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Developed In Conjunction With Lou Scheimer Productions Copyright 1996 DIC Entertainment Before “Power Rangers" and “Ninja Turtles”... before “Ghost- busters" and “Sonic the Hedgehog"... there was He-Man. With aver 130 episodes — and two billion dollars in merchandising - it set the standard for the toy-television synergy which all of its successors emulated. It was the first male action figure/children's program to become a household word and a cultural icon for an entire generation. An archetype of empowerment and aspiration, He-Man had children around the-world thrusting aloft theinpowerswords and declaring. “! have the power!” Furthermore, "He-Man" broke new ground in children's programming by proving that action-adventure cartoon series could enrich, innovate and enlighten as well as entertain. For those of us fortunate enot to have been part of this phenomenon, it was an experience we will never forget. Now there is a "He-Man" for the next generation: the children of the 90's... and beyond. Presenting... HE-RO -Son of He-Man- Ready to kick skull on Skeletor — all over again!

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