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Historically, we had known famous people who have been good leaders in all aspects of
live, in politics, religious, social leaders, sport and so on.

Analyzing the main characteristics these leaders may share we can list the following:

o Honest — one of the main characteristic is honesty. Honesty builds

o Inspiring — self-confident leaders can inspire others.
o Has a vision — They all have their vision for the future and well
know how to set goals and how to get them done
o Highly personal Skilled —they are competent people, think
rationally and making decisions based on facts.
o Intelligent — they are smart people and emotionally intelligent.
o Courage and Brave – they can take decisions bravely, challenge
the risks and obstacles, following their vision.
o Fair and open-minded – always show fairness, accept others
o Good imagination – can create and innovate solutions and new

Effective Leaders at organization share similar traits, behaviors, and characteristics.

 Honest, humble and respectful.

 Good listeners
 Confident
 Charismatic
 Good example
 Diligent and expert.
 Make delegations.
 Good Decision maker.
 Motivator
 Fair and firm.
 Points to the goal.
 Inspires
 Supporter
 Looking at things objectively
 Empathetic
 Straight –forward
 Optimistic
 Inspire values
 Team developer.
 Calm and work under stress
 Enhance involvement.
 Good communicator and team role player.

The important question to ask: are leaders born or created?

In other words, can leaders be made? What are the needed skills to be an effective

The old way we look to leaders that they are born with special skills enable them to
achieve victory and glory, things changed. Luckily!!!

Now, you can explore the leadership skills in you, with patience, hard work and
education you can gap the bridge and learn how to become an effective leader. You will
get your goals done and achieve your targets successfully.

In this e-book, we will show you how to assess your current leadership skills and motives
to be a leader, how to improve them and educate you how to gain the needed skills by
using practical tools to master the learnt skills.

How to get the ultimate benefit of this e-book:

- Assess your skills currently by taking the test

- Analyze the results.
- Strength your good skills.
- Work on your weaknesses using the tools mentioned.
- Practice it in real life.
Chapter one:
How Good Are Your Leadership Skills

Asses your leadership skills:

In real life and in many aspects, leaders exist. They have their responsibilities and roles
to lead their teams. However, you can differentiate easily the effective leader from
others. You can find bosses in your organization who can lead effectively while others in
the same position cannot.

You can listen to a President and feel his influences on audience but others cannot. You
can notice within low levels bottom lines teams someone who leads while others just

Therefore, it is not a matter of being in a leader’s position; it is how you lead effectively.

This is the fact anyone can be built to be an effectively leader.

Starting by analyzing your current skills, learn how to build on your well-developed skills;
strength your weaknesses eventually you will be an effective leader. This is simply what
we will discussing moving on with this book sections in the coming sections.

Taking the test


The test below will concentrate on assessing your current leadership skills and how
effective you are, then help in developing some areas by combining a set of
characteristics and behaviors that will empower you to be an effective leader.

By answering the questions please pay attention to:

Be transparent with yourself, try to choose the best option describes your current
behavior not what you think is the best answer, keep in mind that you are assessing

For each statement, click the button in the column that best describes you. Do not worry
if some questions seem to score in the 'wrong direction'. When you are finished, please
calculate the total score the way shown at the end of the test. GOOD LUCK

Not Rarely Some Often Very

Statement at all times Often
1 2 3 4 5
1 I doubt myself and my ability to succeed.

I feel vulnerable once somebody criticizes

I think that personal feelings ought to be
3 allowed to get in the way of performance
and productivity.
I expect nothing but top-notch results
from individuals.
5 Plan for the future is my enjoyable task.

knowing what it takes me to be

successful , drive me highly motivated
When assigning tasks, I contemplate
7 people’s skills and interests.

I often become worried and upset in the

People can be successful because I take
time to learn what they need from me
I expect higher quality work from my
individuals than I typically deliver myself.
I think that groups perform best once
people keep doing the identical tasks and
11 perfecting them, rather than learning
new skills and difficult themselves.

It is a waste time spent worrying about

team morale.
I build exceptions to my rules and
13 expectations – it is easier than being the
enforcer all the time!
When somebody is upset, I try to perceive
however, he or she is feeling.
My actions show individuals what i
would like from them.
I am optimistic concerning life, and that i
16 can see on the far side temporary
setbacks and issues.
When circumstances amendment, I will
struggle to grasp what should be done
Everyone in my team is encouraged to
focus on the same goal.

How to calculate your score:

 Questions numbers (7,4,14,6,15,18,5,9,16 ) the points will be from 1 to 5 where the answer “not at
all” takes 1 point
 Questions numbers (1,10,17,3,12,8,13,2,11 ) the points will be from 5 to 1 where the answer “not
at all” takes 5 point
 Sum up the points and get the total

How to understand the results:

1- Highest score:
If you score from 53 – 90 then you are Excellent. You are at a good level of leadership and you improve
more where you scores less by going through this e-book.
2- Medium score:
If your score was from 35 – 52, then you are at the track, you have the base foundation to be a good
leader , you need to work more to improve your skills, check where you get low score and work on it.
3- Lowest score:
If you have get 34 and less, you need to start working on your leadership skills, working hard to
improve them can make you an effective leader! Go through the tools inside this e-book, and try to use
them in your life and examine the change.

Many leadership skills and competencies once combined and applied go toward
creating you a good leader. You have the power to develop every of those skills
inside yourself. Scan on for specific concepts on how you will be able to improve
your leadership skills!
Chapter Two:
Personal Characteristics

Successful leaders tend to own certain traits. Two key areas of personal growth and
development are elementary to leadership success: self-confidence, and a positive

Self-confident leaders are typically exalting, and people prefer to be around leaders who
believe themselves and what they are doing. Likewise, if you are a positive and
optimistic one that tries to create the simplest of any state of affairs, you will realize it a
lot of easier to encourage individuals to try to do their best.

(Q1,Q 6)
A) Be self–confidant

your need to work to improve your self-confidence.

First of all let us define what is meant by self-confidence, it is as quoted from

WIKIPEDIA,” relates to self-assuredness in one's personal judgment, ability, power, etc.,
sometimes manifested excessively. Being confident in yourself is infectious if you
present yourself well, others will want to follow in your foot steps towards success”
As, it is clearly stated that others can follow a self-confidant person, has the power and
ability to be a decision maker. He can inspire, influence others easily.

Self-confident personal can do what he feels is right despite criticism, dare to make
some risk for the sake of getting better achievements, look for failure as an opportunity
to improve. He cannot restrict his acts waiting for other opinions, he do not feel afraid of
failure, and he cannot feel comfort with mistakes and try hardly to mask them. These are
some characteristics which can give a clear assessment to what extend you are self-

Self-confidence feeling comes mainly from the level of success we experience when we
get our goals achieved; this reflects our capability to make things done. The second
thing is the way others look at us with level of acceptance to our personalities. We
cannot control this part.

Working on the first part, that we can control, learn how to improve it, will result in
making us more confident. Therefore, it is a learnable skill, this sounds good!

Building Self-Confidence

How you can build your self-confidence?

Based on what we had discovered earlier, everyone could build his self-confidence, it is
a long-term journey. As any journey, you need to prepare for it well, set up the way you
will perform it and how to speed up the process to reach your goal. These will be
described in details in the coming paragraphs.

1) The preparation phase:

a- Think about what currently you achieve.

You can start by listing down some of your achieved goals and spend some time
enjoying the success, as ex. solving a problem in your career, making the lowest
customer complaint in a specific month and so on.

b- Figure out your strength

Knowing your strength can help you choose the battle where you can win. SWOT
Analysis technique is a good tool to use in this section.

c- Know what is really count for you

Achieving your goals is the most important part in building self-confidence, so by

setting your exact goals, exploiting your strengths to achieve them, minimizing
your weakness can give you the real confidence everyone looks for.

d- Negative ideas management

You need to get rid of any negative idea that will affect your self-confidence; I
recommend using a tool called rational positive thinking, will be explained in brief
at the end of this section

e- Making promises to commit

At this final stage, self-commitment to complete the journey is very essential.

