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BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

Christian Hernández, Alex Benavidez, Xavier Jarro, Darwin Cabrera

“I am convinced that half of what separates

successful entrepreneurs from those who do

not succeed is perseverance”. Steve Jobs


The BCS Professional Society is a The Institution BCS in the digital world is BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT: It is an
professional institution and a school interesting for the fact that it has a recognition in institution and professional college in the
located in the United Kingdom, where its the field of politics, considering different public United Kingdom, representing the advances
purpose is to interact with the world. In interest groups in which its approach is to interact in information technology, which is why, in
this institution, you can obtain with the world, however, we must take into 1957, in London, the largest computer
professional certificates, where people account the civil society in general. professional school in the United Kingdom
must first have specific requirements to be was known in the world.
part of the institution.


- Sets out the professional standards required
- Student and apprentice membership. - Public interest.
by BCS as a condition of membership.
- Associate AMBCS. - Professional competence.
- Professional MBCS. - Applies to all members, irrespective of their
- Fellowship. - Duty to relevant authority.
membership grade, the role they fulfil, or
- Duty to the Profession.
the jurisdiction where they are employed or
discharge their contractual obligations.
- Governs the conduct of the individual, not
the nature of the business or ethics of any
Relevant Authority.

1. Business Analysis: 10. Project and programe

11. Solution development
The validity time is 3 years management: 9. OpenStack Software:
and architecture:
The preparation time to take To take this test you must take The test can be online or it can
For this exam there is a guide
the exam to obtain this into account a learning guide be taken by an accredited
that has a price of 192 pounds
certificate is 18 hours for a with the price of 192 pounds. provider. The price of the
minimum of 3 days. learning guide is 192 pounds.

2. GDPR and data protection:

The price of the exam with
guide is 72 pounds

8. Data Center Management:

The exam is online. The price of
Certications the exam is 192 pounds
including a learning guide.
3. Information security and
CCP Scheme:
It has a price of 192 pounds.

5. Software testing and user

6. Agile: 7. Consultancy:
4. IT service and asset management: experience:
It hasn’t requirement. The You can take this exam with a
To obtain this certificate you must To obtain this recognition you
exam is three hours. The training provider, where you
give an online exam or with an must give a one hour
course and the exam have a can attend a training course
accredited training provider. examination of 40 questions.
wreck of 838 pounds. with an exam, the price
The test can be given online or
would be 222 pounds.
by a training provider.

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