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Obesity (Sthaulya)

Definition | Causes | Symptoms | Complications | Prevention Diet | Ayurvedic Treatment


Obesity is the medical term for extreme overweight conditions. It has become one of the
greatest challenges for doctors all over the world. Most of the ailments in the modern world
today are directly or indirectly related to obesity; and that is the reason why many medical
professionals always ask their patients to reduce their weight. But reducing weight is not as
easy as the fitness centers claim to be. This article tries to explain why obesity is such a
rampant issue and what the effective ways to tackle it are. Obesity has been in the world since
as long as the human race has been in existence. Due to this, millions of methods of
treatments for obesity have been put forward by different bodies of conventional and
alternative medicine. Ayurveda has been a very effective (and less painful) method of keeping
obesity under control. Let us try to understand how Ayurveda has helped the human race in its
fight against obesity.

Definition of Obesity (Sthaulya)

Obesity is defined as the condition where there is over-accumulation of fat under the skin and
around certain organs in the body. It is mostly seen around the midsection, which protrudes
out with a characteristic bulge. The condition of obesity is very easy to diagnose, as the bulge
of fat can be seen clearly on the body. But medical science is not so rough in its calculations.
There is a reason behind this. Obesity is a very relative disorder. In people with less height,
even a moderate weight could be hazardous, but in people with more height, more weight is
acceptable. Hence, while diagnosing obesity, only weight is not taken into account. Rather, a
particular ratio, known as the Body Mass
Index (BMI) is taken into consideration. The formula used for the calculation of BMI is as
Here, weight is taken in kilograms and height is taken in meters. In order to calculate in the
English system of foot-pound-second, the factor is multiplied by 703. The following table
illustrates how to estimate from the BMI whether a person is obese or not.
BMI Diagnosis
Between 18.5 and 24.9 Normal weight
Between 25.0 and 29.9 Overweight
Between 30.0 and 39.9 Obese
Above 40 Morbidly obese

It can be seen through this table that overweight conditions and obese conditions are clearly
differentiated. There is also a condition of morbid obesity. This is a highly dangerous condition,
which in all probability will be the causative factor of the death of the person. In Ayurveda , the
condition of obesity is referred to as sthaulya. Since Ayurveda considers obesity to be a roga,
i.e. a disease, it has also been
recorded as medo roga. In fact as far back as 1500 BC, in the Charaka Samhita, there is a
mention as well as a description of how an obese person looks like. In his work, Charaka has
said that an obese person will have the following signs:-
Large hips
Excess of bulk over the midsection
Pendulous breasts
Too much flesh over the cheeks

Causes of Obesity (Sthaulya)

Let us discuss the cause of obesity from the Ayurvedic point of view. In Ayurveda , the basic
tissue elements that govern the body – seven in number – are known as the dhaatus. Dhaatus
are extremely essential in deciding how healthy the person is, and a prescribed equilibrium of
the dhaatus means that the person is healthy. One of the seven dhaatus is the meda, which
are the fats. To a particular limit, the medas are essential to the body. These fats or medas
perform the following functions for the human body:-
They provide the body with insulation, i.e. they retain the heat within the body so that the
person does not feel excessively cold.
They provide padding for the body and also all the vital organs of the body. Under the skin
there is a layer of the medas, and also there are layers of medas around all the vital organs
including the brain, heart, liver and kidneys.
The function of these layers is to protect the body from jerks and minor injuries.
Medas also provide energy when the main energy sources – carbohydrates – are insufficient.
Each gram of fat can provide up to 9 kilocalories of energy.
Medas are essential for the proper metabolism of the fatty acids needed in the body.
Despite these uses of the meda dhaatus, if there is an excess of them in the body, then they
get accumulated under the skin and also around the organs. This is how obesity begins. The fat
collections take place over the adipose tissues in the form of globules. The actual harm begins
when these fat globules begin entering the cells of the body, especially the cells of the
Now why does fat accumulation take place in some people and in some people it doesn’t?
There are so many people who live on a rich diet and are still slim; but some people gain
pounds of weight even by a few meals. It has been suggested in Ayurveda that people with
certain doshic natures have more chances of becoming obese than others. The following
illustration provides an idea:-
Dosha Vulnerability to Obesity Reason Vata dosha These people become very obese, and there
are marked fluctuations in their body weights.
Vata people are, by nature, nervous and anxious. In order to allay these mental frustrations,
they tend to eat more. This causes their extreme obesity.
Pitta dosha These people are the least susceptible to obesity. Pitta people have a good amount
of agni, i.e. digestive fire. Hence whatever they eat gets metabolized very fast. However, many
pitta persons have ravenous appetites, due to which they eat more. In such cases, obesity can
occur in pitta persons also, but there are fewer chances.
Kapha dosha These people have high chances of becoming obese, but the body bulk won’t rise
to as much as vata people. In kapha people, the rate of metabolism is very slow. Hence food
takes a long time to digest. Also, kapha being the water element, these people have a
tendency to retain water. Though this is not actual obesity (i.e. fat accumulation), it does
increase the bulk of the body. These people are more susceptible to develop kidney-related
complications of obesity.