2) start:

In this phase, start to work on your goals, start slowly, achieving easy small
targets, feel the success that leads to start building your self-confidence. Pay
attention to these precautions when you start:

- Be sure you have the required skills and competences to achieve your goals.

- Start with small goals and celebrate the success of achieving them, do not take
risk to do challenging goals.

- Keep the positive ideas floating in your mind, and keep on celebrating success,
accept mistakes and failure.

3) Speed up to success:

Mastering the process of achieving set goals gives the feeling of confidence; it is
time to stretch yourself sufficiently. Make bigger successes, your self-confidence
is piling up. Make sure not to exceed your abilities when stretching your goals.

(Q8, Q16)
Have a Positive Attitude
your need to work on your attitude “how to be positive”.
One of the good leadership characteristic is to have a positive attitude and mindset.

It is the way you perceive things, you should realize that bad things and problems
always happening, you cannot prevent them, but you can react to them positively, when
change becomes a fact you should be proactive, realistic and looking for opportunities.
You should look for solutions to overcome any problem rather that set back stressfully.
Early we discussed how to overcome the negative thoughts, challenge them rationally,
and come up with positive thoughts. This will help.

Tips on how to maintain your positive attitude:

1- Believe that problems exist and thing could not go as what is planned.

2- Look at good things in your life and be thankful.

3- Keeping positive thinking friends and people around you, help you in
thinking positively.

4- Unhealthy self-talk can destroy your positive attitude.

5- Learn how to control your stress and anger

6- Try always to use positive language and words.

7- You have your unique life; do not compare yourself to others.

8- Always look to the full side of the cup.

Positive people approach situations realistically, prepared to make the changes

necessary to tackle any situation. Negative people, on the other hand, often give in to
the stress and pressure of the situation. This can lead to fear, worry, distress, anger and

Useful Tools :

Treasure Mapping:
This tool utilized to give a clear picture of what will be the situation when you achieve
your set goals; imagination of what will be your feelings, how others will see you when
you fulfill your goal. Moreover, what could be the detailed road map steps to move
towards your goal.

When your imagination creates and visualizes the glory finish of achieving your goals,
this can be the reference wherever you will be able to revisit whenever you would like a

Let us give an example, imagine that your goal is to make your e-book, you can imagine
the papers front of you, writing down your ideas, it is completed and you presented it to
others, it appeals to your friends and publisher. You start marketing it, and money is
flowing to your account. Looks great!

One more example, your goal is to present your project in a ceremony, think about slides
to be included, what techniques should be used in the presentation, imagine the happy
faces staring at you during your presentation, you are on the plateau receiving the first
runner up and all audience congratulating you, your boss is proud of you. Amazing!!

How to do it?

- First, clearly identify your goal. Write it down, imagine what you will gain after
achieving your goal and what others will look at you, how you will celebrate your
achievement, have a tangible feeling of your imagination, try to get pictures
presenting your imagination and put them together on a paper

- Second, now start the same process as above visualizing your journey towards
your goal achievement, keeping in mind what you should do and should not.
Place pictures on the paper too.

- Commit to what you collect of picture, put it in a clear place so you can always
see them and get the motive.

Rational and positive thinking:

My purpose from introducing this tool is to help you to overcome your negative attitudes
and thoughts that dispersed you and distract you from focusing at your goal, keep in
mind that our aim is to achieve our set goals to build up our self-confidence which is an
important issue in being an effective leader.

After identifying the negative thoughts, you could face during your progress on the set
goal, listed them down, start thinking about each one separately, try to challenge them
by rational thinking asking why I am negative about it, is it reasonable, is it a major issue
I cannot overcome it?

After finalizing each challenge, look at them and realize however you will affirm and
assure that you simply have the power to beat them, list down the actions you will go for
do this.

A brief on how to use the tool:

Take an example for more illustration:

My goal: To present my project successfully on front of the evaluation committee for this
year quality-day ceremony.
Negative feelings:

- Do I have the sufficient material for the presentation?

- Do I have the appropriate presentation skills to perform the presentation?
- I am worried about uncontrolled things that can make me fail.
- Is the presentation appeal to audience and the evaluation committee?

Challenging the negative thoughts (thinking rationally)

- What are the facilities needed to do a good presentation? Do I have the

adequate visualization material? Are all the illustration reports available?
- To do the presentation, am I experience in that? Did I get a training to do
Do I know what audience needs to know exactly? What are the body language
skills should I use?
- Am I prepared if any uncontrolled thing suddenly takes place? Do I have a back-
up plan if the projector does not work? Do I prepare expected questions list that
the committee may ask?
- Do I prepare myself well? Did I conduct the presentation to my colleague first as
a rehearsal?

Think in a positive way (affirmation step)

- I have all the needed material and I checked them and arranged them in the
proper way
- I am well trained to do the presentation, I have done many successful
presentations, and I know my audience well and what they need to hear.
- I set up a backup projector in case of failure; I prepared a list of expected
question and well trained on how to answer them.
- I conducted two rehearsals to my top management and colleagues, the
rehearsals were very successful, I listened to the audience criticisms, accepted
them and corrected my presentation accordingly.

Be aware, that while you affirm your positive ideas, some action should be taken, this
will come up with some opportunities to learn some skills, and you can know some weak
points that you can overcome them before starting the process of achieving your goal.
This is also a positive thing.

Advise: use a simple sheet to list the negative thoughts, rational thoughts, positive
thoughts adjacent to each other to always keep an eye on them
Stress management techniques
Stress management is wide subject, cannot be discussed fully in this book, maybe in
another one. Serving our subject, I will list some stress relief techniques that help
preventing negative thoughts control our minds.

List of stress relief techniques:

Do what must be done first...first.

Do one issue at a time.

Encourage work-related stress management.

Eliminate unimportant deadlines.

Leave a resting time between events.

Try to not work impatiently.

Keep meetings short.

Do not answer your morning emails straight away

Do not be driven to web distraction.

Stand up and stretch.

Be a team player.

Do not let unhealthy job stress persist.

Do not become smitten by your work.


Rotate functioning on completely different comes.

Be an advocate for stress-free living.

Limit your personal matters at work.

Forget about deadlines. However regarding begin lines.

Take frequent breaks.

Leave personal politics out of the workplace.

Do not let others waste some time.

Do not compromise your principles at work.

Chapter three:
(Q14, Q2)
Emotional Intelligence
We need emotional intelligence as an efficient leader because it permits the leader to
place his staff comfy, he improve his knowingness, create the balance between personal
life and his work, become easy, the power to form call, simply building relationships, the
leader will manage the modification.

Definition of Emotional Intelligence:

As quoted from WIKIPEDIA” it is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions
of oneself, of others, and of groups”

People with good Emotional Intelligence can manage and control their own feelings and
emotions. They control their temper and anger in stressful situation. They can stay calm
trying to face any problem, can know others feeling, have the ability to deal with other
people and know how to be a good listener. They are well aware of what they are, what
they need, how to get there, they can take decision easily. They can communicate with
others smoothly and make good relationships in their life

Components of Emotional Intelligence:

The main five component of Emotional Intelligence are:

Self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill

1- Self-awareness
Good leaders well know and understand their emotions; this is an important skill
for leaders to recognize clearly their strengths and weaknesses. Leaders are
self-aware and they are more confidants because they trust themselves.

2- Self-Regulation:

Leaders always are self-regulated, they know what they want and where they go,
they have their values and vision. They can control themselves and their moods
and emotions
Leaders are willing to take decision based on fact and they are not following
their emotions. They can focus on the real root cause of problems while
controlling their emotions.

