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•fOB » +

The Marvelous Work Thoy Constantly
Perform in the Bleed. MORAVIA. taken 'before a Justice of the peace
Wonderful Floy Toys That Amuse
Children of the Orient. snd the Government Fell.
The blood cells are important mem­ and sentenced to 30 day* each in the Europe and America turn out for the Many Interesting side lights oa a
Moravia, July 25.—Headed oy the
Tragic and Romantic Episodes in ^bers of the cell community,and are ex­
i n l i . • « « . « T 1 Tr-L" K i Moravia brass band, a crowd of ftre-
county jail at Auburn. Constable edification of their children many ln- court and the unexpected trials and How Bullion in Transit i s Guar**
Sellick took the men to Auburn jreuious toys, but the occidental young troubles incident to it from which re-
" ' its HislorlcnCalcsTT" • 75,000,000.000 of the red blood• cells .' a. w n ami . , . _ _other
. , -m , o r a- v. i a u s „tjuardett
w t . . . A-Ij*»S*TrSu^^^ ^ ^ ^ 1 1 ? l i s 1 p n m k ^ a ^ f i ^ e ' r V *4via*VWlWa'av) Sd Off a n O c e a n LifmT. _r.
alone. These^ red olood cells move - in t^" 5 * P ^ I a r t r * * n »t "»is »t»tlon this rora boys were defeated here Tues­ strange expanding water toys with Miller Collier's book" brnremlBlscence«
the blood currents, carrying through morning to attend the Firemen's day by the local Eagles. Score IS to which the children of the far east of his days s s minister to the Spanish
DEADLY BATTLE WITH A MOB. the arteries each its little load of ox- convention at Ithaca. 11.
Bore—To -Mr. and Airs ^ e p h e n 4 Several n u m b e r s of the Union have for centuries amused themselves. court, "At the Court of His Catholic LOCKED IN ROOMS OF STEEL
/fygen, which it transports to the dis­ Hose and Engine Company ~oF~thlf "These are nlaced in small - w e e d e d - ^ a i M t V ^ ^ T h a t JL_gayernmsnt aibould
1 tant tissues that they may be invig­ Weeks of East Genoa, July 20, a
ThfflMiloedy Climax to tho Attempted orated and vitalized anew. and. re­ daughter. •place are attending the firemen's con­ boxes similar to the little paint boxes *«»-»e~tbe-xeault of a ribbon bestowed
After the Treasure 4e-aa#e*y a t o w o d —
by the Lord Gordon Rietore—A turning, carrying through the veins the •Born—To Mr. and Mrs. George vention in Ithaca this week. so often seen in our own country. They for a purely ceremonial purpose seems
Away Thore Is Little Danger of Its
Financial qoup That Woo Spoiled by flehrlg snd wwatt* products of th» KJ$. July 19, twins, a daughter and a
Wright of North SummerhiU Friday. have the appearance of soiled shavings, rather absurd, but, says Mr. Collier:
OATO. broken matches ind dilapidated tooth­ "It is a historical fact that not many Being Stolen During the Voyage-
the Ducheoe of Marlborough. tern to the great crematory of the son, Winnifred and Wilbur. Cato, July 2 5 . — T h e newly elected picks, but when thrown into the water years ago a certain minister of the ma­ Shipping and Cheeking the Kegs.
lungs, where the waste is burned and •Horace Heald of Granville Center, rine in one of the European countries
Mo other banking institution has so
thrown ofT from the body. Pa., spent the earlv part of the week . and „ appointed
, , officers of Northern the ingenious toys at once exhibit prop­
resigned because the ruler of a foreign The natural assumption would be
semantic a history as that pertaining with relatives in Moravia. J Cayuga Lodge, No. 728, 1. O. O. F., erties that show them to be considera­ country, on the occasion of his visit to that in the safeguarding of the treas­
Like the shijks that sail the sea. each
to the Bank of England, the "Old Lady J. Edgar Reid was home from were installed Tuesday evening by bly more than mere bits of stick. its capital, gave him a certain rank In ure which the various countries are
cell carries its outgoing cargo and re­ Buffalo for a two days' visit early D. D. G. M., Edgar S. Mosher of The wood of these toys has been kiln a certain order and gave a higher rank constantly sending one another by the
of Threadneedie Street." turns with another one. Some of these this week. Auburn, who was accompanied by dried, and immediately it touches the te his colleague, the minister of war. big ocean liners there would pe re-
One of the bloody episodes in the his­ cells perform the office of special re­ Misa Grace Fitts will sail from his official staff and a large number water it begius to absorb the water
tory of the bank is that embraced in pairers, forcing their way through the New York on the Rocham'beau Au­ of the "The minister of marine contended that quired t h s . vjgjlanee of many men.
