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‘The Elevator Pitch’

Shannon Fisher 25/03/2019

Target Audience Audience age ranges from the beginning
of GCSE 13 -16 male and female
Relatability and simplicity! Is a very important part of entertainment for teens, this can be
mainly seen through characters and style, by using relatability and simplicity to explain a
concept that is hard to understand it puts the mind at ease.
As this is to help towards learning for exams, bright colours should be used within the visual
development as this becomes handy as teens are able to memorise things that are brightly
coloured, as it becomes easier to picture them within exams.
Linking topics to things that are more common in everyday life
to grasp a clearer understanding, this can be completed
through jokes, to keep audiences engaged while learning.
Target Audience
In terms of entertainment, Netflix has become a dominant way of accessing
tv shows, along with this animation is also leaving a big influence on the
platform. Most shows having a very illustrative touch, along with a sense of
nostalgia. Netflix is on demand streaming service, whose audience is mainly teenagers.
As this is to target both male and female audiences, the stylisation needs to remain
neutral in order to match with the mixed audience.

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