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Gold Experience B1 Progress test 11

Name Class

1 Complete the sentences using the past simple passive form of the verb in brackets.
1 Coca cola was invented (invent) in America.

2 The first hamburger _________________ (eat) in Germany.

3 The Taj Mahal_________________ (build) in India.

4 The costumes for last night’s shows _________________ (make) by the children’s parents.

5 Three lions _________________ (use) in the television programme.

6 Rolls Royce cars _________________ (made) in the UK.

2 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
1 The price of the holiday includes flights.

Flights are included in the price.

2 People all over the world watched the football game.

The football game _________________________ people all over the world.

3 We don’t allow food in this shop.

Food _________________________ in this shop.

4 You can prepare meals in the campsite kitchen.

Meals _________________________ in the campsite kitchen.

5 A friendly tour guide met my class outside Buckingham Palace.

My class _________________________ a friendly tour guide outside Buckingham Palace.

6 People water the flowers in the park every day in summer.

The flowers in the park _________________________ every day in summer.

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3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 Spain / I / born / was / in

I was born in Spain.

2 My shoes / in / China / made / were


3 English / understood / is /all over the world


4 a Hungarian man / was invented / The ballpoint pen / by


5 are used / The bridges / by cars and buses


6 a long time ago / were made / The houses here / from rocks


4 Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1 ‘What shall I get my Mum for her birthday?’
‘You could/should get her some flowers.’
2 ‘I got a really bad grade in my English test.’
‘You could/should study more.’
3 ‘What will we do tonight?’
‘We could/should watch a film.’
4 ‘I didn’t help my Mum this morning, and now she’s really angry with me.’
‘Well, you could/should say sorry!’
5 ‘I’ve got a really sore head and I feel tired.’
‘You could/should go to bed early and drink some tea.’
6 ‘I’ve lost my new mobile phone. I think I left it at Ellie’s house.’
‘You could/should phone her and ask her if she’s seen it.’

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5 Complete the sentences with these words.
avalanche cloud mist moon path rocks soil star sunshine waterfall wave
1 The beach wasn’t sandy. It was covered in rocks.

2 What a beautiful blue sky! I can’t see a _______________ in it!

3 Is that you? I can’t see a thing in this _______________ .

4 Plants and flowers need water and _______________ to grow.

5 Have you been working in the garden? There is _______________ all over your shoes!

6 Oh no! A big _______________ just carried my surfboard away to sea!

7 Walk along the _______________ so that your feet don’t get wet.

8 The first man walked on the _______________ in 1969.

9 The brightest _______________ in the sky is called Sirius.

10 We had a picnic behind the _______________ . It was noisy but beautiful.

11 Don’t shout so loudly near the mountain. You might cause an _______________ !


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6 Choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
1 There’s a really __________ open in the town centre.
A new nice café
B new café nice
C nice new café
2 A/An __________ lives next door to me.
A woman old friendly
B old friendly woman
C friendly old woman
3 The beach is covered in __________.
A beautiful golden sand
B golden sand beautiful
C golden beautiful sand
4 Have you seen that __________ in the sky?
A yellow big moon
B big yellow moon
C big moon yellow
5 There are a lot of __________ around today. It’s going to rain, I think.
A dark grey clouds
B grey clouds dark
C grey dark clouds
6 She’s just bought a(n) __________.
A long amazing dress
B amazing long dress
C long dress amazing

7 Choose the correct option for each sentence.

Last year, my dad took me camping on a beach near our house. When we left home that morning, it was
a beautiful day. There wasn’t a 1) cloud/star in the sky. When we got to the beach, we found a nice
place beside some amazing 2) high/wonderful cliffs and we decided to stop there. After a few minutes it
got quite dark – the 3) sunshine/clouds had gone! After half an hour there was a terrible 4) storm/mist. It
rained and rained and we got really wet and cold. A huge 5) wave/waterfall carried my lovely
6) new/cool backpack away. I don’t think I’ll go camping with my dad again!

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8 Listen to a radio interview about an environmental campaign. Are the sentences (1–6) true
(T) or false (F)?
1 Jim has been a member of the Green Group for three years. F

2 The school organised a ‘Buy Nothing Week’ to help students without money. ____

3 A lot of the food Jim and his friends eat is grown in other countries. ____

4 The students at Jim’s school found it easy to buy nothing for a week. ____

5 All of the students at Jim’s school took part in the ‘Buy Nothing’ challenge. ____

6 Jim and his friends were interviewed on TV. ____

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9 Listen again and choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
1 Jim organised ‘Buy Nothing Week’ because
A he wanted to do something to help the environment.
B he wanted to save money.
C he was bored and wanted something interesting to do.
2 Where was he when he thought of the idea?
A at the supermarket
B in the Green Group
C watching TV
3 What did the students do instead of going shopping?
A They stayed at home.
B They went walking in the countryside.
C They went to the park and played sport.
4 How did the students who took part in ‘Buy Nothing Week’ feel?
A bored
B happier and more relaxed
C they missed shopping
5 Why did some students not want to take part in ‘Buy Nothing Week’?
A Shopping is their hobby.
B Their parents wouldn’t let them.
C They didn’t have enough time.
6 Why did Jim agree to be interviewed?
A He wants to be famous.
B He wants more people to hear about ‘Buy Nothing Week’.
C He wants his school Green Group to win a prize.

