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By: Wendy Lara

Mobile Apps Part 2:

Creating your own app.”Submission”
Wha t an us h a ?

If I were to able to make a mobile app, I would create an app

that shows proves that the student is having technical
difficulties. We often have to do our assignment last minute and
sometimes we don’t count on technology to fail, I would like to
create the app to be able to show the professor for them to have
consideration of your situation.The main focus is to help the
student have communication with the professor.
How uc or or ?

I would categorize this app

very efficient, that way the
student can be productive
with your school work. I have
been in the situation where I
have to deal with a score of
0 just because my internet
failed last moment or my
submit button didn’t work, I
want that to stop!! I’ve been
in the situation and I’ve
seen other been in the same
situation and it is not fun
at all.
How h a r an yu a?

Students at ASU often have technical

difficulties last minute and can’t
prove what happened and the reason
why they turned in the assignment
late. I feel like a lot of students
would benefit from that.
Are r a p t a r i l oy a p? If o, ho yu p
di r ?

According to my research, there hasn’t

been any similar to my idea. The only
similar thing I saw was like an app for a
proctored test. I mean this is the only
similar thing I saw, but other than that
Wha t ar ud e f u Ap ?

The target audience for the app would

be for students who have technology
issues right before the due date and
can’t prove to their teachers of their
Wo l uc g o y a p, or di f e se ?

Honestly, my app would be free, I see that many

students have been in the same situation as I have and
I would like for them to have the opportunity to be
able to prove their errors.
In ud a s ta le t he a yu p

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