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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Volume 2015, Article ID 674296, 10 pages

Review Article
Survey of Natural Language Processing
Techniques in Bioinformatics

Zhiqiang Zeng,1 Hua Shi,1 Yun Wu,1 and Zhiling Hong2

College of Computer and Information Engineering, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen 361024, China
Software School, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Zhiling Hong;

Received 10 May 2015; Revised 12 June 2015; Accepted 21 June 2015

Academic Editor: Tao Huang

Copyright © 2015 Zhiqiang Zeng et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Informatics methods, such as text mining and natural language processing, are always involved in bioinformatics research. In this
study, we discuss text mining and natural language processing methods in bioinformatics from two perspectives. First, we aim to
search for knowledge on biology, retrieve references using text mining methods, and reconstruct databases. For example, protein-
protein interactions and gene-disease relationship can be mined from PubMed. Then, we analyze the applications of text mining and
natural language processing techniques in bioinformatics, including predicting protein structure and function, detecting noncoding
RNA. Finally, numerous methods and applications, as well as their contributions to bioinformatics, are discussed for future use by
text mining and natural language processing researchers.

1. Introduction Expression Omnibus database for storing gene chip data, and
PubMed database for storing biological and medical literature
Text mining and natural language processing refer to com- [10].
prehending and analyzing natural language by using com- Text mining and natural language processing techniques
puter algorithms and programs. It is an important research are necessary to retrieve user preference knowledge from
direction in the application field of artificial intelligence. expanding databases. Therefore, researchers retrieve papers
Research on natural language processing and text mining has on certain topics of interest, such as determining protein-
been reported as early as the emergence of computers. With protein interactions, from PubMed using computer algo-
continuous and extensive research on machine learning and rithms and programs. With the cracking of genetic codes,
data mining algorithms, existing text mining technologies researchers have determined that biological sequences, par-
have achieved good results in automatic abstraction, auto- ticularly protein sequences, are similar to human language
matic question answering, web relational network analysis, in terms of composition. In addition to using text mining to
and anaphora resolution [1, 2]. retrieve bioinformatics articles directly, an increasing number
Bioinformatics is an interdiscipline that emerged with of researchers are regarding protein sequences as a special
the progress and accomplishment of the Human Genome “text” and analyzing them based on existing text mining tech-
Project. It predicts and solves live science problems related to nologies. The relationship between bioinformatics and natu-
genetics by using computer and statistical informatics. Data ral language processing is shown in Figure 1. Researchers have
storage, retrieval, and analysis are the key processes in bioin- also predicted the structures and functions of proteins. Based
formatics [3–7]. The National Center for Biotechnology on these two aspects, we summarize the text mining tech-
Information established various databases for biological data, nologies used in bioinformatics research. We aim to present
including sequence databases for storing DNA and protein these technologies to more bioinformatics researchers and
data (e.g., dbEST and dbSNP) [8, 9], Online Mendelian hope that the number of researchers who can use good text
Inheritance in Man database for storing disease data, Gene mining technologies in bioinformatics studies will increase.
2 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine


in fo ide Top
Prote nti ic
t io
A n n
RN tio An
nc tifica not
n atio
ide n
Biology sequences Text data

Protein clustering Text clustering

PP ork
I n etw
c ial
Network analysis So

Figure 1: Problems and methodology relationship between NLP and bioinformatics.

