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1.421, Actuando con la fuerza F ditigida siempre por Ia tangents ala ‘wayestoria (fig. 1.29) hicieron subir lentamente a un monticulo un pe- ‘quedo cuerpo de mass, Hallar el trabajo de esta fuerza, si hes a aura del monticulo, f, la longitud de su base y k, el coeficiente de rozamiento. ig. 129 1.121 Let F'makes an angle 0 with the horizontal at any instant of time (Fig.). Newton’s second law in projection form along the direction of the force, gives : F = kang cos 6 + mg sin 0 (because there is no acceleration of the body.) As F tt d7the differential work done by the force F, dA= F-d7™ Fads, (where ds = |d7*|) N = dang ds (cos 0) + mg ds sin 0 = kong de + mg dy. 1 x Hence, A= lng f deme fy & = kang + mgh= mg (kI+h). Loa 1.122, Un tejo de masa m = 50 g desliza con velocidad inicil ola por un plano inclinado que forma un Sngulo c = 30° con el horizonte, y al recorter en el plano horizontal la distancia / = 30 em, se detiene. Ha- lar el trabajo de fas fuerzas de rozamiento en todo el trayeeto, conside- rando que ct cocficiente de rozamiento k = 0,15. 1122 Let s be the distance covered by the disc along the incline, from the Eq. of increment of ME. of the disc in the field of gravity : AT+AU™ Ay, 0+ (-mgssin a) = — kang cos as - kang I kL ° §" Gina~ keos a ® Hence the sought work Age= ~kng [s cos a+) 3 t kel i 2 Aye ~The [Using the Eqn. (1)] <——] On puting the values A, = -0.05 3 mg 1.124, Uno de Jos extremos de una cadena de masa m = 0,80 ke y = 1,5m que se encuentra sobre una mesa cuelga del borde de la misma. (Cuando la parte suspendida constituye y = 1/3 de la longitud de Ia cade- 1a, ésta comieza a deslizarse. ,Qué trabajo realizarén las tuerzas de roza- rmiento, que actiian sobre la cadena, durante su deslizamiento total desde la mesa? 1124 From the initial condition of the problem the limiting fricition between the chain lying on the horizontal table equals the weight of the over hanging part of the chain, ic. Amlg= kX (L~n) le (where 2 is the linear N mass density of the chain) So, ke ) 2s ® g Let atan arbitrary moment of time) the length “of the chain on the table is x. So the net friction force between the chain and the table, at this ng moment : - Syn kN» khxg @ ae x)g ‘The differential work done by the friction forces : dAn fr-dF™ —f,do-= -krxg(-de)= 2g Wh ade ® (Note that here we have written ds = -dx., because ds is essentially a positive term and as the length of the chain decreases with time, dx is negative) Hence, the sought work done ° A Jf sephora = (t-te 137 I-n 2 oar 1.126, Una particula de masa m gira en una trayectona crcurar ae ra~ ‘sig R con tna aceleracién normal que varia en funcién del tiempo segiin la ley, = at2, donde a¢s una constante. Hallar la dependencia cntrc la ppotencia de las fuerzas que actin sobre la particulay el tiempo asi como ‘el valor medio de esta potencia durante los primeros £ segundos de movi 2 1.126 We have Ww, x at?, on, v= VaRt, ‘is defined to start from the begining of motion from rest. So, = 2 VaR Instantaneous power, P= F: 9% m (w;ti,+w, i, )*(VER ti, ), (where i, and i, are unit vectors respectively) So, P= mw,Vak t= ma Rt Hence the sought average power fra frora 0 0 maRt? _ maRt 2e 2 Hence

= 1,130, Desde la superficie de la Tierra empiezan a levantar un pequeto ‘verpo de masa m, aplicandole una fuerza F, que se varia con la alwura de ascenso ysegin laley F = 2ay ~ Img, dondea es una constant posit vva. Determinar el trabajo de esta fuerza y el incremento de la energia po- tencial del cuerpo en el campo de gravedad de la ‘Tierra en la primera mi- tad del eamino de ascenso. 14 First, fetus find the total height of ascent A the beginning andthe end ofthe path of ‘velocity ofthe body is equal to zero, and therefore the increment ofthe kinetic energy of| {he body is also equsl to zero, On the other hand, in according with work-energy theorem, [AT is qual tothe algebraic sum of the works A performed by all the forces, Le. by t! force F and gravity, over this path, However, since AT = 0 then A= 0. Taking i sccount thatthe upwaed direction is sasumed to coincide with he positive direction of the ys, we can write An f @enat-ar fe,-moa = me f-20p dy meh -ah)= 0. ‘whence h~ 1/ ‘The work performed by the force F over the fst half ofthe ascent is sen f have 2m ft-apay= sms ‘The corresponding increment of the potential energy is AU= mgh/2~ mg/20. jong the direction of tangent (velocity) and normal

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