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Job Alert
2 weeks ago

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Job Alert – Top 10 Highest Paid jobs in India

In job alert – we have come up with topic – top 10 highest paid jobs in India. In
21stcentury, no one is ashamed to say that money is almost everything. Basis
money, millennial wants to opt their career. As Indian economy is growing fastly; a
lot of professional opportunities can be grabbed by youth garnering their career in a
best way. For getting big fat packages, initially you will have to burn the mid night
oil, afterwards, you can take your career to new heights. Here is a list of top 7
highest paid jobs in India deserves to be included under job alert:

1. Medical Professionals:
The economy of medical sector can never go down and so the demand of medical
professionals because Health is Wealth. People see you next to God and you are the
only one who can save people from misery which is incomparable to any other loss
of life. Even if you are not suffering from any disease, but want to spend a healthy
lifestyle, visiting a doctor is mandatory to increase life expectancy. Medical
practitioners are flooded with huge scope of earning when they get associated with
healthcare brands. They can work for them as part-time doctors. They also receive
commission from Diagnostic centers and Chemist shops for recommending them to
patients. The initial salary package is expected around Rs. 8.10 LPA.

2. Commercial Pilot:
Another highest paid jobs in India is becoming a pilot for youngsters. A pilot has to
control the directions of an aircraft or a helicopter. Unlike drivers, he has to be
involved in a lot of cognizance and physical fitness. But, becoming a pilot is not an
easy game. The intense training includes both ground training as well as 200 hours of
flying time. The minimum qualification required to be a pilot is having passed Class
12 with Mathematics and Physics. Mainly, there are 3 stages of pilot licenses that you
need to obtain in order to become one & grow in your career – Student Pilot License
(SPL), Private Pilot License (PPL) and Commercial Pilot License (CPL).The starting
salary is somewhere between Rs. 1.5-2 Lakhs per month and deserves to be one of
the prolific part of job alerts.

3. Chartered Accountant:
Other evergreen class of professionals who is always in demand is Chartered
Accountant. The demand of Chartered Accountant can never get demolished
because Financial and Accounting needs are inevitable in every company from a
startup to a multinational. Those who clear CA Final in a single attempt are generally
offered a high-paying salary package. Rs. 11-15 Lakh is generally what being paid
making CA the highest paying jobs in India today.

4. Merchant Navy:
During your childhood, you were so engrossed playing with sea shore tides that your
parents had to take you off from it? Then, Merchant Navy can definitely be the best
job for you. Merchant Navy is the one profession that manages commercial shipping
operations. The job is socially as well as physically demanding because you need to
be around sea for about 6-7 years. But the compensation is way too good; the
expected salary is Rs. 1.5 Lakh per month. There are various courses you can look
forward to for entering the Merchant Navy; however the minimum qualification is
Class 12 degree with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

5. Management Consultant:
Managerial positions are considered in the top hierarchy of a company and one of
the prestigious profiles for job alert. A manager includes a variety of streams from
HR to Marketing to Finance to Legal. No matter which function you cater, a
management consultant is always on the top. A postgraduate degree like MBA is
mandatory to become a Management Consultant. They are paid for effective
strategy formulation and diverse skill sets. An entry-level job at a management
consultancy can easily roll into high salary package of Rs. 8 -10 Lakh per year. If you
are an IIM MBA, then starting package can be even 20 Lakh per annum.

6. Lawyer:
Just like Doctor, lawyers are always in demand irrespective of the fluctuating
streams of the economy and which is why it deserves to be included in job alert. The
field is vast encompassing criminal, litigation, corporate etc. A corporate lawyer is
hired at good position in a company that guides about the prevailing law and
keeping that in mind suggests business strategies. A corporate lawyer profile is
considered as a high profile job which earns almost Rs. 8 Lakh per year on an
average. And if you are pass out from one of the renowned Law colleges, then expect
your package accordingly.

7. Software Engineer:
No list can get completed without including this. This will remain one of the highest
paying jobs in India considering the pace of technological advancements going on
and growing voice of “Skill India Movement”. Today, a lot of digital MNCs like
Microsoft, Google, Amazon, LinkedIn and Facebook have major operations in India
for which they hunt for local talent. Most of the best engineering colleges provide
direct placements to big companies along with best salary packages. In today’s
scenario, sky is not the limit when it comes to initial salary package for a software
engineer. So, if you are a non medical student, have interest in computers, then, this
is one of the best career options for you.

8. Lecturer:
Teachers have an important role to play in Nation building. They train upcoming
generation, that’ why we have included lecturers in job alert. School teachers are
underpaid, but the lecturers are well paid teaching in professional courses, be it
Government or Private. They are also treated with respect and hold a significant
place in society. Education sector is a booming sector in India and offer lucrative
salary packages to lecturers.

9. Architects:
With growing demands of malls and multiplexes, creative and skilled architects will
always be in limelight! With changing trends, the field of architecture keeps on
evolving and remains progressive in job alert. The up-to-date architects are often
pretty busy, planning and designing homes, offices and other structures for their

10. Civil Services:

In today’s time, a starting civil services officer gets about Rs. 80,000 to 85,000 gross
per month. And even future prospects are high and extremely prestigious.
Today, the list of the highest-paying jobs is pretty diverse and has something to offer
for almost every interest that you can think of. So, go through our well researched
list of job alerts and choose the one which suits you the best!
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Architects Chartered Accountant Civil Services Commercial
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