2. Mining Bioinformatics Literature interact with one another [15]. Some researchers also used
dynamic planning to extract and compare protein-protein
The development of text mining technology plays an impor- interactions [16].
tant role in retrieving biological literature, particularly in Extracting protein-protein interactions has been a
establishing biological information databases. A special research hot spot in bioinformatics for a long time and has
workshop on biological literature retrieval problems was con- attracted an increasing number of researchers in the fields of
ducted during the Annual Meeting of the Association for text mining and natural language processing. First, the gram-
Computational Linguistics and the Annual International mar of literature abstracts is analyzed more carefully, rather
Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology in than making a simple statistics of dictionary words. Kim et al.
2005 to discuss literature mining problems related to bioin- converted a complicated semantic structure analysis into cal-
formatics. Extracting protein-protein interactions and the culating the shortest path in a graph by creating a nucleus [17].
relationship between gene functions and diseases are two Similar analysis methods of literature abstracts include gram-
leading application subjects. matical analysis [18–21], context-free grammar analysis [22],
ontology analysis [23], and other information retrieval meth-
2.1. Extracting Protein-Protein Interactions. Extracting the ods. Protein-protein interactions are examined using these
protein interaction network is an important research topic analysis methods. In addition, many machine learning meth-
in bioinformatics and systems biology [11–14]. In previous ods, such as ensemble learning [24] and Bayesian network
studies, researchers searched for protein-protein interactions [25], are applied to recognize protein names and interactions.
manually. However, with the exponential growth of biological
literature, a program that can recognize protein-protein inter- 2.2. Extracting the Relationship between Gene Functions and
actions automatically from PubMed abstracts is necessary. Diseases. Extracting protein-protein interactions involves
Nevertheless, no unified naming rule for proteins has been searching for two proteins in the text and determining
established yet. Many proteins and genes use the same name. whether they interact with each other. Similarly, extracting
Consequently, recognizing protein names from the literature the relationship between gene functions and diseases also
abstracts and further determining their interactions are key involves searching for gene names and disease names simul-
problems in the application of text mining in searching for taneously in the literature and then determining whether a
protein-protein interactions. particular gene is related to a certain disease [26].
Initially, researchers extracted protein-protein interac- In general, such extraction process can be divided into
tions through statistical and counting methods. They manu- three steps. First, the abstracts of associated papers are
ally created dictionaries of protein names and then searched searched through comparison with a dictionary. Second, the
abstracts that involve elements occurring at least twice. On search scope has to be expanded forward and backward
this basis, researchers determined that associated proteins sometimes based on the location of the related word or clause
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 3

