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Risks and Discomforts of a Medical Abortion (RU 486

& MTX)
 Incomplete abortion requiring a later surgical abortion
 Allergic reaction
 Infection
 Heavy bleeding
 Undetected ectopic (a fertilized egg has implanted outside the uterus
 Death**

Mental and Psychological

Feelings after an abortion vary from woman to woman. Some women may feel relief,
while others may feel guilt or anger. Though post-abortion syndrome is not officially
recognized, many women indicate that they have experienced long-lasting emotional
problems following an abortion.

If you have had an abortion and are experiencing strong emotional effects, please
contact us.

Future Fertility
If there are no complications with the abortion procedure, an induced abortion should
not affect future fertility.

Breast Cancer
Some recent studies have shown a link between induced abortion and breast cancer,
while other studies have shown that there is no link. According to WPC’s Medical
Director and OB/GYN, Dr. James Moran, the current consensus is that the medical
community is unsure about whether there is a connection between breast cancer and
induced abortion. However, it has been shown that full term pregnancy provides a
protective effect against breast cancer.

Reviewed and approved by Medical Director, James Moran, M.D.

Compiled using information from the following

American Pregnancy Association (2006). Possible Physical Side Effects. Retrieved
September 04, 2006.

Kids Health Pregnancy

** According to a House Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human
Resources document, the number of patient fatalities in the United States related to
Mifepristone abortions is estimated at 1.39 in 100,000, almost fourteen times the rate
for suction-aspiration abortions of comparable terms (8 weeks gestation)1. According
to the New York Times, the risk is “a bit more than 1 in 100,000,” and “some deaths
may have gone unreported, meaning the real risk may be even higher.”2

1. FDA Questions for the Record Following the Subcommittee Hearing, “RU-
486: Demonstrating a Low Standard for Women’s Health?”. Subcommittee on
Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources. Retrieved on 2006-08-
2. Gardiner Harris (April 1, 2006). Some Doctors Voice Worry Over Abortion
Pills’ Safety. New York Times. Retrieved on 2006-01-09

WPC does not perform or refer for abortions

Mental health measurement

A clinician’s diagnosis is the gold standard for
health research. In lieu of that, either validated
instruments, such as the Diagnostic Interview
(DIS), or symptom scales, such as the Center for
Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) should be used
ensure valid analyses of associations between
abortion and
subsequent mental health [24]. There is a lack of
among studies in methods used to measure mental
Without standardization in methods used to
measure mental
health, drawing valid conclusions is difficult.

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