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Gold Experience B1 Progress test 7

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1 Choose the correct option for each sentence.
1 If I had a lot of money, I’d/I’ll give it to you.
2 If you come to visit me, I’d/I’ll take you to my favourite places.
3 You’d do better at school if you work/worked harder.
4 If I could/can play an instrument, I’d choose the piano.
5 If I met my favourite film star, I’d/I’ll ask for his autograph.
6 If I be/were you, I’d book your ticket for the concert early.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the second
1 You’d be a better singer if you practised (practise) more.

2 I’d buy a ticket for that concert if I __________ (have) more money.

3 If I had more free time, I __________ (like) to join a band.

4 If I __________ (can) see my favourite band in concert, I’d be so happy!

5 If I __________ (know) more words in English, I would understand more.

6 If I __________ (do) more sport, I’d feel better and lose weight.

3 Complete the questions with What or Who.

1 ‘Who did you go out with last night?’ ‘I went out with my friends.’

2 ‘______ did you do in New York?’ ‘Lots of shopping!’

3 ‘______ performed well at the concert?’ ‘Mike did really well on guitar.’

4 ‘______ did you see at the party?’ ‘No one interesting.’

5 ‘______ happened at Josie’s house?’ ‘Josie fell out with Kate.’

6 ‘______ did you say?’ ‘I said “Can I borrow that pen?”’

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4 Read the answers and write the questions.
1 Who did she see at the cinema last night?

She saw her friend at the cinema last night.

2 _____________________________ all those people go to in the park?

They went to a music festival.

3 _____________________________ your school yesterday?

A very famous person visited our school yesterday.

4 _____________________________ late for school yesterday?

Sandra was late for school yesterday.

5 _____________________________ him with his homework last night?

His dad helped him with his homework.

6 _____________________________ those new trainers?

She bought them in London.

5 Complete the sentences with these words.
audience choir orchestra review row stage
1 ‘Have you ever been on stage?’ ‘Oh no! I’d be too shy.’

2 My favourite part of the concert was when the ____________ started singing.

3 Do you want to come and see the new Emma Watson film? I read a really good ____________
of it.

4 The ____________ loved it! They clapped really loudly at the end.

5 Make sure you get us a seat in the front ____________ . I want to see everything.

6 My brother plays violin in an ____________ . He’s often on tour.

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6 Complete each sentence with one word only. The first letter of each word is given to help
1 Do you want to go and see The Red Carrots play tomorrow night? I’ve read some really good

2 The audience didn’t c___________ at the end of the performance. I don’t think they enjoyed it.

3 Are you going to the film tonight? Can you book me a s____________ beside you?

4 There’s a really interesting nature d____________ on television tonight. It’s called Planet

5 Look at the beautiful c____________ the dancers are wearing. This is my favourite ballet!

6 My best friend is performing i____________ the school play tonight. I can’t wait to see her!

7 Choose the correct option for each sentence.

My sister plays the violin in an 1) orchestra/stage. I was really excited when we went to see her
2) perform/record for the first time. My mum 3) booked/paid seats in the front 4) row/stage so we were
really close to the 5) stage/exit. It was exciting to be so close because we could see everything. The
music was wonderful and I think my sister played really well. The 6) audience/performance enjoyed it
too. They certainly clapped really loudly at the end of each piece. A woman from a newspaper was there
and she wrote a great 7) interview/review of the concert the next day. My sister was really happy with it.
After the concert, someone from a TV channel 8) interviewed/programmed her too!

My sister’s orchestra are going to 9) perform/ record an album next year. A film maker wants to
10) film/book a documentary about them too. I think it’s going to be an exciting year for my sister! I
wish I could play a musical instrument. It would be so nice to 11) perform/entertain people like my
sister does.


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8 Listen and choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
1 Who has the boy bought the album for?
A his dad
B his friend Bob
C himself
2 Where will the two friends go?
A to see a band play
B to Jack’s cousin’s house
C to a clothes shop
3 Why does the boy have a notebook in his hand?
A He’s directing the play.
B He’s reviewing the play.
C If he gets bored, he can draw pictures.
4 The two speakers
A have seats in different parts of the theatre.
B arrived at the theatre together.
C will change seats.
5 Why has Julie bought the DVDs?
A Because they’re expensive.
B They’re for her mum’s birthday.
C She likes looking at the pictures on the boxes.
6 How many tickets will the girl book?
A one
B two
C three

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9 Listen to the conversation again and complete the sentences.
1 Nobody buys albums anymore!