3- Motivation :

Leaders with emotional intelligence are self-motivated, motivated leaders are

highly productive and proactive, and they can motivate and inspire others.

4- Empathy:

It is a skill of identifying other people needs, point of views, in other words good
leader can understand and recognize other people feelings, and reactions to any
situation, the leader can easily see things through people eyes. As a leader
putting yourself in the employee shoes, give you the advantage to motivate and
emphasize him and keep away from quick judgments.

5- Social Skills:

A leader with good emotionally intelligence, you will be socially accepted, you
can easily communicate with people and employees, play a role in teams, it will
be easy when it comes to deal with conflicts in workplace. Good relationships
mean good job management

Can Emotional Intelligence be improved?

Yes, it can be, listed down some tips and practices that can help improving your Emotional

1- Improve the ability to manage your stress.

2- Try to know your emotions, learn how to manage them.
3- Manage to connect with others using nonverbal communication, be introduced to
body language gestures.
4- Use your humor sense when dealing with challenges.
5- Be confidant when resolving conflict in a positive way.
6- Enhanced your communication skills.
7- Be Humble, it is a secret weapon in dealing with people. It is a strong personality
8- Train yourself to use the word “sorry” when you make mistakes to others, it
reflects a high level of responsibility upon your actions.
9- Be a good listener and do not interrupt others speech or try to change what they
want to tell.
10- Be patient in judgment, keep away of being stereotype.

Chapter Four:
Transformational Leadership
A leadership style where leaders create the future vision and inspire it, motivate the followers to
achieve the inspired vision, assure and manage the performance of teams to implement it
successfully, develop teams to become more effective.

Five branches can be identified in this style of leadership as will be discussed in this section
This leadership style can be described in five main characteristics:

Create a vision for the future, People Motivation, Being a Good Role Model, Manage team
performance effectively, be a good supporter

The vision is the statement that describes where you see the organization at the long
term as final destination; it is like what you dream to be. Therefore, it describes the
direction of the organization and final goal. It is the higher-level intention from where the
strategies are created and communicated to leaders and stakeholders.
The Mission statement is derived from the vision describes what the organization is
doing and what functions it is operating and what objectives to be achieved. Department
strategies and objectives are derived and communicated down to the lower bottom lines
of employees.

Note: there are many theories about mission and vision so I choose the one
implemented in quality management systems.
1) Create a vision for the future (Q 17, Q5)

You should focus on this area of your leadership development.

This is your ability to create a Vision of the Future, and to present it in a way compelling
and inspiring to the people you lead.

Creating your mission and vision statement, needs full knowledge of your operation’s
area, enabling the leader to have a strong and clear vision that can be forced through
teams to be implemented effectively.

Strategic analysis can provide full detailed picture for your company and customers’
needs. You can use techniques like SWOT, PEST to develop your business plan to
achieve your objectives.

To choose and decide on the best that fit strategies, identify the available options,
specify the encountered challenges, a good set of prioritization skills and decision-
making technique will be helpful at this stage. Discussed in tools part at the end of this

As Final stage, your created vision and mission and related objectives must be bought in
by your team and other related stakeholders, they should be convinced that they could
achieve these objectives as a team works together. A good skill used is the persuasion

2) People Motivation (Q18, Q12)

After creating the mission and vision, in this stage, the objectives are set, employees
should follow your vision and they should be convinced to adopt your vision. You should
use your motivation skills to drive your team to work on your set objectives; enjoy the
journey of achieving the success as a team. You have the vision and you are the person
who leads and motivates. The teamwork environment enhanced by the leader will result
in significant success.

Leaders always use the type of management known as Management by objectives.

Teams are driven by goals. Key performance indicator (KPIs) measures the team
performance and goal achievement. See useful tools
3) Being a Good Role Model(Q10, Q15)
Lead by example

Act as an example while you are leading your team. To enforce someone to act
effectively, your daily performance and acts should show what you are saying and what
you are asking others to do. People trust leaders who respect their words. Involvement
in daily work, giving help and advice continuously result in more confidence between the
leader and his team. Showing your team the ability to perform tasks, solve problems,
and make decision gain you the power, authority, and respect in a stronger way than
being the only manager. Manager can give orders and force to complete them. In this
case, teams are responding following systems and regulation only. In the other hand,
Leaders using their vision inspire teams to get things done effectively.

4) Manage team performance effectively (Q4, Q13)

To manage team performance, your expectation should be clearly set. A clear goal
statement includes what is to be achieved (measureable target). Who is the
responsible? The timeframe when the task should be accomplished.

Involvement of team member is essential in developing the task or goal statement or


You should create rules to be followed; rules will keep the team performing in a
harmonized way. Uncertainty will be minimized and can be corrected easily.

5) Be a good supporter (Q7,Q3,Q9,Q11)

Leaders should asses their team competencies and skills; provide them with a good
training plan to accept challenges. People are always looking for interesting jobs and
career growths. In addition to just doing tasks, they seek for personal success, credit
and appreciation. Knowing individuals potential will help in assigning the exact job to the
team members that will help him/her to grow in job and develop.

Do not forget to support your team emotionally, this is very important to keep the morale
and the motive to success.
Useful tools:
1) Prioritization
Making Best Use of Your Time and Resources

Why prioritization is important. It helps you make use of your time and effort when there
are unlimited demands with less time availability. It lets you and your team focus on the
most important tasks and activities to be completed efficiently.

In a way and another, Prioritization can lead to reduce stress and give you some
calmness by postponing less important things or maybe neglecting some.

Simply, prioritization based on time availability, or the importance of task done and its

Based on goals achievement and the pressure you were put under to complete that job,
the most common base-used for prioritization is the value or profitability from the job and
its financial effects. Then, the time availability counts, especially when others depend on
your task completion to start. The pressure of management can push to prioritize your
tasks; those are the guidelines you van consider to simply prioritizing your tasks against
your time and efforts.

For complicated cases, you need to follow some scientific tools for of
the most popular tools is the Pareto Charts.

Pareto Charts:
Pareto Principle simply is “few frequent categories of a problem are responsible for the
most causes of the problem; solving these few categories leads to get rid of most the

From Wikipedia” it often represents the most common sources of defects, the highest
occurring type of defect, or the most frequent reasons “

Pareto Principle implies that we can solve frequent problem by identifying and attacking
its "vital few" sources; generally the vital few sources have the most accumulations and
most relevant to other related problems.

Often the data you collect can best be recognized by dividing it into categories. A Pareto
Chart is one of the best tools for looking at categorical data, or for determining which
group represents your biggest problem.

Why use a Pareto Chart?

· To understand the pattern of occurrence for a set of problems.
· To judge the relative impact of various parts of a problem area.
· To track which is the biggest contributor to a problem.
· To decide where to focus your efforts.

When to use a Pareto Chart?

- The problem is a combination of many categories that can be broken down to be

studied and analyzed
- To specify which categories are the most occurred to be solved and improved

When a Pareto chart is constructed, it will be obvious that the most occurred causes of a
problem is presented as the Bars at the left of the chart.

The 20/80 principle states that 80 percent of a problem is solved by find solution to the
20 percent highest causes. In other words, it is worthless to spend your efforts on
solving many causes of a problem that have minimal contribution, instead of dealing with
one or two vital causes that have 80 percent contribution to the problem solution.

How to construct a Pareto Chart

1. Decide which problem you want to analyze.

2. Gather the necessary data.
3. Compare the relative frequency of each problem category.
4. List the problem categories, sorted by frequency, on the horizontal line and
frequencies on the vertical line.
5. Draw the cumulative percentage line showing the portion of the total that each
problem category represents.
6. Check on the results.

What to look for in the Pareto Chart:

· Relative heights of the bars (including the height of the Y-axis).

· Look at the size of the other category; ensure you cannot make another
category from some of the "other" data. Do not combine too many items in one
· Make sure that the data utilized to build the chart are valid data with no odds.