to ensure accuracy. Finally, facts are evaluated using grammar mainly focuses on certain protein sequences and classifies
analysis methods or machine learning methods. Such extrac- regions into the 𝛼-helix, 𝛽-lamella, and protein disordered
tion methods frequently yield good results for special genes regions. Predicting the 𝛼-helix and 𝛽-lamella regions is the
and diseases. Bui et al. examined the relationship between same as predicting the secondary protein structure.
drugs and HIV variation in PubMed [27]. Jiang et al. deter- If a protein sequence is regarded as a natural language,
mined the relationship between approximately 3000 microR- then analyzing the type of protein in a region is similar to
NAs and different diseases based on the naming rule of calibrating grammar in natural language processing. First, the
microRNA [28]. Cheng et al. developed a text mining system secondary protein structure is predicted by combining rules
based on the relationship among human diseases, variations, and statistics [49–52]. However, faced with the bottleneck of
and drug effects [29]. Iossifov et al. focused on investigat- statistical prediction, some researchers have proposed using
ing malformations of human and mouse encephalon [30]. machine learning prediction methods, including methods
Jensen et al. made a detailed summary of related document based on artificial neural network (ANN) [53], support
databases, literature mining software, and functions [31]. vector machine (SVM) [54, 55], random forest [56–58], and
maximum entropy [59].
2.3. Retrieving References. A considerable amount of bio- Predicting the protein disordered region is also con-
science literature has been published. Searching for interact- ducted. This region refers to the area without a stable or
ing proteins and examining the relationship between genes unique 3D structure in the protein space structure. Many text
and diseases are only two application cases. Text mining mining and machine learning methods, including ANN
technology is required to obtain answers to many other [60–62], SVM [63–65], conditional random field [66], and
bioscience and bioinformatics problems in various databases, random forest [67], have been used to predict the protein
such as PubMed. disordered region. Common existing server addresses are
Biological literature mining and related problem solving listed in Table 1.
have to cope with two major problems, namely, recognizing
name entities and extracting relations. These problems are 3.2. Predicting Protein Function. Predicting protein function
mainly solved by (1) methods based on linguistic analysis [32], is one of the most basic research topics in bioinformatics.
(2) methods based on dictionaries [33], (3) machine learning It involves predicting protein-protein interactions and inter-
methods [34, 35], and (4) statistical methods [36]. action sites [68, 69], localizing subcellular protein [70–78],
Several important databases are also selected with text predicting and classifying transmembrane protein [79–82],
mining. STRING [37] and BioGRID [38] are built for protein- protein remote homology detection [83, 84], classifying pro-
protein interaction with literature mining. For predicting tein functions [85–93], recognizing multifunctional enzymes
gene function, PubTator [39] and GeneCards [40] are impor- [94–96], and DNA binding protein identification [97, 98].
tant databases using text mining techniques. Related works The protein sequence is easy to determine. Similar to
were reviewed in detail in Huang and Lu’s work [41] recently. natural language, the protein sequence has many complicated
As the development of crowdsource, artificial text searching rules. However, summarizing and understanding the rules
and mining can also be helpful for biomedicine literature of protein sequences are difficult. Therefore, analyzing and
collection [42]. predicting the “protein language” expressed by amino acid
Moreover, converting PubMed database into an Exten- sequences by using computational linguistics and machine
sible Markup Language relational database [43] and a fuzzy learning methods are necessary. Through these procedures,
search of papers and author names through short-term we may be able to understand the functions of protein
matching are also current research hot spots [44]. sequences.
Predicting protein-protein interactions is one of the most
3. Applying Text Mining Technologies to basic research topics in protein functions. Many researchers
Protein Research are committed to predicting whether two protein sequences
exhibit interactions. To date, many machine learning meth-
DNA and protein sequences are a meaningful genetic lan- ods have been applied, including SVM [99], kernel method
guage and are regarded as the sealed book of life. Therefore, [100, 101], decision-making tree [102, 103], random for-
an increasing number of natural language processing and text est [104], Bayesian network [105], and the autoregressive
mining algorithms are being applied to study bioinformatics. model [106]. Several text processing methods, such as ontol-
For example, latent semantic analysis was applied to protein ogy annotation and sample weighting [107], are used to
remote homology detection [45, 46], and protein spectral detect features and process training data. When predicting
analysis originates from word frequency statistics in natural protein-protein interactions, researchers also aim to ana-
language processing. Furthermore, some grammar rules of lyze the region of protein-protein interactions, which is
protein, DNA, and RNA sequences were discovered, and used to predict protein-protein interaction sites. Information
several web servers were constructed so as to extract these approaches commonly used in grammatical analyses, such
features and rules [47]. as condition random fields [108] and a hidden Markov
model (HMM) [109], have been used to analyze interaction
3.1. Predicting Protein Structure. Protein structure deter- sites and have achieved good results. Moreover, random
mines function [48]. Hence, it should be analyzed to deter- forest [110], SVM [111], ANN [112], Bayesian network [113],
mine protein function. The structural analysis of protein linear regression [114], and other machine learning methods
4 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Table 1: Web server for protein disorder prediction.

Problem Name Websites Input format
DisProt Fasta or EMBL sequence format
DisEMBL SwissProt ID
DRIPPRED∼maccallr/disorder/cgi-bin/submit.cgi Only plain sequence; one sequence once; slow
disorder FoldIndex Only plain sequence; one sequence once
prediction IUPred SwissProt ID or plain sequence
PSIPRED Raw sequence or fasta format
SCRATCH Only plain sequence; one sequence once; slow
Spritz Raw sequence or fasta format
RONN Fasta, but only one sequence once

Table 2: Web server for protein-protein interaction and sites prediction.

Problem Name Websites Input format
interaction sites Protemot PDB ID
Whiscy PDB file
InterPreTS Fasta, 40 sequences at most
PIE Gene ID or name
Protein-protein PPI Fasta
interaction PredHS PDB files, 10 files at most
Pred-PPI ppi/default.html Two fasta sequences
Prism Two PDB IDs or PDB files
Struct2Net Gene names or keywords

