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Employment Rates Across the Emerging Markets in the World!!

In the last month, Oxford Economics released their rankings of Emerging Markets of the world. They
ranked India as No. 1 emerging market due to its fast GDP growth rate.

Oxford have considered factors like Exports, Savings, Income, etc. and of course, GDP growth rate.

Since we have spoken quite a lot of various countries’ GDP numbers and progressing methodology,
let us check another very important economic parameter- Employment!!

The world Employment rate in 2018 was 58.44% of Total Labour Force, which is quite low
considering the large population of the world.

Oxford Employment
Ranking Rate (%)
2 Philippines 94.6
9 Poland 67.6
7 Thailand 67.49
4 China 65.19
3 Indonesia 63.32
5 Malaysia 62.52
8 Chile 62.4
6 Turkey 52.2
1 India 51.75
10 43.3
Source: World Bank, OECD
Seeing this table, I am absolutely surprised that India has hardly 50% of employment rate. Of the
total working population, almost half of the population is yet to be on job.

Whereas, Philippines rocked the show with GDP growth rate of 5.3% after India but super ahead of
all other Emerging Markets with 94% employment rate.

Government of India have started working on programs to help employment rate go up and
hopefully at the next update the scenarios will change!!

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