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10 Match the sentences (1–6) with the responses (a–f).
1 What do you think? a

2 Shall I go first? ____

3 After you. ____

4 Do you agree? ____

5 Carry on. ____

6 I’m not sure if I agree with you. ____

a I think it’s a great idea.

b Why not?
c No, I’m not sure if I do.
d Thanks. As I was saying . . .
e Yes, please carry on!
f No, after you!

11 Complete the conversation with these phrases.

After you carry on Shall I go first? So, does everyone agree then
Thanks What do you think
Jo: Hi everyone. Now, we’re here to discuss our money-making ideas for the youth club.
1) Shall I go first?

Jean: Yes, 2) _________________________________ .

Jo: Well, I think we should have a big sale with clothes and books we don’t need anymore. We’ll
make a lot of money that way. We made about two hundred pounds last time.
3) _________________________________ ?

Jean: Well, I think . . .

Bob: I was going . . . Oh sorry, Jean. 4) _________________________________ .

Jean: 5) _________________________________ Bob. I was just going to say that it’s a good idea.
Some of us can bake cakes like last time, too. That always does really well.

Bob: 6) _________________________________ ? Let’s have a sale!

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Dan’s wonders of the world

Normally my family and I don’t go anywhere very exciting for our summer holidays. This year was
different, though. Mum and Dad decided to take us on the trip of a lifetime and so we travelled to
Africa. I’ve never seen such amazing scenery as I saw this summer and I will never forget this

Our first stop was at Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, where we spent three days in a hotel not far from the
waterfall. That waterfall is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. We stood and watched it for an
hour! There was a big cloud of mist and a beautiful rainbow. I really loved it there, although it was
quite busy with other tourists – it is one of the most amazing places in the world.

Next we spent a few days by the beach in Mozambique and had an amazing time enjoying the sunshine
and swimming in the beautiful blue water. We stayed in a small, modern hotel not far from the sea.
There was a wonderful big beach with white sand and we spent a lot of time there. From my window I
could see monkeys playing in the trees. They were really funny! Mozambique is famous for its
delicious rice, which is served with vegetables and fish.

We went to see the pyramids in Egypt. People say the pyramids were built 4500 years ago. The
pyramids are well known all over the world but it was wonderful to see them with my own eyes. We
took lots of photos and really enjoyed reading all about their history. My Dad and my sister went on a
camel ride, but Mum and I were too afraid to try this!

Now we’re back home in cold, rainy London and we’re already planning a trip next summer. We often
look at our photos and remember the sunshine we enjoyed on this holiday and the adventures of our
amazing summer!

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12 Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 Who decided to go to Africa?

Dan’s mum and dad

2 How long did Dan and his family spend watching the waterfall?


3 Where did Dan’s family stay when they were in Mozambique?


4 What did Dan’s family do in Mozambique?


5 What could Dan see from his window?


6 What kind of food is Mozambique famous for?


7 When were the pyramids built?


8 Who went on a camel ride?


9 Why didn’t Dan go?


10 Where do Dan and his family usually live?


11 When are Dan’s family planning to travel next?



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13 Complete the sentences about the text with these words.
mist photos rainy sand scenery sunshine
1 Dan saw lots of amazing scenery on the trip.

2 There was a cloud of ______________ at Victoria Falls.

3 The beach in Mozambique was covered in white ______________ .

4 Dan really enjoyed the ______________ in Mozambique.

5 Dan took lots of ______________ of the pyramids.

6 The weather in London is often ______________ .

14 Match the bold words in the text with their meanings.

1 white or grey things in the sky cloud

2 a thick white cloud which is often cold and wet ___________

3 when water falls very fast from a height ___________

4 the warm rays that come from the sun ___________

5 the natural things (mountains, valleys, etc.) you see around you in ___________
the countryside

6 tiny bits of yellow or white rock you find on the beach ___________

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15 Complete the description of Kimberley’s hometown with these words.
as built crowds however peaceful visited
If you are coming to Edinburgh, there are many places you could visit. You could visit Edinburgh

Castle, which was 1) built over 800 years ago. Or you could spend a day sightseeing and walking in the

beautiful gardens which are beside the main street.

Like all cities, Edinburgh is noisy and there is a lot of traffic. 2) _____________ , it is easy to find quiet

places, too. In my opinion you should definitely visit Arthur’s Seat. It’s a big hill in the centre of the

town. When you climb to the top, you get a wonderful view of this exciting old city. Although

Edinburgh is often 3) _____________ by tourists, Arthur’s Seat is a quiet 4) _____________ spot

where you can enjoy the beauty of the city without traffic and 5) _____________ . 6) _____________ it

can be pretty windy at the top, make sure you pack warm clothes and take something to eat.

16 Answer the questions.

1 What is the name of Kimberley’s hometown?


2 Can you name three places she suggests people visit?


3 How old is Edinburgh castle?


4 Is Arthur’s Seat a busy place?


5 Why does Kimberley like Arthur’s Seat so much?


6 What should you take with you if you climb Arthur’s Seat?


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17 Write a description of a place you know well. Write about 100 words. Use Exercises 15
and 16 to help you.


Total: 100

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