members o f Hardemburg and to expand almost indefinitely. A s
the story of Charles Walter Godfrey. walls of the blood vessels and pene­ gust 3 to pursue her musical studies Lodge. 1. O. O. F., of that city. Vis- it was an insult to his country's navy This, however, i s not generally the
it Increases in size i t separates and and the fact that he received the rank case, since, once the gold i s stored
one of its early partners in the bank. trating the tissues in order to perform In London. | itorg were also present from Weeds- suddenly opens, becoming a very pret­
I t appears that Godfrey while crossing their special tasks. A goodly number of music lovers i port and Port Byron. At the close which the rnle required to such cases t w a y in the rooms set apart for that
ty toy. One stick will change into a and that the minister of war had re­ purpose on the big ships s n d the ves­
the channel in the midst of a terrific There are several other kinds of cells gathered at t h e Congregational | of the ceremonies and apeech-mak-
flowerpot containing, it may be, a rose-
church last evening where a concert ing ice cream and cake were served. ceived a higher rank only because the sel is well out at sea, no armed guards
storm aad laden with £60,000 in drafts in the blood besides the carriers just was given by local artists. Miss bush in full bloom. Another b e c o m e T J ^ ^ ^ ^ n g t T e n ^ m p r e . are necessary.
J. Aujhauser o f New York city r a n k b a d
for the aid of King William, who was mentioned. There are the wonderful Grace Fitts and Miss Bertha Tubbs has -been spending a few days i n an obese mandarin carrying an um­
vloualy made no difference to the ag­ Taking the specific case of one liner
Joat then besieging Namar against the soldier and police cells, which maintain sang two numbers. Mrs. Haryey D. town looking overjkhe tobacco-situa­ brella. Still another will take the form grieved minister. - sailing under t h e British flag, w e find
forces of Loots XIV., insisted upon his order and fight battles when necessary. Welch of Chicago, formerly of Mor­ tion. 4 of a sea serpent, very ferocious in its "In his opinion his own government that i t has two strong rooms, the
light to deliver the warrant for the The police cells are on the constant avia, delighted her audience w'th Plans are being made for the an­ tiny dimensions. In not demanding that the foreign gov­ smaller of the two being in close prox­
moaey into the hands of the king, then lookout for germs, bacteria and other three selections. Mrs. Jorris and nual Cato picnic -which- i s usually ' Then, too, there are toys which show
ernment give him also the higher rank imity to the captain's office. This one
l a the trenches under hot Are. As he microscopic disturbers of the peace of Miss Gladys Kilborn's recited and held at Ontario Park during the lat­ as whales, tigers, crocodiles, etc. The in this foreign order had permitted its compartment. has no doubt sheltered
the body. Don McClean played a number of ter part of August.
■handed the document to the king/say-
When these tiny policemen discover records on his Victrola. J. Roland Charles Eldred of Meridian has figures are colored and present a be­ navy to be insulted, and so he resigned, gold enough to pay the cost of the liner
lag. In response to William's growl of
vagrant germs or criminal bacteria Jouver played several selections on gone to Old Forge, N. Y.. where he wildering variety I n design and treat­ snd the government fell. Thus does many times over. The. walls, the roof
rssaoassraace, " i m I, then, more ex­ the clarinet. After the concert the has accepted a position in a hard­ ment. Their manufacture Is a trade the fate of nations hang not on threads, and the ceiling are lined with two Inch
they rush upon the intruder and, ty­ audience adjourned to the church ware store. secret, kept inviolate by the guild that but oa ribbons.'*
posed to danger than your majesty?" steel plate, ancTTfia room contains noth­
ing him up in a mesh, proceed to de­ parlors for a social hour. Refresh­ The Women's Missionary society turns them out by the thousands.