Reaction Plan:

· Start working on the largest category bar(s).

· Narrowed down the problem to one or two items, and then proceed to Analyzing

When all the bars are approximately the same height and/or many categories are
needed to account for most of the problem, you need to further analyze the data
Paired Comparison Analysis
For more complex and special cases, you need to use other tools for prioritization; we will go
through this tool called Paired Comparison Analysis
This tool is effective to prioritize options when the decision criteria are subjective or inconsistent.
It works by let you comparing individually one item from a list with other items. In each
comparison, you decide which one from the two options is more important. When you
consolidate all the paired comparisons, you can come up with a prioritization list.
Without the availability of objective data, you need to look to the relative importance between the
different choices, and then you can decide how you to proceed.

We can identify six steps on how to use this tool practically:

1- Make a list of all of the options that you want to compare. Assign each option
a letter (A, B, C, D, and so on)

2- Construct a matrix with rows and columns have the same no of the options in
your list, insert each item of the option list in each row and do the same with
each column.

3- Compare each option in the row with another one in the columns and decide
which one in most important inserting you decision in the blank cells of the

4- In each cell, insert the letter of the option you think more important and a
number starting from 0 to 5 to describe how much one option is more
important than the other, knowing that 0 means the two options have the
same level of importance

5- Sum up all results values for each option and you can calculate the
percentage of total score.

6- Finally, adjust the results using your common sense if necessary.

This is an empty template on how the matrix looks like:

A: Option 1 B: Option2 C: Option 3 D: Option 4 E: Option 5

A: Option 1
B: Option 2

C: Option 3

D: Option 4

E: Option 5

What cases we can use this tool?

It can be used for examples when comparing team skills, choosing between different potential
candidates for a job, decide where to travel during your annual vacation … etc.

A bank employee gets his annual incentive at the end of the year and he wants to decide how
he will use this amount of money.
As example, he listed three options
A: Buy a new car
B: Travel to Europe for tourism
C: Invest it

He used the paired comparison tool to decide using a numbering value from 0 to 3 , the results
were as follows:

A: New car B: Travel C: Invest

A: New Car B, 2 C, 3

B: Travel C, 1

C: Invest

By sum the results we can find:

Option A gets 0 and 0% from total score
Option B gets 2 with 33%
Option C gets 4 with 67% , SO he decided to invest his money…

Grid Analysis

Grid Analysis is most popular, the importance of this tool that it can help in taking
effective and rational decisions based on actual data, and when you are comparing
many alternatives to choose from with different variables or factors
In these situations, the decision depends on many factors and you need to balance
between all alternatives, as example when you are buying new equipment, you should
look for the warranty in addition to the cost, and sometimes the delivery time will be the
most crucial factor. Someone will argue that the power consumption is the most
important factor. So how you can decide if the list built up more and more?

Now, how to use this practical tool:


After construct a table of factors against weight, List your entire alternatives as the row
labels on the table then the factors that you need to consider as the column headings.

Step 2:

In each column, score downward each alternative for each of the factors in the rows
starting from 0 to 5 where 0 is poor and 5 is very good. Note that you may have same
scoring for multiple cells.

Now, weight the relative importance of the factors, it may take 0 where 0 means this
factor relatively is not important and 5 when the factor is very important. Some factors
may have the same importance or weight.

Step 4

Multiply each of the scores in step 2 with the weight for relative importance of the factors
results from step 3.

The result of multiplication gives you the weighted score for each factor/alternative

Step 5

Finally, add up the weighted scores together to decide which alternative is the winner.

A practical example;

A manager is studying to purchase a new forklift; he had three suppliers (Alternatives)

and four important factors to take into consideration:

A. Price B: Fuel Type. C: fuel consumption D: Max. Lifting load.

First thing to do, evaluate the relative importance of each factor for each supplier as in
step 2 without inserting the weight value of the factors:
Fuel Fuel Lifting
Price type consumption load Total


Supplier 1 4 5
1 0

Supplier 2 3 5
2 4

Supplier 3 2 3
3 3

Second, insert the weight of each factor as in Step 3 and multiply them with each cell

Fuel Fuel Lifting

Price type consumption load Total

Weights: 4 3 3 1

Supplier 1 12 5 21
4 0

Supplier 2 9 5 34
8 12

Supplier 3 6 3 30
12 9

As a result, supplier 2 is the best choice to purchase from despite he is not the best price

2) Decision Making Skills

One of the characteristic of effective leaders is to be Decisive; Effective leaders can
make decision effectively with high-quality results. Decision may vary from simple to
complex decision depending on:

A) The complexity of the situation when many variables interrelated together.

B) The significance of decision impact as Risks of bad decisions.
C) Unknown facts increase the uncertainty.
D) Alternatives of the solution, consequences and uncertainty.
E) Others unpredicted reactions.

To get up with a good quality decision, with these unknowns and uncertainty, leaders
should adopt a decision making process to help them better know and analysis the
problem systematically.

Systematic approach in any process helps in addressing the important and critical
elements of each step and stage, prevent missing important factors.

The Six steps of an effective decision making process are:

1. Creating constructive environment

2. Generate good alternatives.
3. Study the generated alternatives
4. Pick the best one
5. Check to verify your decision
6. Communicate the decision then take action

Step 1: Creating constructive environment

The following should be considered when creating constructive environment:

 Define the output objective to be achieved clearly.

 Define the most appropriate way to making the decision and agree on the
process on how to do it by Answer questions like: is the decision will be taken
individually or team-based team? Do I have the needed data to take a decision?
 Consult the stakeholder even if it is an individual decision. A team of five to
seven with good representation of stakeholders is typical to take group decisions.
 Listen to everyone point of view while encouraging participation in decision-
making process.
 Ask the right questions to identify the real problem. Use root cause analysis
techniques as ex. Five whys or fish-bone techniques.
 Try to use creative tools to generate new ideas at earlier stage

Step 2: Generate Good Alternatives

This step is still so important and critical to make an effective decision.

To make a good decision, an effective leader should examine all alternatives. He should
look to the problem or the case from all perspectives and angles. He should challenge all
ideas and do not narrow his decision in few options which may not be the effective
decision he is looking for.

An effective leader can use many tools and techniques to generate good alternative.
One of the most known tools to generate ideas is brainstorming and reverse
brainstorming sessions. Reframing matrix can be used to consider different
perspectives. it is based on the use of 4 P (product, planning, potential, and people)

The Charette procedure is a process to get and develop ideas from stakeholders in a
systematic way. Use the Crawford Slip Writing Procedure to produce ideas from large
no. of people. A viable approach to ensure that everybody's thoughts are heard and
given equivalent weight, regardless of the individual's position or power inside the

If you have not many choices, or an inadmissible option, utilize a Concept Fan to make a
step back from the issue, and approach it from a more extensive point of view. This
frequently helps when the general population associated with the decision are
excessively near the issue.

Appreciative Request drives you to take a gander at the issue dependent on what is
'going right,' instead of what is 'turning out badly.' Use Affinity Diagrams to sort out
thoughts into regular topics and groupings.

Step 3: Investigate the Choices

When you decide you get to a decent decision, at that point you will have to assess the
feasibility, risks, and implication of every decision. Here, we talk about probably the most
mainstream and viable diagnostic tools.


In basic leadership, there is generally some level of vulnerability, which unavoidably

prompts risks. By assessing the risk generated with different options, you can decide if
the risk can be controlled and managed.

- Risk analysis causes you take a gander at risks impartially. It utilizes an organized methodology
for surveying risks, and for assessing the likelihood of occasions happening - and what they may
cost to oversee.


Another approach to take a gander at your choices is by thinking about the potential outcomes
of each.
- Six Thinking Hats causes you assess the outcomes of a choice by taking a gander at the choices
from six alternate points of view.

- Impact Analysis is a helpful method for conceptualizing the 'unforeseen' results that may
emerge from a choice.


