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Happiness Quotation 1 Greatness, Gren Upto You may feel you already are being as big as you can be. Could you stretch it? Worlds await. Allow them into your life, Dream bigger think bigger, stand in that new way of being, Imagine your life in full color, and know that you have tapped just the very edge of ‘what is possible in your life. You have the capacity for great growth, great evolution, Allow your life to evolve, and give yourself room to grow. Give ‘yourself a vision for a potential future that glows in the brightness of your very being. ‘We become complacent, accepting of limits, and we forget that more awaits. Worlds await, new ways of being await. Challenge how you approach your life; look for miracles and changes and ways of heing that break through to the next level of capacity, You have within you seeds others, sow some, leave others, your future is always being built, Change, ifthe path you are on does not include enough light! fthe future and as you sow some, leave Happiness Quotation 2 When you tell the truth, it feels like the truth, Everyone knows this at some level of consciousness or unconsciousness. The more youtell the truth, the your truth; be this true self that you are deep within, asier it becomes to tell the truth. Honor Itreally sounds easy tote the truth. “Of course I always tell the truth,” might he your reaction. Yet, do you realy? Are you standing in your deepest truth, and do you guide others with this truth? Do you say that you are fine when you feel bad? Do you pretend to like something that you dislike? Do you neglect to care for those you care about? As you shift closer and closer into truth, you will feel better and better about yourself. As you do what you say and live what you believe, your life becomes easier. You may hit a few crossroads that are not easy. You may find your mouth about to speak, and not know what to do because you realize the words will he a lie. Possibly you are about to speak a lie that seems innocuous or unimportant, ‘Today, stand inside of the truth, and be true to yourself Happiness Quotation 3 Sorgive Cveryone Forgive everyone who didn't think you were enough. Forgive everyone who didn't see your beauty. Perhaps they could not see your light, Release every wrong ever done to you. Be in this. glorious place where there is no wrong, and in this light, you are all that life meant to bring through you on the planet. Take time to give yourself life review. As you look over your life, where were the sticky places? Who was unkind? Are there memo ries where you were hut? Let go of this in one hig breath, Let go of those words that hurt because, when the person spoke them, tis was not coming from love, and you were not ina place of love ‘when you heard them. That was all ego — the separateness, Step into love, the unity, the perfection ofall that is. You are that You are the total love of the universe, Ata cellular level, you are part of all that is great, all that is kind, and all that is beautiful Take a moment today to heal, forgive, and let go any wrongs done. This restores your spirit, and releases energy back into your life

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