« csaaon be Unwept a w a y bis bead. vour him. If the intruder be too large ments were served. ing in the way of fixtures save shelv­
of the Victory Methodist church will For older children there are provid­
Mot s o very many years ago there or vigorous a call for assistance Is FISH FEATHERS. ing.. The locks, which a r e of the dou­
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gallop, wh_o_ meet tomorrow afternoon a t 2ed larger and even more artistic flg-
tne maoahu nmilaca la thej sent out. and the reserve police rash have been—fm>»*« **t MT and Mrs. o'clock at the home o f Mrs. Abbie nres. consisting of historical c h a r a c — ble variety, are rendered still more se­
t o the assistance Q£,4heir brothersand W. P.itt Parker, returned Wednes­ Follett. An Eniniiro'o Dlah and tho Wsy to cure by steeT~Msps^wrveTtng the-key-
ters—rulers, poets snd soldlill aw) holes, and they_are provided with m a s —
of the eld "Brown Bess," to-overpower the disturber of the peace. d a y "to their home in Kocnsster.~"~--~ -A. sop ot iMr^aad Mxa, JidsrarnLEoafi.. dwaTYea Uses sud tiny bouses, _ _T T r a p t h s Makings.
wtth a number of roughly Sometimes when the vagrants are too Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sawyer, with (broke his right arm the other day The ^oung man did hot know What ^"^mlpftm The s t r o n g
shaped ballets. In these relics was em­ numerous the policemen throw- them their daughters, the 'Misses Rtrby and while riding h i s bicycle. doors snd windows ere full of Inmates, ing la the most frequented portion of
Miss Helen Taber of Buffalo w h o are also among this class. The mors he wanted to e a t His appetite w a s
bodied a picture of the November night out from the body by means of pim- Laura Sawyer, of Rutherford, N. J., the vessel, where persons a r e passing
s t 1790 wnett H e H o c 01 CWWUU III*? •pTesTPoUl s a d sUMlar wupOoM. i n and Mr and Mrs. G. G. Follett and has * e e n visiting relatives in towarTordinsry kind cost a mere song, bat poor. His palate must be tempted and them at all' hours of the day and nEgbt,
their son, Harold, are occupying t h e ths fiass toys are gaits e x tickled. H e scanned the* menu card
from Newgate, set­ »h«« ti^»t» a »fa» frpat nrojAction. after
of infections diseases an army Palmer cottage a t Cascade. grandparents New York Press. again~and~agaJn. Finally, With a HgTT
ting firs to every Catholic chapel on corps i s ordered oat in full strength, The Citizens Band will play at the otresignstion, he saidtothe waiter: all. There are t w o sets of keys, ons
Miss Edith Parker was the guest
t h e w a y and advaad&g with a force of and a royal fight Is waged between the Wednesday of Miss Jessie Parker at skating rink in Meridian Saturday "Bring me some fish feathers." of which is retained by t h e agent in
OgOOO upon the bank Itself. Invading army and the defenders of Cascade. evening after the regular weekly FAR DISTANT URANUS. "Fish feathers r exclaimed the as- charge of the consignment of gold and
clerks, armed w i t h muskets, home and country.—William Walker C. L. Adams of Weedsport with concert In this village. ionfohed waiter. the other of which remains with the
unprovided with shot. . Before Atkinson l a NautHns. e n aifto party of five and F. O. Oddities s Visit t o This Qigontio "Yes; flsh^eatbers! And I want 'em captain.