Decide whether assets are sufficient, if the arrangement achieves your goals, and if the decision
taken is probably going to work in the long term

- To survey advantages and disadvantages of every choice, use Force Field Analysis, or use the
Plus-Minus-Interesting approach.

- Cost-Benefit Analysis takes a gander at the money related feasibility of an option.

Step 4: Pick the Best Option

After you have assessed the choices, the subsequent stage is to pick between them. The
decision might be self-evident. Nonetheless, on the off chance that it is not, these tools will

- Grid Analysis, otherwise called a decision matrix, is a key tool for this kind of
assessment. It is priceless because it encourages you bring divergent variables into your
basic decision-making process in a solid and thorough way.

- Use Paired Comparison Analysis to decide the general significance of different factors.
This causes you think about unlike factors, and choose which ones should convey the
most weight in your choice.

- Decision Trees are additionally helpful in picking between choices. This helps you expose
out the distinctive choices to you, and bring the probability of project success or failure
in the process of making a decision.
For group to decide, various evaluation methods are available.

At the point when choice criteria are subjective and it is important that you gain accord, you can
utilize procedures like Nominal Group Technique and Multi-Voting. These techniques help a
gathering concur on needs, as ex., so that they can allocate budget and resources.

The Delphi Technique utilizes many cycles of anonymous written discussions, overseen by a
facilitator. Members in the process do not meet, and here and there, they do not know who else
is included. The facilitator controls the procedure, and deals with the stream and association of
data. This is valuable where you have to bring the assessments of a wide range of specialists into
the basic decision making process. It is especially valuable where a portion of these specialists
do not jump on!

Step 5: Check Your Choice

With the majority of the exertion and diligent work that goes into assessing choices, and
choosing the most ideal path forward, it's anything but difficult to neglect to 'sense check' your
choices. This is the place you take a gander at the choice you are going to make impartially, to
ensure that your procedure has been exhaustive, and to guarantee that basic mistakes have not
crawled into the basic process.

The first to do will be an intuitive step, which includes discreetly and systematically testing the
presumptions and the choices you have made against your very own understanding, and
completely assessing and investigating any questions you may have.

A second part includes utilizing a procedure like Blind spot Analysis to survey whether normal
basic decision-making issues like over-confidence, escalating commitment, or groupthink may
have undermined the basic process.

A third part includes utilizing a technique like the Ladder of Inference to check through the
coherent structure of the decision with the end goal of guaranteeing that an all-around
established and reliable decision rises toward the end of the decision-making process.

Step 6: Communicate Your Decision, and Move to Activity!

When you have settled on your decision, it is critical to disclose it to those influenced by it, and
engaged with actualizing it. Discussion concerning why you picked the elective you did. The
more data you give about risks and anticipated advantages, the almost certain individuals are to
buy it in.

3) Management by Objectives
Motivating individuals by positioning their objectives with the goals of the organization

For many individuals operating in modern business environments, it is onerous to

recollect a time once non-managerial staff were not attached, and inquisitive about,
company strategy and goals. We are often reminded concerning the company mission
statement, we have strategy meetings wherever the "big picture" is discovered to us,
and that we are invited to participate in some decision and we are conscious of however
our regular activities contribute to those company goals.

This type of managing has not been around forever: It is an approach known as
Management by Objectives; a system that seeks to align employees' goals with the
goals of the organization. This ensures that everybody is obvious concerning what they
ought to be doing, and the way that is helpful to the entire organization. It is easy to
release why this sort of managing is making sense– once the components add unison
the entire works smoothly too. And by that specialize in what you are attempting to
attain, you will quickly discriminate between tasks that has to be completed, and those
that are simply a waste of valuable time.

Using Management by Objectives

Five-step method of MBO is explained below as stated by Peter Drucker:

1. Set or Review Organizational Objectives

MBO starts with clearly outlined strategic Organizational objectives .If the organization is
not clear, wherever it is going, nobody operating there will be either.

2. Cascading Objectives all the way down to staff

To support the mission, the organization has to set clear goals and objectives that then
must go down from one structure level to the following until they reach everybody.

To make MBO goal and objective setting more practical, Drucker used the SMART
concept to line goals that were getable and to which individuals felt responsible. He
aforementioned that goals and objectives should be:

• Specific

• Measurable

• Agreed (relating to the participative management principle)

• Realistic

• Time connected

Notice the "An" in SMART is "agreed." this is often generally mentioned as "achievable"
however, with MBO, agreement concerning the goals may be an important element: It is
not enough for the goals and objectives to be set at the highest so handed down. They
have to flow, or trickle, down through numerous stages of agreement. The sole goal that
is going to meet is the one that is agreed on. It is much easier to convince someone to
get the task done when he has a hand in developing it.
For each objective, you would like to ascertain clear targets and performance standards.
It is by using these that you just will monitor progress throughout the organization. These
also are vital for communication results, and for evaluating the quality of the goals that
are set.

3. Encourage Participation in Goal Setting

Everyone has to perceive how their personal goals work with the objectives of the
organization. This is often better to be done once goals and objectives at every level are
shared and mentioned, in order that everybody understands "why" things are being
done, so sets their own goals to align with these.

This will increase people's possession of their objectives. Instead of blindly following
orders, managers, supervisors, and staff in an MBO system apprehend what has to be
done and therefore must not be ordered around. By pushing decision-making and
responsibility down through the organization, you encourage individuals to resolve the
issues they face showing intelligence and provides them the knowledge they have to
adapt flexibly to dynamical circumstances.

Through a participative method, all and sundry within the organization can set his or her
own goals, that support the objectives of the team, that support the objectives of the
department, that support the objectives of the business unit, and that support the
objectives of the organization.

In a MBO system, staff are more self-directed than boss-directed. If you expect this sort
of self-managed performance from staff, you have to provide them the tools they need.

Once you established, what it is that somebody is in command of, you want to give the
knowledge and resources required to attain results, additionally produce a mechanism
for observation progress towards the goals in agreement.

4. Monitor Progress

Because the goals and objectives are SMART, they are measurable. They do not live
themselves although; therefore, you have to form an observation system that signals
once things are off target. This observation system should be timely enough in order that
problems are often restrained before they threaten goal accomplishment. With the
cascade result, no goal is ready in isolation; therefore, not meeting targets in one space
can have an effect on targets all over.

On the opposite hand, it is essential that you just make sure that the goals are not
driving adverse behavior as a result of they need not been designed properly. as an
example, a call center goal of finishing all decisions among seven minutes may be
helpful in encouraging the employees to handle every call briskly, and not pay
superfluous time chatting. However, it would be that customers' calls were changing into
additional complicated, maybe due to a faulty new product, and call center operators
were terminating the decision once 6 minutes fifty-nine seconds to satisfy their target,
feat customers to call back, frustrated. During this state of affairs, the observation
method ought to acquire the shift within the goal surroundings and alter the goal fittingly.

Set up a plan for observation goal performance (once a year, combined with a
performance review is not sufficient!) Badly implemented MBO tends to worry the goal
setting while not the goal observation. Here is wherever you are taking management of
performance and demand accountability.

Think about all the goals you have set and not reached. Having sensible intentions is not
enough, you would like a transparent path marked by accountability checkpoints. Every
goal ought to have mini-goals and a technique for keeping on top of every one.

5. Evaluate and Reward Performance

MBO is meant to enhance performance the least bit levels of the organization. To make
sure this happens, you would like to place a comprehensive analysis system.

As goals are outlined during a specific, measurable and time-based manner, the
analysis side of MBO is comparatively simple. Staff are evaluated on their performance
with reference to goal accomplishment, allowing fittingly for changes within the
surroundings. All that has left to try to do is to tie goal accomplishment to reward, and
maybe compensation, and supply the suitable feedback.

