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DATE 1 I DENTIZ07 — CHANGING BEHAMIOURS : on othe Sender Constructs the message + initiate snterpersona! Communication Lencoding)- 2 the message Contains information the sender wishes to trans: othe receiver accepts or receives the message Cdecoding> SENDER ——* ___ CHANNEL -——> _ RECEIVER Sor FEep@ack seen] Forms of Communicodion + o> Neral — spoken words Convey message avoid technical terminology = “ Speak Slowly, enunciate repeat messages, use examples b> Nonverbal — lhody language Conveys message. ~ + avoid Showing Shock or disgust “make eye contact “Use body language The. CARE Principle * = Comforts acceptance responsiveness = _emparthy nmPre uf Motivational Inlerviewing: designed te actively engage the. client in Communication process + Collaboration, not persuasion + "Change talk." is an argument for positive change Paradoxical effect pe ceee eee ~when the client becomes more committed to refrain from es doing the recommended desired behaviour

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