them lay rows of leaden inkstands, Jonas of Hartford, Conn., with a - . Plaaet Would Dieeless. tonight not next w e e k f In the case of the British vessel men- _
the posslbUKses of a new party of eight registered a t t h e Good­ MEMORY OF SAVAGES. If Uranus, which is a star of about The waiter retired for a conference tioaed there is another and larger spe­
In less than half an hoar the Ink- CHINESE SIGNBOARDS. rich house Tuesday. cie room, situated next to the provi­
Wenderfwl Feats of ths Zulus la Con the sixth magnitude, were a planet with the chef, the captain and the floor sion department This Is about twelve
had been melted aad tamed like those little ones called asteroids, msnager. >
Poetic Qsms to Attract Buoii UjriON SPRINGS. veyhtf Verbal Messages,
The memory In savage or which are being discovered by the No such dish here," was his report feet in length by four in width. It
Shops In. Poking. Union dpringsi July 25.—The
ed. A t every window of the bank
vatod peoples is often trained to a de­ ain't any such thing. There frequently happens that, both strong
•toed- t w o marksmen, their guns train­ W. Simpson tn "Meeting the Sun" funeral of Miss Delia Pierson who to Jtheir utmost capaci­
gree very surprising to those civilised maeh claim upon popular attention. &6w 6F w a s sueh-a dfah I n N e w T

ed on the mob below. Yet the rioters writes: "I saw in Peking a list of died Tuesday morning was held to­ ty, and on one occasion this liner car­
signboards, and a few samples of them day from her late home i n North men snd women who have grown ussd but Uranus is really a gigantic world, The young man arose and sighed
ried some $50,000,000 In gold bullion
earns o a until they were wtthtn t e a .
will Illustrate their general character: Cayuga Street. Mrs. Pierson h a d to depending on the written much more than sixty times s s large as ours. again. packed in small kegs bound with steel
yards of the bank gates. Then sharp
*8hop of Heaven Sent Luck,' 'Shop of been in failing health for several more than on the remembered word. Its v s s t distance, about 1,700,000,000 "That's what I've been told by every hoops.
and d e a r above the frightful dm rose
The transmission of whole epics, like miles from the earth, is what causes waiter In New York," he remarked sad­
^hf yrflrrtofa*.*Pfl nx>B the^jwtn- Celestial Principles,' T h e Nine Felici­ months <bmt w a s confined t o her bed Gold usually is brought to the vessel
the "Died," by word of mouth no It to look so small. —- ly. "But if you will drop a linetothe
poured a deadly volley,- When ties Prolonged,' 'Mutton Shop of Morn­ only a few days. She is survived toy Uranus has four moons, which re­ commissioner of fisheries In Washing­ on which it is to be snipped the day
three eons, Greenly of Hornell, longer seems so incredible when you
the smoke finally cleared away 200 ing Twilight,' T h e Ten Virtues All volve backward la their orbits—that Is ton be will correct your mistake, en­ before the date of sailing, and it Is
Romalne o f N e w York land Wfn- read of the feats of memory of which
l a y dead or dying In the open space Complete,' 'Flowers Rise to the Milky pr*p»nt rtoT Znlno aro capable: to say, tbey revolve from east to west lighten your ignorance, project a shaft stored away carefully before passen­
aow covered by the esplanade of the Way.' •" : —.-"throji nf Union Springs. jmixinn* TTr«nn« w h t U TJrwnn« g o e s , of thought into that granite which gers embark. It arrives at the pier in
*Tn these signs we can see that the Doctor Whitbeck of Geneva h a s These people, says Mr. Gibson in
B s y s i Exchange. The attaching army ordinary trucks under the guard of
rented the Burdick house in Park T h e Story of the Zulus," have no like all the other planets, from w< g i o w l t i m e jour shoaldewh"
w a r n e d , stopped, broke line and Bed. Chinese can combine the senl of a poet sTFeeTT east around the sun. I t is believed H e sighed s third- time, stretched armed men.- The custoUHTy uwUiud
and fa* nnnlun riots were" at an end. I with shopman—Con- ©r^e^E^^ur&igton o^AttburjUtas. --witttaf.^ad.are..a^castaaiatt w> t r a p y t h a t Uranus rotates backwaTff wu Us I uimaaU slowly sad added of getting the gold oh boardTis t o haul—
Daring the first part of the reign of trast such efforts with T h e Noted rented rooms here and will open a m i t messages and record events by axis also. Moreover, the axis of that ^ . ^ m m l o W ^ I I f.ll n tbst'^gg *«*» W * U ^^^J^j^^Z
f i s o u f TT it w a s the practice of an Belpie House' of the London streets, dental office during t h e next month. memory alone. This they can do be­ great, strange globe lies in such a di­ fish feathers are a delicacy.- They are deck by means of a ^oisQBjr engineT
frm*« to give a receipt In payment of ■«* M»I mn^ f ^ i that w e are outer Four hobos, who g a v e Buffalo as cause their mental impressions are rection that in the course of its year, but this method is not followed In­
a deposit, the receipts being passed barbarians. Carlyle quotes a Chinese" thrir rniritl-rnrr were arrested yee- made especially distinct by reason of which is equal to eighty-four of our taken from flying fish. You catch fly­ variably. Sometimes each keg i s
ing fish with salt water on their tafls."