Employees ought to lean feedback on their own goals same as on the organization's
goals. Make sure to bear in mind the participative principle: once you gift organization-
wide results you have another chance to link individual groups' performances to
company performance. Ultimately this is often what MBO is all concerning and why,
once done right, it will spur organization-wide performance and productivity.

When you reward goal achievers you send a transparent message to everybody that
goal attainment is valued which the MBO method is not simply an exercise however a
vital side of performance appraisal. The importance of truthful and correct assessment of
performance highlights why setting measurable goals and clear performance indicators
are essential to the MBO system.

Repeat the Cycle

Having passed through this five-stage method, the cycle begins once more, with a
review of the strategic, company goals in the light of performance and environmental
Key Points

Management by Objectives may be a powerful tool for positioning staff actions with an
organization's goals.

Its overarching premise is that of worker authorization. By empowering staff to require

responsibility for his or her performance and permitting them to work out however their
achievements affects the organization as a full, you increase people's motivation,
dedication, and loyalty. Once you bring that full circle and link performance to analysis
and appraisal, you have a powerful system that supports and values staff and facilitates
nice performance.

4) Performance Management
and KPIs
Linking Activities to Vision and Strategy

Managers speak lots concerning worker performance. There is constant pressure to

attain performance targets, to achieve higher performance levels, and to make sure that
people's work supports and furthers the organization's goals.

Performance management is that the method required managing this performance. The
key question asked is, "How well is a worker applying his or her current skills, and to
what extent is he or she achieving the outcomes desired?"

The answer has historically been found within the performance analysis method;
wherever managers rummage around for onerous knowledge to inform how good a
worker has performed his or her duties.

What is typically missing from this analysis, however, is that the part concerning
ensuring that the worker is doing the correct issue. After all, you will have a hard-
working, dedicated team member. However if he or she is not acting on things that
advance the organization's purpose, what is the point?

This is wherever key performance indicators inherit play, and that they apply each at the
organization and individual levels. At an organization level, a Key Performance Indicator
(KPI) may be a quantitative metric that reflects however well a company is achieving its
declared goals and objectives.

For example, if your vision includes providing superior client service, then a KPI might
target the quantity of client support requests that stay unhappy by the top of every week.
By observation this, you will directly live however well your organization is meeting its
long goal of providing outstanding client service.

If your KPI is inappropriate or naive, however, the results will be ineffective. As an

example, utilizing the same goal of providing superior client service, the primary KPI that
always involves mind is that the number of client complaints received. Intuitively, you will
feel that the less complaints you receive the upper the client service you are giving. This
is often not essentially true: you will be obtaining fewer complaints as a result of you
have got fewer customers or as a result of customers are not able to access your
support services.

Taking this a step more, whereas it is vital for organizations to decide on the right KPIs
for business performance, it is equally helpful if managers and staff outline KPIs for
members of their groups. In fact, a perfect state of affairs is wherever KPIs cascade from
level to level within the organization (in reality, this might be impractical if there are
several levels to the organization.) This helps individuals add such some way that their
activities are aligned with company strategy.

Employee Goals and KPIs

Therefore, a part of performance management is setting goals with members of your

team. This might be done among the formal appraisal method, however it does not
should be. The vital issue is that set goals are aligned with the department's strategy that
successively is aligned with the strategy of the organization.

This follows the common saw in management that claims, "What is measured gets
done." If you set a goal around a particular outcome, the possibilities of that outcome
occurring are abundant higher, just because you have got committed to managing and
mensuration the results.

When an employee's goal is outlined in terms of an organization KPI, it ensures that

what the worker is doing is well aligned with the goals of the organization. This is often
the important link between worker performance and organization success.

Let us take an example of however a personal employee's goal is connected to

organization strategy:

• Organization Vision – To be best known for our superior client service and satisfaction.

• Organization Objective – to scale back the quantity of dissatisfied customers by twenty-


• Organization KPI – the quantity of client complaints that stay unresolved at the top of
every week.

• Team Member's Goal – to increase the quantity of satisfactory complaints resolutions

by 15% on that period.

Taken to the following level, every worker goal ought to have a minimum of one
associated KPI.

• Team Member KPI – The weekly percentage difference in complaints handled that end
in happy customers versus unhappy customers.
Use the following questions to facilitate your work towards shaping effective KPIs:

Understanding the context

• What is the vision for the future?

• What is the strategy? However, can the strategic vision be accomplished?

• What are the organization's objectives? What has to be done to stay I track of the
strategic direction?

• What are the Critical Success Factors? Wherever ought to the main focus be to attain
the vision?

Defining KPIs

• That metrics can indicate that you just are with success following your vision and

• What many metrics must you have? (Enough, however not too many!)

• How often typically must you measure?

• Who is accountable for the metric?

• How, complex should the metric be?

• What must you use as a benchmark?

• How does one make sure the metrics replicate strategic drivers for organization

• How may the metrics be cheated, and the way can you guard against this?

• What, negative perverse incentives would be founded if this metric was used, and the
way can you guarantee these perverse incentives are not created?

KPIs and Rewards, Recognition, and Development

When you are happy that you just have important metrics for measure organization or
worker performance, you currently should confirm that the supporting components of
worker performance are aligned likewise.

Just as what gets measured, gets done; therefore will what gets rewarded!

When you are establishing your rewards and recognition practices, confirm that what
you are bountied ties on to the KPIs you set. as an example, if you're mensuration
individuals on however well they pander to client complaints, then bountied them for
lowering numbers of complaints confuses the message you're making an attempt to
Conversely, if your organization needs to draw in new customers, then you may have a
KPI that measures what number new customers are attracted weekly. Betting on things,
a well-aligned performance system might reward staff supported the quantity of recent
customers they in person facilitate to draw in.

5) Motivation
Herzberg's Motivators and Hygiene Factors, Learn How to encourage Your Team

What do individuals need from their jobs?

Do they require simply the next salary? Or do they want security, sensible relationships
with co-workers, opportunities for growth and advancement – or one thing else

This is a crucial question; because of it is at the basis of motivation, the art of partaking
with members of your team in such some way that they furnish their perfect

The psychologist Fredrick Herzberg asked the same question within the Nineteen Fifties
and 60s as a way of understanding worker satisfaction. He studied the effect of attitude
on motivation, by asking individuals to explain things wherever they felt specific, and
very dangerous, concerning their jobs. What he found was that folks who felt sensible
concerning their jobs gave terribly completely different responses from the folks that felt

These results type the premise of Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory (sometimes

called Herzberg's 2 issue Theory.) revealed in his noted article " One More Time: How
do You Motivate Employees ", the conclusions resulted had the effect , and still form the
basis of motivation practices.

Motivation-Hygiene Theory
Herzberg's findings discovered that specific characteristics of a job are systematically
associated with job satisfaction, whereas various factors are related to job
discontentment. These are:
Factors for Satisfaction Factors for discontentment

Achievement Company Policies

Recognition supervising

The work itself Relationship with Supervisor and Peers

Responsibility Work conditions

Advancement salary

Growth standing


He concluded that job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction are not opposites.

• The opposite of Satisfaction is No Satisfaction.

• The opposite of Dissatisfaction is No Dissatisfaction.

Remedying the causes of dissatisfaction will not produce satisfaction. Nor can adding
the factors of job satisfaction eliminate job dissatisfaction. If you have hostile work
surroundings, giving somebody a promotion will not build him or her happy. If you
produce a healthy work surroundings however do not give members of your team with
any of the satisfaction factors, the work they are doing can still not be satisfying.

According to Herzberg, the factors resulting in job satisfaction are "separate and distinct
from people who result in job dissatisfaction." thus, if you set concerning eliminating
dissatisfying job factors you'll produce peace, however not essentially enhance
performance. This placates your personnel rather than truly motivating them to enhance

The characteristics related to job dissatisfaction are known as hygiene factors. Once
these are adequately self-addressed, individuals will not be dissatisfied nor can they be
satisfied. If you wish to encourage your team, you then should target satisfaction factors
like accomplishment, recognition, and responsibility.

