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Gold Experience B1 Progress test 3

Name Class

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of going to.
1 Are you going to (you) visit Emma after school today?

2 We ____________________ travel to Spain for our holiday next summer.

3 I ____________________ work with computers when I leave school.

4 What ____________________ (you) do when you leave school?

5 I don’t like my curly hair – I ____________________ buy hair straighteners.

6 I ____________________ go out tonight – I’m too tired.

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2 Complete the sentences with will or the correct form of going to.
1 ‘Do you want to come to my house tonight?’

‘No, thanks. I ’m going to visit my grandmother. She isn’t very well at the moment.’

2 ‘Is your friend ok?’

‘No. I think she _______________ be sick.’

3 ‘What are your plans for next summer?’

‘I _______________ travel to Greece with my family! I’m so excited!’

4 ‘The team are playing really well today aren’t they?’

‘Yes, they’ve won lots of points. I think they _______________ win!’

5 ‘I’ve forgotten my packed lunch and I’m really hungry.’

‘Don’t worry. I _______________ give you one of my sandwiches.’

6 ‘I’m having a party for my birthday. Can you come?’

‘Great! I _______________ ask my mum.’

7 ‘Do you have Ben’s phone number? I want to call him.’

‘Wait a minute. I _______________ look for it on my phone.’

8 ‘I _______________ travel to Japan next year on a school trip.’

‘Really? That’s so exciting!’

9 ‘What are you going to do tonight?’

‘I don’t know. Maybe I _______________ watch a film.’

10 ‘The phone’s ringing!’

‘Okay. I _______________ get it.

11 ‘I love animals. I _______________ be a vet when I leave school.’

‘That sounds like a good plan!’


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3 Choose the correct option for each sentence.
1 Is there anything/everything to eat in the fridge? I’m really hungry.
2 Anyone/No one in my family likes football.
3 I’d like to eat something/anything sweet.
4 You’re so interesting. I want to know everything/anything about you!
5 I can’t see no one/anyone inside the shop. Do you think it’s open?
6 You can’t speak to the teacher right now. She’s talking to someone/no one else.

4 Complete the sentences with these words and phrases.
dishwasher fridge hairdryer hair straighteners headphones microwave
1 Can I borrow your hairdryer? Mine is broken and I don’t want to go out with wet hair.

2 You’re too late for dinner, but you can heat your dinner in the ____________________ .

3 Steve can’t hear you, Mum. He’s wearing ____________________ !

4 Julia uses ____________________ every day – she doesn’t like her curly hair.

5 ‘There are no clean glasses.’ ‘You can find some in the ____________________ .’

6 Don’t leave the milk on the table on a hot day like this! Put it in the ____________________ ,

5 Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1 Please switch off/switch on your phone before you go into the cinema.
2 I asked my neighbour to turn up/turn down her music because it was too loud.
3 Her computer wasn’t broken – she just forgot to plug it in/pick it up!
4 Can you switch off/turn up the TV, please? I can’t hear what they’re saying.
5 Switch on/Turn up the light – I can’t see a thing in here!
6 Her bag was so heavy that I couldn’t turn it up/pick it up.

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6 Complete each gap with one word only.
Do you ever stop and think about how much electricity we use every day? Picture a normal family on a

typical morning. Dad is switching 1) on the dishwasher, Mum is 2) ____________________ in her

computer – she’s working already. Big sister Wendy is straightening her curly hair with her

hair 3) ____________________ and little brother Bobby is 4) ____________________ up his music as

loud as he can – no one can hear him though because he’s wearing 5) ____________________ . This

typical family uses a lot of electricity – and it’s only eight o’clock in the morning!

When this typical family come home from their days at school and work, they will use even more

electricity – maybe they will 6) ____________________ on their 3D 7) ____________________ and

watch a film. If Bobby is late home from school, he will heat his food in the 8) ___________________ .

We all like using technology, but we need to stop and think what it is doing to our planet.

We can use less energy and help the planet at the same time. We can turn 9) ____________________

the heating and we can switch 10) ____________________ lights when we leave a room. We can also

open windows on hot days, instead of using expensive air 11) ____________________ .


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7 Listen and choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
1 __________ will like the headphones.
A Teachers
B Dentists
C Doctors
2 The fridge plays music when it is getting __________ .
A full
B empty
C dirty
3 The 3D TV doesn’t have a __________ .
A plug
B remote control
C power switch
4 The dishwasher has a __________ on its front door.
A TV screen
B radio
C picture
5 Lisa thinks the dishwasher __________ very well.
A will sell
B won’t sell
C won’t wash the dishes
6 The microwave __________ when the food is ready.
A plays music
B speaks to you
C makes a funny noise

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8 Listen again. Who are these sentences about: Lisa (L) or Ben (B)?
1 This person sometimes plays music too loud. B

2 This person doesn’t think the fridge looks interesting at first. ____

3 This person feels hungry thinking about watching cookery programmes. ____

4 This person doesn’t want to stand up and watch the TV. ____

5 This person is going to buy the microwave as soon as it gets to the shops. ____

6 This person wants to find out how much the microwave costs. ____

9 Tick () the sentences which can be used to agree or disagree. Put a cross (X) beside the
phrases which are not used for agreeing or disagreeing.’
1 Yes, I think so too. 

2 I agree with you. ____

3 You might be right. ____

4 This is such fun! ____

5 Turn right. ____

6 I don’t think that’s right.____

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10 Complete the conversation with these phrases.
a good point I agree I don’t think so might be right not sure well, maybe
Dora: Look at this magazine article! It says that in 2050 there will be no more school! Won’t that be

Tim: 1) Well, maybe, but what will there be instead?