from hand to hand and serving the signboard, 'No Cheating Here,' bat 1 terday on a freight train a t this "their acquired or luheilted habit o l Tears, the oua shines slmnst, perpen­ ■Then he went gloomily Into the a l g h t placed in a sling and carried on board
same porpoee s s t h e check of today. could not find anything like-it in the place *by Detective Bell. They were giving undivided attention to the sub­ dicularly first upon one pole and then by men detailed for this service.

At that time Chllds' bank, a private l i s t 'Good and Just According to Heav­ ject in hand. upon the other. - — — — The receipt given by the steamship
concern, which had the backing of a en' ought to satisfy the ideal notions Communications between the British Measured by our time standard, company, sets forth that so many kegs
great part of the English nobility, ex­ of the author of 'Sartor Resartus.'" authorities and the Zulu kings were there are forty years ofVconstant day­ Swordsmanship Against s Tiger. have been received for shipment not
hibited such signs of future greatness ' T h e Honest Pen Shop of Li" implies
that t i e Bank o f England became that other pen shops are not honest
DAILY FASHION HINT almost Invariably conducted by means light followed by forty years of ^m*"- Sir James Outram, known as the for any stated amount of gold to the
of verbal messages carried by natives. broken night, around the poles of Bayard of India, was a "mighty hunt­ value of so much. The kegs bear the
greatly alarmed, especially in view of The "Steel Shop of the Pockmarked A certain ultimatum addressed by the Uranus, and the sun rises in the west er** and an accomplished swordsman. government seal in many instances,
the fact that the "Old Lady's" notes Wang" suggests that any peculiarity By La Racontense. British to Oetywsyo was conveyed to and sets in the east there, but the sun He once performed the hazardous feat and in such cases, when they have
were a t a discount of 50 per e e n t S o of a shopman may be used to impress Thfs charming afternoon gown of him, not upon paper, but in the brain looks very small when viewed from of killing a tiger with his sword and been safely put In t h e strong room, ths
Uttle by little, through their agents, the memory of customers. Snub hoses, lace and ancient taffeta is an inter­ cells of die messengers whom he had Uranus—only one four-hundredth a s from ths back of his horse. General iron doors thereof are sealed with gov­
the managers of the Bank of England squint eyes, lame legs and hump backs pretation of the tendencies of the sent eighty miles to receive It from-the large as it appears to us. Still it sheds Nicholson performed a similar f e a t ernment wax, the impression being
end of the Eighteenth century. Over
bought up every receipt bearing the- might all be used in this way. a~foundation~ of cream silk muslin British commissioners. upon that planet 1,600 times as much He rode round and round the tiger a t a broken only when the official on the
A charcoal shop calls Itself the the skirt h a s six flounces of ancient Although the document, contained light as ♦>"> *"» mnon ta^J gallop, gradually narrowing the circle other side comes to receive the gold.