are used to predict protein-protein interaction sites. Never- hairpin-like structure and tRNAs form cloverleaf structures
theless, some researchers doubt that determining the protein [118, 119]. The functions of many ncRNAs are therefore deter-
sequence alone is inadequate to provide sufficient infor- mined by their secondary structure rather than by their
mation for predicting interactions [115]. Text mining and sequences. As a result, structure-based multiple sequence
machine learning researchers should develop new features alignment methods have been developed to align an input
and classification methods to solve this problem. The websites sequence to known ncRNA structures to determine the
of existing common software used to predict protein-protein ncRNA class to which the input sequence belongs.
interactions and interaction sites are provided in Table 2. LocARNA [120] can produce fast and high-quality pair-
wise and multiple alignments of RNA sequences. It uses a
complex RNA energy model for simultaneous folding and
4. Applying Natural Language sequence/structure alignment of the RNAs. LocARNA per-
Processing Techniques to Noncoding forms global and local sequence alignments as well as local
RNA Identification structural alignment of RNA molecules. An upgraded ver-
sion of LocARNA, called LocARNA-P, has been developed
4.1. Comparative RNA Prediction Methods. Alignment is also recently [121]. The new version incorporates a probabilistic
an important topic in natural language processing. DNA or model that can compute accurate multiple alignments based
RNA sequences can also be viewed as text. Sequence-based on a probabilistic consistency transformation and reliability
multiple sequence alignment methods can be used only at profiles for assessing local alignment quality and localizing
the sequence similarity level. The secondary structures of RNA motifs. These features are based on computing sequence
ncRNAs are usually more conserved than their sequences and structure match probabilities based on the LocARNA
[116, 117]; for example, miRNA precursors share the common alignment model.
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 5

Table 3: Multiple sequence alignment tools.

Tool Alignment method URL

BLAST Sequence-based
RNASampler Structure-based
StemLoc N.A.

Table 4: miRNA identification methods.

Method URL Online service Local service
MiPred ✓ ✓
microPred ✓
TripletSVM ✓
PlantMiRNAPred ✓ ✓
miRNApre ✓ ✓
MIReNA∼carbone/data8/ ✓
HuntMi ✓
Mirident ✓
CSHMM∼sumeet/mirna/ ✓
HeteroMirPred ✓ ✓

Although comparative methods perform well in most Table 5: Secondary prediction tools.
cases, they have three intrinsic limitations: (1) they are highly
Tool URL
dependent on the availability of homologous sequences or RNAfold
structures and cannot make predictions when no relevant RNAstructure
sequence similarity or structure similarity is available; (2) mfold
they cannot correctly identify real ncRNAs that have low vsfold∼vsfold/vsfold4/
homology with known ncRNAs; and (3) they can identify evofold∼jsp/EvoFold/
only ncRNAs that are homologous with members of known sfold
ncRNA classes but cannot identify members of novel ncRNA
classes. Most lncRNAs (long noncoding RNAs) cannot be
predicted using comparative methods because they do not Because of the importance of RNA structure, several
have specific structures or sequence similarity. These limita- computational RNA folding tools have been developed, such
tions mean that comparative methods display low specificity as mfold, RNAfold, vsfold, evofold, and sfold. Generally, these
for identifying ncRNAs. The multiple sequence alignment algorithms determine the folded secondary structure from
and input sequence by optimizing the intermolecular base
tools that are currently available are listed in Table 3.
pairing to minimize the free energy. Some miRNA identi-
fication methods are shown in Table 4 and existing RNA
4.2. Noncomparative RNA Prediction Methods. The noncom- secondary prediction tools are listed in Table 5.
parative methods are independent of homologous informa-
tion and can, therefore, detect nonconserved ncRNAs. Most 5. Conclusion and Future Research
noncomparative methods employ machine learning tech-
niques to make the predictions [122], which are similar to the As research on natural language and text mining methods
text mining techniques. develops, different application fields will be the key to future
6 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

studies. Interdisciplines represented by bioinformatics are Acknowledgments

becoming the focus of an increasing number of information
science researchers. The application of text mining technolo- This work was supported by Natural Science Foundation of
gies and methods in bioinformatics study will become the China (Grant no. 31200769), the Natural Science Foundation
focus of text mining researchers. Meanwhile, bioinformatics of Fujian Province of China (Grants no. 2013J05103 and
researchers have to learn text mining technologies intensively no. 2014J01253), Xiamen Science and Technology Planning
to solve specific bioinformatics problems. Project (Grant no. 3502Z20143030), and Scientific Research
Plan Project of Fujian Education Department (Grants nos.
In retrieving biological literature, apart from the afore- JB12184 and JB09203).
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