Symptoms of Obesity (Sthaulya)

Of course, the commonest symptom of obesity is the bulge that begins at the midsection. If a
pinching on the abdomen gathers more than two inches of flesh, then it means that the person
is accumulating more fat than is being used. Due to obesity, the following other symptoms are
The person gets tired very easily. There is no stamina in the body.
The person wheezes while talking.
Heartbeat is rapid.
The person is in a state of lethargy or sluggishness all the time.

Complications of Obesity (Sthaulya)

There is no other bodily condition that can cause as many complications as obesity. The adage
‘a person’s waistline is the lifeline’ is quite true. A person who is very obese will suffer from
various metabolic disorders. Due to the accumulation of fat in the body, there will be a
constant pressure on the arteries and veins, and the rakta pravaha, i.e. blood circulation will be
obstructed. The result could be atherosclerosis, or even myocardial infarction, i.e. heart

The brain also requires blood for its functioning.

Due to obesity the blood flow to the brain is obstructed. This could lead into a stroke, and
chances are that the person may become paralyzed for life. Several liver ailments could be
Similarly, obesity could cause dysfunctional problems of the kidneys. It is widely known that
obese people tend to become impotent if their condition persists long
enough. Even if they do not become impotent, their bulk could be a major impediment during
sexual intercourse, causing discomfort to both the partners. Also, the excitement during sex
could be fatal to the obese person. There are several instances of obese men having fatal heart
attacks during sexual intercourse.
Last but not the least; obesity complicates the entire lifestyle of the person. A bulky body is not
considered beautiful and, more often than not, it is the object of ridicule (we know that it is
morally wrong to poke fun at a person on account of his/her body, but we cannot ignore the
Obese people might feel themselves socially unacceptable and lead a secluded kind of life. This
could bring on depression and other mental ailments.

Prevention and Basic Care during Obesity


A person must take precautions from the stage when the BMI begins to hover at the
‘overweight’ scale. If due precautions are taken, then from this stage, the body can be easily
prevented from becoming obese.
First and foremost, an overweight person must exercise regularly. The exercise need not be
vigorous, but simple things can go a long way. If you live on an upper storey, then take the
stairs once a day rather than the elevator. If you take a bus or a cab, then walk at least one
stop before hailing one. Instead of using the television remote, make the trip till your set and
push the buttons. These small and simple things can help burn the accumulated body fat. Be
very particular about your diet. For dietary restrictions, refer to the next section. Do not be
lazy. This is extremely important. Obesity in kids is increasing to alarming levels because
parents are pampering them into not doing any work. Be active and distribute your time
proportionately between work, play and rest.
Avoid smoking and alcoholism. Both of these can cause severe complications in people with
excess fats in their bodies.

Diet for People with Obesity (Sthaulya)

You have come to the most important point in tackling the obesity problem – diet. A right diet
coupled with exercise is many a time all that is needed for an obese person to shed those extra
pounds. The following are some very useful pointers:-
Avoid all sweet and fatty foods. These are the biggest culprits when it comes to dangerous
Avoid foods that are rich in carbohydrates, such as rice and potatoes. You can constitute your
diet with other food grains such as wheat, barley, sorghum and maize.
Every plate of food must contain at least one bitter or pungent food. This must be cooked
minimally to maintain the juices intact.
There is no restriction on the consumption of tea and coffee.
Moreover, it is very important to remember that one must not go to bed immediately after a
meal. The body must get enough time to digest the food before it goes to sleep, or else the
undigested food will become ama and cause conditions of obesity. Ideally, a person must give
a leeway of about two hours between a meal and going to bed.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Obesity (Sthaulya)

Sthaulya is considered to be a roga in Ayurveda , but the expert opinion is – sthaulya is much
more dangerous than a single disease; it is a whole cornucopia of diseases waiting to happen.
Becoming obese is like putting your hand in a beehive and waiting for the bees to sting. For
this reason, Ayurveda proponents have conducted extensive research – right from the time of
Charaka – to arrive at suitable remedies for the disease. The following are just some of the
hundreds of herbs that are prescribed for obese people.
Ayurvedic Name of the Herb Biological Name of the Herb Common English Name of the Herb
Adraka or Sunthi Zingiber officinalis Ginger
Amlaki Emblica officinalis Indian Gooseberry
Bibhitaka Terminalia bellerica Belleric Myroblan
Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia Tinospora Gulancha
Haritaki Terminalia chebula Chebulic Myroblan
Karela Mormordica charantia Bitter Gourd
Musta Cyperus rotundas Nut Grass
Vidanga Emblica ribes False Pepper

The following Ayurvedic mixtures and remedies have been widely acclaimed – even in the
advanced western countries – for their properties in the treatment of obesity:-
Ayurvedic Herb or Preparation Treats
Shilajit and Guggulu Increase the agni, which helps in utilization of the fat.
Trikatu and Catechu These are herbs which relieve the body of increased ama, i.e. toxins.
Chitraka and Barbery Open the channels that are blocked and aids in circulation of blood and
proper assimilation of food. They are also used for external application along with calamus.

It must be borne in mind that while taking any Ayurvedic preparation, the doctor must be
consulted first. Most of the herbs do not have any side-effects (and are indeed a regular part of
the diet), but some people may be allergic to certain herbs and may show adverse reactions.

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