, to aceomnlate each year until the "Fountain of Beauty," a a d a place for Mallne edgedtoynarrow shirred bias some 4,000 words and was accompa earth^so thst daylight upon Uranus, The kegs are checked thrice^when
flhonU be ripe, during a shortage the sale of coal indulges in the title of runnings of old <pink satin, a band of nled by much comment on the - state while faintrompared with the blase of liver his blow. H e had only the one they are taken from the tracks, when
of gesd,topresent the receipts in one "Heavenly Embroidery.'' An oil and of things it w a s desired t o remedy, the a terrestrial noonday, Is nevertheless blow and If he had failed would have they reach the gangway and when
great mass for payment. It w a s deem­ wine establishment is the "Neighbor­ whole w s s repeatedtoCetywayo with s very respectable kind of illumina­ been slain. The explanation of the feat tbey are placed In the strong room. ~ t-
ed a certainty that Chllds* would not hood of Chief Beauty," a description perfect accuracy. tion. J is that the tiger does "not spring upon Although no armed guardrstands by
be abletomeet the demand and would the realization of which it i s bard to the horseman during the circling proc­ the strong room, t w o men watch the
thus be rained. conceive anywhere In Peking. ' T h e The Game of Life. ess because be is watching his opportu­ room constantly so long as the ship is
The principal figure i n the drama Thrice Righteous" one would scarcely MOVING PICTURES. The game we are all playing is s nity. As the circle draws closer and in sight of land. As a matter of f a c t
' w a s no other Thau the fa expect trom an opium snop\—London losing game at best. Y e t w e m u a t closer upon him he becomes bewildered there is little danger of any oae steal-
Sarah J ennings. in whom cniids^j Q\Q^ Why Thoy gomotimos BnoW Wlissli playT We cannot get np and leave tne \)j Uie BUauge maueaier, se enlthe
found Its stanchest supporter. Turning the Wrong Way. table knowing the dice are cogged and that of any hunter be has ever encoun­ be necessary that he should shoulder
O a s alght there came a wild clanging Every one must have noticed that in the cards marked against us. W e tered. a keg weighing some 200 pounds and
Btoekod by an Iceberg. moving pictures the wheels of car- must play on^ losing our principal
a t she bell of the great gate of the Discussing the iceberg question, Pro­ vanish with i t without being .seen.
town of Blenheim—a clanging that soon fessor John Milne of London writes - riages_or_ automobiles often seem to be stake Uttle by HtPe W^m—spleBdld India Rubber Tree Fruit Masters of vessels declare gold Is the
awakened every one In the town. A that the year he visited Newfoundland turning backward instead of forward. rouleaux, as -chance or our disposition T h e fruit of the Indiar rubber tree ^ s t safest cargo of-anytohandler
whan faced. gaTef stained man stag one of these ice mountains 'had stock On* pnzgled pprwnn wrote to the Scl may urge, hut knowing well that In somewhat similar to that of ths Bld- The total weight of one consignment
gered Into' the ducal hall, begging an in the Narrows, which is the entrance entific American asking why, and this the end, soon or late, whatever-^te-" nus communis, the castor oil plant of gold shipped by^the British vessel
audience w i t h her grace. When the to S t John's harbor. The. capital of is that paper's answer: mains of it will be swept from the though somewhat larger. The seeds in question amounted to something
duchess, in her dressing gown, appear­ Newfoundland was bottled up. "A In taking a moving picture there are board. Lucky the man who is tempt­ have a not disagreeable taste snd yield like 36,000 pfunds, or sixteen tons, and
ed, demanding to know the reason for fort pounded at the Intruder for a perhaps sixteen exposures made each ed to play but the one stake. Happy s purplish oiL It is a fairly good sub­ the freight charges amountedto$12.-
this unseemly visitation, t h e man ex­ time, but i t might a s well have second. If now the spokes of the the man who in death loses only h i s stitute for unseed oil, though it dries 000. or, roughly speaking, one-eighth
plained that the Bank of England held pounded at the Karakoram mountains. wheel of a carriage move with a speed Hfe.-F. P. Dunns In American Maga- less rapidly. Mixed with copal blue of 1 per c e n t Specie thus shipped is
the Chads' receipts In the amount of The monster stopped all traffic either so that the spokes are in the same po­ slne. snd turpentine, it makes s goooTvar^ insured at ffif fuIT v a u r e ^ N e w
£600*000, that those receipts would be la or o u t On the third day, however, sition a t each exposure, that wheel nish. The oil may also be used in the
for .payment at noon follow- i t heeled orer and sailed away." will seem to stand still in the picture. Bluejacket's Block Neckerchief, manufacture of soaps and lithographic
that there* w a s not at Chllds' —If the wheel is moving slower, not generally known that the inks. The seeds are somewhat like Mark Twain's Profanity.
