ughh, don’t be a bummer Saki, hurry up and finish already, I
don’t want to be late.”
“You’re the one who started it.”

The three of us went to school after Saki finished her

breakfast. As usual Ayako took the bus at the bus stop while
me and Saki continue until the train station.
“Thank god we’re not late, I’m starting to get bored of Mr.
Sakamoto being angry to me.” I exhale.
“Ah, Aki, I forgot, do you have an Instagram?” Saki asked.
“Nope, I’m planning on making one, why did you asked?”
“We can share photos there, it’s a fun social media, see, see!”
She imidiately grab her phone and show it to me.
“Oh, it does seems fun, our stop is already near.”

We both get out of the train and walk to our school. We both
got there on time and we met Shu on the school front gate.

“Hi Aki, Saki” Shu greets us.

“Oh hi Shu, you’re on time as usual.” I replied.
“Hi Shu.” Saki smiled.
“Aaah, seeing a new couple being romantic this early sure
make me jealous.” Shu joked.
“Cut it out Shu, I don’t know where you get the information
that we are dating but I don’t want the whole to know I’m
dating Saki.”
“What do you meant by being romantic, we’re just walking
normally.” Saki interrupted.
“Oi Saki, you’re holding Aki’s arm this whole time.” Shu
replied while pointing at Saki.
“W-WHAT?” Saki looked surprised.
“Don’t get to carried away Saki, but we can hold hands after
school tho.” I exhale.
“O-okay..” Saki answered with a red face.
“Ummm…are we going to go to the class?” Shu asked.

We both went to the class together. There’s sport lesson


(Ughhh, I hate sports.)

“What’s wrong Aki?” Shu asked.
“I hate sports.” I answered him.
“Why? Most guys like sports, sometimes even other guys
from other classes go out to see our class, I don’t know why.”
“Its because of me, and because there’s new students, there’s
going to be more people than usual.” I answered with a
grossed face.
“Ahh, I forgot about your cuteness….ugghh, if only you’re a
(Just die.)
“Oh well, I’m still a guy, I think its not as bad, at least I can
see the girls too hahaha.” I laughed alone.
The lesson begins, today is dodgeball.

(At least its dodgeball.)

“You can rock paper scissors for the team selection.” The
teacher said loudly.

All of the students starts to do rock paper scissors.

“Ah, we’re one team Aki, lets do our best.” Shu came.
“Yeah, with these fools too.” I replied and point at the rest of
the team, they’re all smiling.
(I’m basically invincible at dodgeball, no one dare to throw at
me, only Shu ever threw at me. And if there’s someone who
can, these fools can be a shield to protect me, huehehehe.)
“Ughh, I can feel an evil aura.” Everyone sweats
“Okay, LETS DO THIS, LETS WIN.” I yelled at my team.
“ALRIGHT AKI.” Everyone yelled.

The match started

(Cih, I didn’t expect to face Rango, not my lucky day.) I

Rango Kaidou. A delinquent from class 2-C. He doesn’t care
about Aki’s cuteness and he is extremely good at dodgeball. A
merciless machine.

(Ughh, it must be a new record here, I never seen this much

people watching me. Wait…is that another school student.
Did someone made a religion around me?) I see the
(Ah well, now meat shields, protect me.)
(……..) I look at my team to realized they’re all out.
“Ahahahaha, too bad Aki, I have a plan to beat you in
dodgeball, its to hit all of your meat shields and focus on you
when all of them are gone, gwhahahaha, TAKE THIS.”
Rango threw as hard as he could.
“Ugh….nice throw, but its time to get serious huh.” I catch
the ball and smiled a bit.
“What, how, you’re weak right?”
“Who said I am, now TAKE THIS.” I threw as hard as I
“Gwaaah….” Rango is out.
“The winner is team Aki.”
(Phew, finally, I thought I don’t have to go all out. Now it’s
the girls turn. I might look like a girl, but I’m still a guy.) I
smiled to myself.
“Ah, its raining, okay that’s it for today, the girls turn is next
week” The teacher cancel it.
(Do you want me to lead an army of boys that will burn this
school?) I’m angry.

We all went back to the change. Its lunch time already.

“Saki lets eat with Shu.” I asked her to join.

“Okay. But I think I forgot my lunch at the class.”
“Okay, I’ll bring it, I forgot my wallet too. Just wait.” I ran
“Wait a minute Aki.”
(Uwaaa, he’s already gone? Just how fast is he, maybe I have
to go there to tell him where my lunch is.)
(Oh yeah, where is it in the class…I FORGOT TO ASK
HER.) I realized after I arrived at the class.
(Ahh, it must be on her locker. And the key is hanging too.) I
looked at the locker.
(Oh, there’s a totebag.) I opened the locker and took the bag.
(Hmm…what’s this, wait, ITS HER SPORT UNIFORM
RIGHT?) My face turns red.
took out all the things, there were here sports uniform, her bra
and her panties. My face is still red.
“A-Aki…” Saki called me. She’s standing at the door.
“I-if you want it so much…Y-you can come to my room this
night, M-my parents are not in Tokyo right now.” Saki said
with a blush.
“A-ah, its not like what it seems Sak…” I tried to explain
“Y-you’re touching my used panties Aki, y-you don’t have to
hold back A-aki, you can have m-me instead.”

Aki explained everything to her until she understand.

“S-sorry Aki.” Saki apologizes.

“But for real, thank god there were nobody there. You have to
remember to take your keys if there were those in your
“Lunch time is only 10 minutes left, lets eat first.”
“Your tempura taste good too.” Saki ate my tempura.
“Of course hahaha.”

Meanwhile in the canteen.

“Where is Aki and Saki…” Shu seems sad.

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