NOTE: Despite its wide acceptance, Herzberg's theory has its detractors. Some say its
methodology does not address the notion that once things are going well individuals
tend to seem at the items they get pleasure from concerning their job. Once things are
going badly, however, they have a tendency responsible external factor.

Another common criticism is that the proven fact that the theory assumes a powerful
correlation between job satisfaction and productivity. Herzberg's methodology failed to
address this relationship, thus this assumption has to be correct for his findings to
possess practical relevance

To apply Herzberg's theory, you would like to adopt a two-stage method to encourage
individuals. Firstly, you would like eliminate the dissatisfactions they are experiencing
and, secondly, you would like to assist them notice satisfaction.

Step One: Eliminate Job Dissatisfaction

Herzberg named causes of Dissatisfaction "hygiene factors". To induce eliminate them,

you would like to:

• Fix poor and hindering company policies.

• give effective, corroborative and non-intrusive supervising.

• produce and support a culture of respect and dignity for all team members.

• make sure that wages are competitive.

• Build job standing by providing important work for all positions.

• give job security.

All of those actions facilitate your eliminate job Dissatisfaction in your organization.
Moreover, there is no purpose attempting to encourage individuals until these problems
are out of the way!

You cannot stop there, though. Remember, simply because somebody is not
dissatisfied, it does not mean he or she is happy! Currently you have to show your
attention to putting together job satisfaction.

Step Two: produce Conditions for Job Satisfaction

To create satisfaction, Herzberg says you would like to deal with the motivating factors
related to work known as this "job enrichment". His premise was that each job ought to
be examined to find however, it might be created better and additional satisfying to the
person doing the work. Things to contemplate include:

• Providing opportunities for accomplishment.

• Recognizing workers' contributions.

• making work that is bountied which matches the abilities and skills of the employee.

• Giving the maximum amount responsibility to every team member as attainable.

• Providing opportunities to advance within the company through internal promotions.

• Giving coaching and development opportunities, in order that individuals will pursue the
positions they require among the corporate.

Key Points:

The relationship between motivation and job satisfaction is not too complicated. The
matter is that several employers take a look at the hygiene factors as ways that to
encourage once of course, on the far side the terribly short term, they are doing little to

Perhaps managers prefer to use this approach as a result of they assume individuals are
additional financially motivated than, perhaps, they are, or maybe it simply takes less
management effort to lift wages than it will to value company policy, and design jobs for
optimum satisfaction.

When you are seeking to encourage individuals, foremost get eliminate the items that
are annoying them concerning the corporate and the work. Confirm they are treated
fairly, and with respect.

Once you have done this, rummage around for ways that within which you will facilitate
individuals grow among their jobs, provide them opportunities for accomplishment, and
praise that accomplishment where you discover it.

6) Lead by Example
Do you lead by example?

There is hardly nothing worse for company morale than leaders apply the "Do as I say,
not as I do" philosophy. Once this happens, you will virtually see the loss of enthusiasm
and goodwill among the employees. It is like observance the air move out of a balloon –
and pessimism and disappointment typically take its place.

No matter what things is double standards – witnessing individuals say one issue, so
doing another – always translated as betrayals. They will be terribly damaging. If this
ever happened to you, you maybe still bear in mind that sense of disappointment and

If you are in a leadership position, then you recognize that you just have a responsibility
to your team. They ask for your steering and strength; that is a part of what being a
frontrunner is. Moreover, a big part of your responsibility is to guide them along with your
own actions.
So why it is therefore vital to guide by example and what happens once you do not?

Why It Matters

There is a famous statement concerning the distinction between a manager and a

leader: "Managers do things right. Leaders do the right things." (It is best to be each a
manager and a leader – they are simply completely different processes.)

As a leader, a part of your job is to inspire the individuals around you to push themselves
– and, in turn, the corporate – to greatness. To do this, you want to show them the
manner by doing it yourself.

Stop and consider the exalting folks that have modified the planet with their examples.
Think about what Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi accomplished through his actions: He
spent most of his adult life living what he preached to others. He was committed to direct
action to protest injustice, and other people followed his example. He diode them, and
India, to independence – because of his life verified, by example, that it might be done.

Although Gandhi's state of affairs is extremely completely different from yours, the
principle is the same. Once you lead by example, you produce an image of what is
attainable. Individuals will look at you and say, "Well, if he can do this so I can0" once
you lead by example, you create it simple for others to follow you.

Look at legendary man of affairs, Jack Welch of General electrical. Welch knew that to
push GE to new heights, he had to show everything the wrong way up. Therefore, that is
simply what he did.

He developed the entire plan of a "boundaryless organization." this implies that

everybody is absolve to brainstorm and think about ideas – rather than looking forward
to somebody "higher up" within the forms to think of them first. He needed his team
"turned loose" and he secure to pay attention to ideas from anyone within the company.
Therefore, he did. Everybody from all-time low line staff to senior managers got his
attention – if that they had one thing to mention or a replacement concept that would
possibly build the corporate higher. It was not simply "talk," and it did not take his team
long to work that out.

Welch stayed faithful his passions and what he knew was right. As a result, GE became
an implausibly undefeated company beneath his management. His team was perpetually
willing to follow his lead, because his team believed he never broke his word.

What will this mean for you? If you provide yourself to your team and show them the
manner, then, presumably, they will follow you anywhere.

When You Don't Lead by Example

We have seen simply however powerful it is to lead by example. However, what

happens once you do not follow this rule? How will your team feel when you tell them to
try to do one issue, so you are doing the precise opposite?
As we tend to aforementioned earlier, if this ever happened to you, then it should not be
onerous to recollect however angry and defeated you were.

When leaders do not "practice what they preach," it are often virtually not possible for a
team to figure along with success. How will anyone trust a leader talks concerning one
issue, doing another?

Consider what might need happened if Gandhi had, even only once, been during a
physical fight together with his opposition. His vital message of nonviolent protest would
be -in all probability- hard to be believed. His followers would have checked out him with
suspicion and distrust. The possibilities of them getting in physical arguments or
committing acts of violence in all probability would have accrued dramatically.

Do you assume that Alexander the Great's troopers would have fought therefore
onerous for him if he sat safe aside and did not lead the fight by himself? In all
probability, not.

Therefore, it is along with your team. If you say one issue and do another, they
doubtless will not follow you sky-high. Why ought to they? Everything you tell them
subsequently might meet with suspicion and doubt. They will not trust that you are doing
the correct issue, or that you just apprehend what you are talking concerning. They will
now not believe you.

Good leaders push their individuals forward excitedly, inspiration, trust, and vision. If you
lead a team that does not trust you, productivity can drop. Enthusiasm might disappear.
The vision you're trying to get it happened might lose its charm, all as a result of your
team doesn't trust you any longer.

Key Points

Good leadership takes strength of character and a firm commitment to try to do the
correct issue, at the correct time, for the correct reason. This implies doing what you say,
once you say it. If your team cannot trust you, you will most likely never lead them to
greatness. Leading – and living – by example is not as hard as sounds. It's actually
simplest path. If your team is aware of that you will do whatever you expect from them,
they will doubtless work effortlessly to assist you reach your goal.
7) Expert Power
Lead from the front

There are many various power bases that a leader will use and exploit.

These embrace problematic ones like the power of position, the power to relinquish
rewards, the power to penalize and the power to regulate data. Whereas these varieties
of power do have some strength, they place the person being lead in an unhealthy
position of weakness, and might leave leaders in this position looking autocrats.

However, three varieties of positive power that effective leaders use: charismatic power,
expert power and referent power.

This article teaches the technique of building expert power.

Using the Tool:

Expert power is crucial because as a leader, your team appearance to you for direction
and steering. Team members must believe your ability to line a worthy direction, provide
sound steering and co-ordinate a decent result.