Sold to meet them, that un­ the spokes-will be seen farther back- bluejacket's black neckerchief, a sur­ tiny chestnuts, althouglTaarker l a col­ " William Dean Howells read the T o m
less t h e demand could be satisfied Wlth- Awful lanorahcSr— ward In the successive views, and the vival of the service mourning for Nel- or. The Indian girts are fond of wear­ Sawyer*' manuscript snd thought i t
m e*in** hoars Chllds' w s s ruined and Young Man With Lavender Tie, Pink wheel will seem to torn backward, son. is the best British silk obtains Wo ing^ b r a c e l e t land_j»eikleta_jna4e_ol ths-best story he had ever read. Clem­
w s s but one person in the Shirt and Bright Purple Socks—Say. while i t will seem to turn forward and that the admiralty la a very fas­ them. ens consujted him regarding the
grace—to whom they might Jim Lawrence is a queer duck. H e when the spokes move fsst enough to tidious customer. Two to each man of a certain vigorous expletive. How­
pronounces his words so queer! The occupy positions further forward In are issued annually, and many thou­ ■ A Funny Misprint. ells advised that it be cut o a t Clem­
other day he was telling some girls each exposure. sands of these discarded scsrfs have One of the most ludicrous announce­ ens wrote back:
the redoubtable duchess about going to the Blank inn for a
so* down and wrote out a check, which "tahbledote" dinner. As soon as w e It is a matter of the interruption for been subsequently worn by Jack's fem­ ments that ever appeared perhaps was Mrs. Clemens received the mail this
to the a g e n t It w s s an left the girls r asked him what he the exposure-and the motion of the ininity. A pair of them make an ex­ msde by s London newspaper in the morning, and the next minute she lit
wheel. If there are sixteen exposures cellent blouse.—Psll Mall Gasette. earlier half of the last century to the into 4he study with danger in her eyes
the Bank'of England for the meant and come to find out he meant
and the wheel turns through the space effect that Sir Robert Peel "and a par­ and this demsnd on her tongue: "Where
■MfgfOeXaoe. H i wsuiasHsiBt table de hoteV! H i . Bit, Ul!—Clikagu
between t w o spokes 111 bW-aUUWiillJ Spoiled IIOF Bsshuaisi ty of fiends were shooting peasants in is the profanity Mr. Howells speaks
odtotake this check t o the Bank of Tribune. .
»^t»«wi and to say that i f it hesitated of a second the wheel would be la the "Harry proposed last night! > —-*. miinrlntfflV t*
cn course, were "friends'* and "pheas­ that I bad left it ont when reading the
#— . - i , ^ 1 - ^ . r f i n poring it the ssme'posttron •* « » successive ex- so"—
iduihtaa would proclaim i t as a de- HSE Disoo>ins P«-«i^ »nH »A wmid not seem to mov< "I knew be would. I played a joke ants.'' MS. to her. Nothing but almost ln-
'MT dear." mildly expostulated her en him." : — spired lying get mo ont of this scrape,
•faaJter: — s t all.
husband, "I said only half a dozen "Whatr Cause For Gratitude. with my scalp. Does your wtfe give
' At 12 o'clock that day there appear­ Willie Green—You city kids ought to yon rats like that when you « o a little
words and you have talked about them "I told him you would Inherit a for­
ed at the Chllds* counter an agent of A Man's Wants. be thankful that your parents use gas
for forty-five minutes." tune when yon came of age"—Houston one sided?—Harper's.
the Bank of England bearing a big bag "What more should s mas want than P o s t stoves, especially during'the hot sum­
"Well." snapped Mrs. Vick-Senn, "the _ . - - ■ „
fal of receipts s n d blandly suggesting good health, a good «Job and a good mer. City Boy—Why? Willie G r e e n -
preacher does that sort of thing every
iwarnnmMntt payment At the same mo- Odorli
it the Chllds* agent was in Thresd- Sunday morning and you never kick we«r Matrimonial.