Dora: Well, pupils will learn at home online. That sounds amazing!

Tim: I’m 2) _______________ . I don’t think students will enjoy learning alone. It’s important to see
people face to face. Talking online with your friends isn’t the same.

Dora: You 3) _______________ . I think that students will enjoy a lot of things about learning at
home, though. Perhaps online school won’t start so early in the morning.

Tim: That’s 4) _______________ . Students will miss their seeing their teachers every day though,
won’t they?

Dora: 5) _______________ . Well, maybe it depends on the teacher. By the way, isn’t our new maths
teacher great?

Tim: 6) _______________ . His lessons are cool!

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Homes of the future

Here at Teen Talk we just love exciting new gadgets and technology! Last week we visited the
‘Homes of the Future’ exhibition in the city of Liverpool to answer this question: What will our
homes be like in the year 2050?’ We spoke to technology expert Mr Oswald, a science teacher who
helped to organise the show.
So, Mr Oswald. What will homes be like in the year 2050?
Well, as you can see, they will be very different from homes today. Look at a typical home today –
people have lots of equipment in their kitchens. Almost every home has a fridge, microwave and
washing machine. Everything needs to be switched on and off – this costs us a lot of money and energy.
That is going to change by the year 2050. The household machines we use nowadays are quite big, but
the new technology will be small and there won’t be so much of it. Our homes will maybe just have one
machine to do everything, and with this one machine people will be able to cook, chat to their friends,
shop and even study. You will be able to switch your house on or off with one button. It will be good for
people – old people think technology is very difficult so this new technology will be quite easy for
Wow! That’s very exciting! Will there be robots in every house of 2050?
Well, it’s quite possible that there will be robots in every house. You will plug your robot in before you
go to work in the morning. When you are at the office, the robot will do everything you need around the
house. Some robots will even be able to look after children and work in the garden!
But what will people do? Do you think that people will become lazy with all this new technology?
Well, I suppose some people will become lazy. There will be people who won’t go out any more
because they have everything they need at home, but there will also be a lot more time for sport and
hobbies. I think it’s going to be very interesting because it will really change the way we live.
Well, we can’t wait to see what the future will be like! Thanks very much for talking to us! We’re
going to go and see some of these robots now.

11 Are the sentences (1–6) true (T) or false (F)?

1 The Homes of the Future Exhibition shows what homes will be like in the year 3000. F

2 Mr Oswald thinks that homes in 2050 will be very different from the homes of today. ____

3 The homes of the future will have lots of different gadgets. ____

4 There won’t be any robots in the homes of the future. ____

5 Mr Oswald thinks that people will have nothing to do in the future. ____

6 Mr Oswald thinks that the future will be interesting. ____

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12 Read the text again and choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
1 Where is the exhibition?
A London
B Liverpool
C Paris
2 What is Mr Oswald’s job?
A He’s a journalist.
B He’s a technology expert.
C He’s a teacher.
3 Why do our homes cost us a lot of money?
A because they use a lot of energy
B because we have to heat them
C because things are always breaking down
4 What will the difference be between our homes now and the homes of 2050?
A Houses will be smaller.
B We won’t have so many different machines.
C Houses will be underground.
5 Why does Mr Oswald think that these homes will be good for old people?
A Robots will look after the old people.
B They will teach old people about technology.
C Technology in the future will be easier to use.
6 What will the robots do?
A work in offices
B go to the shops and buy your food
C do jobs around the house when you are not there
7 What does Mr Oswald think most people will do with their free time?
A sleep more
B take part in hobbies and sports
C nothing much
8 Why does he think that the future is going to be very interesting?
A Robots will take over the world.
B Technology will change our way of life.
C Scientists will keep making new gadgets.
9 Who does he think the future will be bad for?
A lazy people
B young people
C poor people

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10 The Teen Talk reporter thinks the future will be
A exciting.
B frightening.
C boring.
11 What is the Teen Talk reporter going to see at the exhibition?
A a microwave
B a dishwasher
C the robots


13 Match the definitions with words from the reading text.

1 a place where you can keep your food cool fridge

2 an oven which cooks your food very quickly ________________

3 a machine which washes your clothes ________________

4 to make something work by pressing a button ________________

5 to connect something to the electricity supply and make it work ________________

6 when you don’t want to work or do anything energetic ________________

14 Complete the advert with these words.
(no word) a an any some the

A Day Out for Techno Fans!

Do you love 1) – technology? Do you want to have 2) _________ great day out at 3) _________

Science and Technology museum? We have 4) _________ free family tickets to give away! Just send

5) _________ email to us at and tell us about the technology you can’t

live without and why you love it so much! To find out more, or if you have 6) _________ questions,

phone us on 0701 981356.

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15 Choose the correct option for each sentence.
1 I love looking good, so/because I can’t live without my hair straighteners!
2 I always come home late so/because I go to football training after school.
3 I use my mobile phone for everything, so/because I couldn’t live without it!
4 My house is really noisy, so/because I use my headphones a lot.
5 If Mum asks me to wash the dishes, it isn’t a problem so/because we have a dishwasher.
6 My new 3D TV is my favourite item of technology so/because everything I watch looks so real

16 Reply to the advert in Exercise 14. Write an email about the technology you can’t live
without. Use these headings to help you.
 Why you can’t live without this technology
 How often you use it
 What you do with this technology
 Why you like to use it


Total: 100

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