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Drivers distraction : an overview

One of the main causes of car accidents is drivers that become distracted by secondary tasks.
There is a growing concern that the number of accidents may increase due to the development of
new in-vehicle technologies, which can negatively affect the attention level of the driver.
(Engström, Johansson and Östlund, 2005).

In the other hand, it is the growing number of new electronic devices that are of most concern to
those involved in road safety: these include systems that are not integrated into the car, also
called "portable" or "nomadic devices", such as mobile phones, laptops, portable music or
information devices (e.g. iPods, Blackberrys), and non-integrated navigation (Global Positioning
Systems). While some of these systems, such as navigation systems and intelligent speed
adaptation (ISA) systems, have the potential to help drivers in unfamiliar settings (e.g. using a
GPS system may be safer for drivers than using printed maps), they may also be a source of
driver distraction. (Young, Regan and Hammer, 2007; Ranney, 2008)

The drivers felt that GPS - Operating was the most distracting task, followed by Phone -
Operating, Pictures and Radio. (Jain and Busso, 2011). Jensen, Skov and Thiruravichandran,
(2010) conducted an experiment with the aim to compare three output configurations of a GPS
guide on drivers and driving performance. The results indicated that visual output not only
causes a substantial amount of eye glances, but also leads to a considerable decrease in driving


Engström, J., Johansson, E. and Östlund, J. (2005) ‘Effects of visual and cognitive load in real
and simulated motorway driving’, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and
Behaviour, 8(2 SPEC. ISS.), pp. 97–120. doi: 10.1016/j.trf.2005.04.012.
Jain, J. J. and Busso, C. (2011) ‘Assessment of driver’s distraction using perceptual evaluations,
self assessments and multimodal feature analysis’, 5th Biennial Workshop on Digital Signal
Processing for In-Vehicle Systems, DSP 2011, 1. Available at:
Jensen, B. S., Skov, M. B. and Thiruravichandran, N. (2010) ‘Studying driver attention and
behaviour for three configurations of GPS navigation in real traffic driving’, Proceedings of the
28th international conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI ’10, p. 1271. doi:
Ranney, T. a. (2008) ‘Driver Distraction: A Review of the Current State-of-Knowledge’,
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, (April), pp. 1–32. doi: DOT HS 810 787.
Young, K., Regan, M. A. and Hammer, M. (2007) ‘Driver distraction: A review of the literature’,
Distracted Driving, pp. 379–405.
Pengalihan pengemudi: gambaran umum
Salah satu penyebab utama kecelakaan mobil adalah pengemudi yang menjadi terganggu oleh
tugas-tugas sekunder. Ada kekhawatiran yang semakin besar bahwa jumlah kecelakaan dapat
meningkat karena perkembangan teknologi baru di dalam kendaraan, yang dapat berdampak
negatif pada tingkat perhatian pengemudi. (Engström, Johansson dan Östlund, 2005).
Di sisi lain, semakin banyak perangkat elektronik baru yang paling memprihatinkan bagi mereka
yang terlibat dalam keselamatan jalan: Hal ini termasuk sistem yang tidak terintegrasi ke dalam
mobil, juga disebut "portabel" atau "perangkat nomaden", seperti ponsel, laptop, musik portabel
atau perangkat informasi (mis. iPod, Blackberry), dan navigasi non-terintegrasi (Global
Positioning Systems). Sementara beberapa sistem ini, seperti sistem navigasi dan intelligent
speed adaptation (ISA), memiliki potensi untuk membantu pengemudi pada daerah yang tidak
dikenal (misalnya menggunakan sistem GPS mungkin lebih aman bagi pengemudi daripada
menggunakan peta cetak), namun mereka juga dapat menjadi sumber gangguan pengemudi.
(Young, Regan dan Hammer, 2007; Ranney, 2008)
Para pengemudi merasa bahwa GPS adalah hal yang paling mengganggu, diikuti oleh Telepon -,
Gambar dan Radio. (Jain dan Busso, 2011). Jensen, Skov dan Thiruravichandran, (2010)
melakukan percobaan dengan tujuan untuk membandingkan tiga konfigurasi output dari panduan
GPS pada driver dan kinerja mengemudi. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa output visual tidak
hanya menyebabkan lirikan mata dalam jumlah besar, tetapi juga menyebabkan penurunan yang
signifikan dalam kinerja mengemudi.

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