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ASTROLOGICAL PHYSITIAN. Shewing, . ‘How to finde out the caufe and to the fecret rules of the Art of ASTROLOGY. Alfo generall Rules and Inftrudi- ons, teaching bow to difcover whac part of the body is afffiaed. With a perfett defcription of the Difeafes and Infirmities,fignified by the Planets, in any of the twelve Zodiacall ConRellations, together with a moff «xa@ method, fhewing bow to finde whether the Sick thal live or dye, according to Natural! Caufes ; with ‘an txa@ way how to finde the true Cryfis, Judiciall ‘or eriticall dayes. Being of excellent nfe for all fach a fiudy Phyfick, : By Wi1: ANDREVVS Student inthe Marhematicks and Aftrology, —— in LONDORN, - Printed for GeorgeJs awbridge, at the Bible on Lud-gate Hill, 1656. “hature of a Difeafe, according - . SLSARBALLIS Bde Sei oS? BeBe ke ENTS SSCTS SPEBROSVSESS TO THE READER. Conrteas Reader, ST i sot the ma- icioufnefs of the tee a times, or the detracting tongues of men inthis Cré- tical Age, that Shall binder A2 ‘me Tothe Reader. me from benefiting Pofterity svith my labour 5 for although this peevifh Generation might juftly canfe me to bury my Conceptions in filence and obfcurity, yet in regard of the great affection I bear unto all shofe who are lovers ef Art and Learning, Iam induced ‘soengage upon this {ubjedt : it were necdliffe here to fhew what great necefity there is fer every Phyfitian to bean Aftrologer, or to practice Phyfick Aftrologically, in ve- gard of the great influence and dominion the Planets and Starres have on our be- dies, feeing no rationall man -e4n deny er difpreve the fame, although many have indea. voured | | To the Reader. voured what they can to con- tradi€é the truth. I confelfe many there are of Menin thefe eur Times, which labour firengly to prove, if it were pofiible, by their many weak Arguments, that the Heavens have no power or influence on infert- or things bere below; thefe 7 anfwer, Ars non haber ini- micum, prwier ignorantem, which indeed is really veria fied in thefe fort of men, which deny ‘the Starres to have influence apon the infe- vior and elementary things, jo regard Ignorance canfeth this their fettifh opinions bat I foall leave thefe, and 4p- Ply to the judiclowe and more 43 Sobers

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