If your team perceives you as a real expert, they will be rather more receptive once you
attempt to exercise influence techniques like rational persuasion and sacred charm.

Moreover, if your team sees you as an expert you may notice it abundant easier to guide
them in such some way on produce high motivation:

• If your team members respect your experience, they will apprehend that you just will
show them a way to work effectively.

• If your team members trust your judgment, they will trust you to guide their sensible
efforts and diligence in such some way that you will build the foremost of their hard work.

• If they will see your experience, team members are additional doubtless to believe that
you just have the knowledge to direct their efforts towards a genuinely worthy goal

Taken along, if your team sees you as expert, you may notice it abundant easier to
encourage team members to perform at their best.

So how does one expert power?

• Gain experience: the primary step is obvious (if time consuming) – gain expertise.
• However simply being an expert is not enough, it is additionally necessary for your
team members to acknowledge your experience and see you to be a reputable supply of
data and recommendation.

• Promote a picture of experience: Since perceived expertise in several occupations is

related to a person's education and knowledge, a leader ought to confirm that
subordinates, peers, and superiors are conscious of his or her formal education, relevant
work expertise, and important accomplishments.

• One common maneuver to create this data best-known is to show diplomas, licenses,
awards, and different proof of experience during a distinguished location in one's
workplace – on balance, if you've worked onerous to realize information, it's truthful that
you just get credit for it. Another maneuver is to create delicate references to previous
education or expertise (Beware, however, this maneuver will simply be overdone.

• Maintain credibility: Once established, one's image of experience ought to be carefully

protected. The leader ought to avoid creating careless comments concerning subjects
on that he or she is poorly hip, and may avoid being related to projects with a low
chance of success.

• Act with confidence and resolutely during a crisis: during a crisis or emergency,
subordinates like a "take charge" leader seems to grasp a way to direct the cluster in
managing the matter. During this quite state of affairs, subordinates tend to associate
assured, firm leadership with knowledgeable information. Whether or not the leader is
not positive of the way to deal with the crisis, showing doubts can danger loss influence
and control.

• Keep informed: Expert power is exercised through rational persuasion and

demonstration of experience. Rational persuasion depends on a firm grasp of up-to-date
facts. It is thus essential for a leader to stay updated of developments among the team,
among the organization, and within the outside world.

• acknowledge subordinate concerns: Use of rational persuasion should not be seen as

a form of unidirectional communication from the leader to subordinates. Effective leaders
listen fastidiously to the issues and uncertainties of their team members, and confirm
that they address these in creating a persuasive appeal.

• Avoid threatening the self-esteemed of subordinates: Expert power relies on an

information differential between leader and team members. Sadly, the terribly existence
of such a differential will cause issues if the leader is not carefully concerning the
manner he exercises expert power.

• Team members will dislike unfavorable standing comparisons wherever the gap is
extremely massive and obvious. They are doubtless to be upset by a leader acts during
a superior manner, and arrogantly flaunts his larger experience.
• Within the method of presenting rational arguments, some leaders lecture their team
members during a superior manner and convey the impression that the opposite team
members are "ignorant." Guard against this.

The Blake Mouton Managerial Grid

Balancing Task- and People-Oriented Leadership

Some leaders are terribly task-oriented; they merely need to induce things done. Others
are terribly people-oriented; they require people to be happy. Others are a mixture of
both types. If you like to lead by setting and imposing tight schedules, you tend to be
additional production-oriented (or task-oriented). If you give people your priority and look
at to accommodate worker wants, then you are additional people-oriented.

Neither preference is correct or wrong, even as nobody style of leadership vogue is best
for all things. However, it is helpful to know what your natural leadership tendencies are,
in order that you will then begin acting on developing skills that you just is also missing.

A popular framework for considering a leader’s ‘task versus person’ orientation was
developed by Henry Martyn Robert painter and Jane meat within the early Nineteen
Sixties. Known as the Managerial Grid, or Leadership Grid, it plots the degree of task-
centeredness versus person-centeredness and identifies five mixtures as distinct
leadership styles.

Understanding the Model

The Managerial Grid relies on two behavioral dimensions:

• Concern for people – this is often the degree to that a leader considers the
requirements of team members, their interests, and areas of non-public development
once deciding however best to accomplish a task.

• Concern for Production – this is often the degree to that a leader emphasizes concrete
objectives, organizational efficiency and high productivity once deciding however best to
accomplish a task. Using the axis to plot leadership ‘concerns for production’ versus
‘concerns for people’, Blake and Mouton defined the following five leadership styles:

Country Club Leadership – High People/Low Production

This style of leader is most involved concerning the requirements and feelings of
members of his/her team. These individuals operate beneath the idea that as long as
team members are happy and secure then they will work effortlessly. What tends to
result in a comfortable work place environment that is relaxed and fun however
production suffers from lack of direction and management.

Produce Leadership – High Production/Low individuals

Also called Authoritarian or Compliance Leaders, individuals during this class believe
that worker needs are perpetually secondary to the requirement for efficient and
productive workplaces. This sort of leader is extremely autocratic, has strict work rules,
policies, and procedures, and views punishment is the most effective way to motivate
the staff.

Impoverished Leadership – Low Production/Low individuals

This leader is generally ineffective. He/she has neither a way for making systems to
obtaining the duty done and meet the objectives, nor a method to get the working
environment satisfying and motivating. The result is an area of disorganization,
discontentment and dissonance.

Middle-of-the-Road Leadership – Medium Production/Medium individuals

This leader appears to be a balance between the two styles. It is initially seem to be a
perfect compromise. In that lies the matter, though: once you compromise, you
essentially expose a touch of loss of every concern resulted that neither production nor
people needs are totally met. Leaders use this type accept average performance and
sometimes believe that this is the foremost anyone can expect.
Team Leadership – High Production/High individuals

According to this model, this is often the top of leadership styles. These leaders stress
production needs and the needs of the people equally extremely. The premise here is
that staff are concerned in understanding strategic purpose and crucial production
needs. Once staff are committed to, and have a stake within the organization’s success,
their needs and production needs coincide. This creates a team environment supported
trust and respect, that ends up in high satisfaction and motivation and, as a result, high

Applying the Blake Mouton Managerial Grid

Being conscious of the varied approaches is that the opening move in understanding
and rising however well you perform as a manager. It is vital to know however you
presently operate, in order that you will then determine ways that of changing into
competent in each realms.

Step One: determine your leadership style

• think about some recent things wherever you were the leader.

• For every of those things, place yourself within the grid, pinpoint where best you may

Step Two: determine areas of improvement and develop your leadership skills

• look at your current leadership methodology and critically analyze its effectiveness.

• look at ways that you will improve. Do not just sit at the middle of the road. It is the
easiest way

• determine ways that to induce the abilities you would like to achieve regard the Team
Leadership position.

• Frequently monitor your performance and stay up for things once you slip back to
dangerous recent habits.

Step Three: place the Grid in Context

It is vital to acknowledge that the Team Leadership style is not perpetually the foremost
effective approach in each state of affairs. Whereas the advantages of democratic and
participative management are universally accepted, there are times that additional
attention needed to be in one space than another. If your company is within the thick of a
merger or another important restructuring, it is typically acceptable to put the more stress
on people than on production.


The "Team Leader" as a perfect style has become the "Transformational Leader":
somebody who:

• may be a model of integrity and fairness.

• Sets clear goals.

• Has high expectations.

• Encourages.

• Provides support and recognition.

• Stirs people's emotions.

• Gets individuals to seem on the far side their self-interest.

• evokes individuals to achieve for the inconceivable.

Final word:
This guide was designed to assist others get the basic information to start building their
leadership skills, hoping to have future leaders who can make our lives and world better.

Just remember, Leaders can be ma de with the road map knowledge, willing and hardworking.

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