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Language Model

Let's consider sequences of length 6 made out of characters ['o', 'p', 'e', 'n', 'a',
'i']. There are 6^6 such sequences.
We consider bigram model with the following probabilities:

For the first character in the sequence:

p( 'o' ) = 0.05; p( 'p' ) = 0.00; p( 'e' ) = 0.03; p( 'n' ) = 0.76; p( 'a' ) = 0.07; p( 'i' ) =
0.09; in short: [0.05, 0, 0.03, 0.76, 0.07, 0.09]
For the transitions:
p( 'o' | 'o' ) = 0.73; p( 'p' | 'o' ) = 0.02; p( 'e' | 'o' ) = 0.04; p( 'n' | 'o' ) = 0.07; p( 'a' |
'o' ) = 0.06; p( 'i' | 'o' ) = 0.08; in short: [0.73, 0.02, 0.04, 0.07, 0.06, 0.08]
p( 'o' | 'p' ) = 0.01; p( 'p' | 'p' ) = 0.06; p( 'e' | 'p' ) = 0.07; p( 'n' | 'p' ) = 0.07; p( 'a' |
'p' ) = 0.08; p( 'i' | 'p' ) = 0.71; in short: [0.01, 0.06, 0.07, 0.07, 0.08, 0.71]
p( 'o' | 'e' ) = 0.09; p( 'p' | 'e' ) = 0.08; p( 'e' | 'e' ) = 0.09; p( 'n' | 'e' ) = 0.71; p( 'a' |
'e' ) = 0.03; p( 'i' | 'e' ) = 0.00; in short: [0.09, 0.08, 0.09, 0.71, 0.03, 0]
p( 'o' | 'n' ) = 0.05; p( 'p' | 'n' ) = 0.00; p( 'e' | 'n' ) = 0.02; p( 'n' | 'n' ) = 0.84; p( 'a' |
'n' ) = 0.08; p( 'i' | 'n' ) = 0.01; in short: [0.05, 0, 0.02, 0.84, 0.08, 0.01]
p( 'o' | 'a' ) = 0.03; p( 'p' | 'a' ) = 0.80; p( 'e' | 'a' ) = 0.07; p( 'n' | 'a' ) = 0.00; p( 'a' |
'a' ) = 0.01; p( 'i' | 'a' ) = 0.09; in short: [0.03, 0.8, 0.07, 0, 0.01, 0.09]
p( 'o' | 'i' ) = 0.00; p( 'p' | 'i' ) = 0.04; p( 'e' | 'i' ) = 0.07; p( 'n' | 'i' ) = 0.03; p( 'a' | 'i' )
= 0.79; p( 'i' | 'i' ) = 0.07; in short: [0, 0.04, 0.07, 0.03, 0.79, 0.07]

Find the most probable sequence in this model and write the answer here:


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