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Herpes encephalitis, treated with IV acyclovir

antimicrobial chemoprophylaxis should be administered as early as possible <24 
hours after identification of index patients
Use rifampin, cirpfloxacin and ceftriaxone. 
没有发热,喝了很多水,血压很低,可能是没有补够水,measurement of sodium 
GI fluid loss from gastroenteritis, then rehydration with no sodium plus ADH release, there is sign of 
dehydration(dry mucosa, hypotension), so it is hypovolemic hyponatremia, which can cause 
Neurosurgery emergency: 

the cavernous sinus is the most frequent dural sinus to become infected and thrombosed. 
●The most likely sites of primary infection to lead to septic cavernous sinus thrombosis include facial infections involving the danger zone (medial third of the face), 
sphenoid and/or ethmoid sinus infections, and, less commonly, dental infections. (See 'Pathogenesis' above.)
●The early symptoms of cavernous sinus thrombosis are not specific, but the presence of cranial nerve signs (particularly lateral gaze palsy) on physical examination in a 
patient with headache should alert the clinician to the possibility of the diagnosis. Headache is the most common early symptom and generally precedes fever and periorbital 
edema by several days. Other common clinical manifestations include eye swelling, diplopia, and changes in mental status.
Restless leg syndrome
glaucoma, 全眼都是红色的,

索曼神经毒气,similar to organophosphates, ↑salivation
Proximal symmetric muscle weakness. 
这个病人fixed and dilated pupil, Life-saving measures may need to be instituted prior to a more 
detailed workup。
osmotic diuretics may be used urgently (see 'Mannitol' below).

这个病人出现了Cushing triad, bradycardia,  In addition, standard resuscitation techniques should be instituted as soon as possible:
hypoventilation, hypertensionThe presence of 
this response is an ominous finding that  Head elevation
requires urgent intervention Hyperventilation to a PCO2 of 26 to 30 mmHg
Intravenous mannitol (1 to 1.5 g/kg)

首先定性诊断,right-sided paralysis, eyes deviate conjugately to the left, left pupil fixed and dilated, 这些都表现了中枢有个什么lesion,眼睛向左看应该是累及到left frontal eye 
field, 导致不能向右看,同时压迫左侧的动眼神经,同时压迫左侧的crus cerebri(大脑脚包含descending corticospinal fibers),应该是一个uncal herniation. 
再看absent DTR, 以及Babinski+,证明是个upper motor neuron lesion, acute upper neuron lesion的DTR可以是absent的
再定性,看这个年龄,再看acute onset, 应该是一个hematoma, subdural more likely, mannitol is contraindicated in active intracranial bleeding. 
同时这个人a pool of vomitus, dehydration的状态,也不适合再给mannitol
Hyperventilation decrease the CO2 and decrease the brain perfusion so decreases the bleeding. 
Subclavian steal syndrome
有机磷中毒的症状。DUMBELS – Defecation, Urination, Miosis, Bronchorrhea/Bronchospasm/Bradycardia, Emesis, 
Lacrimation, Salivation
Seizures — Organophosphorus agent-induced seizures should be treated with a benzodiazepine.
When a patient with dementia develops neuropsychiatric symptoms, the first step is to identify precipitating 
factors(such as new infection).
Always try now pharmacologic therapy first, 
Antipsychotic agents have limited efficacy and are associated with increased mortality in patients with 
dementia. However, alternatives are limited when symptoms are severe, disabling, and/or threatening 
patient or caregiver safety despite safer interventions. 所以D是错的,B明显最合理最适中,at all times, 
hourly oritention这种都会刺激病人。
Chronic Arsenic poisoning
Skin: Hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation can be an early manifestation. Hyperkeratoses and scaling, 
particularly diffusely on the palms and soles, also are quite characteristic. nail changes (Mee's or Beau's Lines)
Mee's是图上这个,Beau's是deep grooved line. 
A symmetrical sensorimotor polyneuropathy is one of the most prominent symptoms of arsenic poisoning, decreased or even absent deep tendon reflexes. 
Alcohl withdrawl-give benzodiazepine. 
Drug induced parkinsonism

Tardive dyskinesia
depressed mood, decreased energy and interest, 没有睡眠食欲改变,不够5个,不符合major depressive disorder表现
时间超过3年了,超过dysthymic disorder标准
Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)—depression, often milder, lasting at least 2 years.
cervical nerve root, 

主要是因为right cerebral hemisphere, 有一个致癫痫灶
颅骨上钻眼的 Septic embolism from IE
active dying, 再跟他明确下
颅外,dissection of right vertebral artery,抗凝?
因为这个人有RA--累及颈椎 会导致颈椎关节脱位--气管插管可能会有并发症
Sudden hemorrhage into the pituitary gland is called pituitary apoplexy
Bell's palsy
Neuroleptic Malignant syndrome typically presents with fever, muscle rigidity, autonomic 
instability(tachycardia, labile or high blood pressure, and tachypnea. Dysrhythmias may 
occur. Diaphoresis is often profuse), and mental status change. Serum CK is often elevated.
-Based on clinical evidence, dantrolene, a muscle relaxant, is the most common drug used to 
reverse the condition, followed by bromocriptine, and amantadine. 
想想他的治疗要用Dantrolene or D2 agonist 如bbromocriptine, 那就是阻断了dopamine受体而
Older age is the only consistently identified risk factor. 
●The primary site of neurologic functional disturbance is the medial temporal lobe. The pathogenesis of this 
transient disruption is unknown. Current theories include arterial ischemia, venous congestion, and migraine, but 
no theory explains all of the clinical features. 
●The event is characterized by a profound disruption in anterograde memory; patients are typically disoriented to 
place and will repeatedly ask where they are and why they are there. Retrograde amnesia is variably present. 
Other cognitive and executive functions are intact. Patients do not lose self-awareness. Resolution typically occurs 
after several hours. 
●The clinical features of TGA are generally distinct from other considerations in the differential diagnosis including 
stroke, seizure, toxic metabolic encephalopathy, and delirium. 
●Patients with TGA should be observed until the episode resolves. Investigations should include laboratory tests 
to exclude intoxication, infection, and metabolic derangements. Brain MRI with DWI is recommended to exclude 
stroke or other structural causes. 
●The prognosis after TGA is felt to be benign, and the risk of recurrence is low. No treatment or driving restriction 
is required.
The parkinsonian gait may bear a superficial resemblance to that of NPH but is distinguished by a narrow base and is more responsive to visual and 
acoustic cues. 
orbital floor fracture
Endarterectomy has no value for milder stenosis <50%

Symptoms of HD begin insidiously with movement abnormalities and/or with psychiatric 
and cognitive features. Chorea is a key feature of HD, and the defining sign at the time of 
diagnosis. Psychiatric problems can include irritability, depression, dysphoria, agitation, 
apathy, anxiety, paranoia, delusions, and hallucinations. The dementia of HD is 
characterized by executive dysfunction.
E, neurologically intact,clinical diagnosis, herniated disc , no need for neuroimaging 

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