Well, you never heard tell of a boy
'Now, children," said the teacher,
about if—Chicago Tribune. "Well, a good reputation might come Three Germans were sitting s t lunch- IpUtling wuud foi s gas Steve, did your.
laHlHll' street receiving cash on the —Philadelphia Record. "who can tell me What the word 'odor-
in handy."—Chicago Record-Herald. eon recently and were overheard dis­ less' means?"
check of the duchess.
The cashiers s t Chads' naturally took At aixos snd Sevens. cussing the second marriage of a mu­ Willis Junes mam suie hs know
Pa Know. ~"* A Wevoreod Program.
la scrutinising the Jar. *T married my first husband for mon tual friend when one of them remark - "Well. Willie, what does It mean?"
QOYTK *"*• "Pa. how long can ■ •man u>e u s H f
maa~irmrt - r > « « H — ■hnnhl H»pi/»» »t>t*i»tj M —"Odwlcss mesas without s scant,"
eclats, spending fully half an hour over 'ey and my"second for lore." ?MOTO a*r
ed: " m tell you w h a t ^ A ra
the first batch alone. They were at the •Then you are very hap>y now, I marries de second time don't deserve It really exists," said the serious per- he piped.
suppose?" "It deseeds, Willie, on whether be Is ,_son.
of the first hundred when their embroidered dots and a high flounce aboard a ship that won't sink."—Cleve­ to haf lost his first vife."—Life. Right Now who can give a sen-
tea-they qirtrJt "No. Alas, no! You see, my first of ancient embroidered tulle. T e s ' ' replied Miss Cayenne. " p « It l ^ c / ^ j n , the wordT correctly!* coi-
land Plain Dealer. doesn
aesn't On the contrary, society tries tinned ^
the procedure a Trttio, and within husband married me to* MV* aad my The long janaructle" gjyiag the amsll Blsra, tinned the ^acher.
teacher ""Yon
* may answer.
ilmnas ttis iranr rf TTrf*—"*- ~"^ > tuni<> effiHM in t h e Louis X V T s t y l e . Mr. Dubb—My brain is o n fire! to Imitate Jinigile.'
paid la its own coin. The net
that ChUds* was many tbou- A Special Favor.
edged with shirred ©iss i s flulshea
at the waist line * y a hi«b girdle of
Qulatnral Apallcattosu
A Sunday school teacher,
K e e n - I hardly thlnx
after the fire department—Boston Tran­
tae.**—Washlnston Star. "Please, ms'sm, when .you are odor.
less you cannot ride i n the trolley
Nattier veKet .trimmed In front with reading the words: ' T h s fowls of cars."—Youth's Companion ,
<rf pounds richer.—Harper's Oustomei>-I want a ton o f coal. four crystal "buttons. This "jac- the air," turned to her'class aad script.
A Changed Man.
Dealer—Yes, sir What sisr'» fins- Mrs. Kaagg—You were a different
I I C J M . — i . I ■ » l ■» with a small a s k e d r ^ W h a t are the fowls of t h e _
tBuwr-wiu. u u'i wn ^^^ -ton-t bWe ^ I V e i . Tile iBePt ifr?** After a paUss dhs H l t t i e - f m 4a»y- AWitrv date
sea the target a man M \ collar o f man and takes up more room.—HBO-
flounce problem by. replying:: —1 simaraly hope as, for then I was sumption oveesheotsta and
esttoUfa. Wo see only the target a s much I'd like t o have a 2.000 pound 8 l«eres are trimmed w i t h a solved Che
ton—Brooklyn Life. of Mali lace. "Please. it's the bad smells.'
—— t

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