2 Those things look really _______________ .

3 Are you _______________ you’ll get bored?

4 I’ve _______________ been to a ballet before.

5 I’ve just bought five DVDs for £2. What a _______________ !

6 I can’t _______________ to see them perform!

10 Put the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation (1–6).
____ I’m not very keen on horror films.

____ Let’s have a look at the TV guide and find out.

1 There’s a good horror film on TV tonight.

____ Why don’t we watch this nature documentary instead?

____ That sounds brilliant. I love documentaries.

____ Great! That’s what we’ll watch then! Now, what time does it start?

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11 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 the school orchestra? / Why don’t / to see / we go

Why don’t we go to see the school orchestra?

2 perhaps / we could / another day. / It’s a nice idea / do that / but


3 in the park. / the music festival / I think / go to / we should


4 music festivals. / very keen / I’m not / on


5 Daniel Radcliffe film / the new / tonight? / going to see / How about


6 but / my aunt. / sorry / I’m visiting / I’m really


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An unusual Saturday night

If this was a normal Saturday evening, teenage friends Belle and Eliot would be at home, perhaps
watching TV or playing computer games. This is not a normal Saturday evening though. Tonight the
two friends and the rest of their theatre group are performing in a play which they have written
together. The play is called Friday Night and it tells the story of a group of teenage friends who have to
deal with a lot of problems during a night out together. How are the performers feeling on this exciting
‘It’s just amazing!’ says Belle enthusiastically. ‘We’ve worked really hard and it’s great to see we have
such a big audience. My English teacher wanted to book a seat but there weren’t any left! My mum is
here. She’s sitting in the front row. And look! The man in the second row is from That’s Entertainment
magazine. He’s going to write a review. I hope he likes the performance!’
Belle and Eliot started their theatre group six months ago and are always looking for people to join.
Lots of people say to us, ‘I would love to perform on stage but I’m too shy,’ says Belle. ‘You don’t need
to be a very confident type of person to enjoy the theatre, though. You can do lots of other things, like
designing costumes for example.’ Belle seems very confident, though. Is this her first time on stage?
‘No, but I’ve only ever been in small school plays. This is more exciting because we’re in a bigger
theatre with a bigger audience!’
In the end, the audience love the play and clap really loudly at the end of each scene. The young
performers are happy and are already making plans for the future. ‘I’m writing our next play at the
moment,’ Eliot says. ‘Next year, Belle and I leave school and we’d love to study theatre at college. We
wouldn’t be happy if we didn’t have theatre in our lives!’

12 Are the sentences (1–6) true (T) or false (F)?

1 Belle and Eliot usually go out on Saturday evenings. F

2 Eliot isn’t performing in the play. ____

3 The play is about a group of friends who have problems at school. ____

4 Belle’s English teacher is sitting in the first row. ____

5 There aren’t many people in the audience. ____

6 The audience really enjoy the play. ____

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13 Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 What’s the name of the play they are performing in?

Friday Night

2 Who wrote the play?


3 Where is Belle’s mum sitting?


4 What is the man in the second row going to do?


5 When did Belle and Eliot start their theatre group?


6 Why do some people not want to perform on stage?


7 If you don’t want to perform on stage, what can you do in the theatre?


8 Has Belle been on stage before?


9 Why is Belle so excited about this performance?


10 What is Eliot writing at the moment?


11 What are Belle and Eliot’s plans for the future?



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14 Match the bold words in the text with their meanings.
1 doing something in front of an audience


2 to arrange to have or do something at a time in the future


3 to write a report about something new like a book or play


4 the place where people perform


5 to hit your hands together several times to show you have enjoyed something


6 the people who watch the performance


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15 Complete the review with these words and phrases.
On the whole I would recommend this play audience The good thing about the
play was amazing The only bad thing was entertaining
Last week I went to see a play called The Birthday at The Lemon Tree Theatre. The play is about a
teenage girl who has a party where a lot of things go wrong. The actors were all teenagers and a lot of
people in the 1) audience were teenagers too.

2) ___________________________________ the story. It was very exciting and there were a lot of
funny and sad moments. The acting was really good and the actress who played the main character was
3) ___________________________________ .

4) ___________________________________ the sound. The theatre is very old and I couldn’t always
hear what the actors were saying which was annoying.

5) ___________________________________ . The price of tickets for under eighteens is quite good

(five pounds), and this is worth it for an 6) ___________________________________ evening which
makes you think.

16 Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 What was the name of the play?

The Birthday

2 Where was the play performed?


3 Why was the play good?


4 What wasn’t good about it?


5 Would the writer recommend it?


6 Why or why not?


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17 Write a review of a TV show, concert, play or film which you have seen recently. Use the
questions in Exercise 16 to help you.


Total: 100

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