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Gold Experience B1 Progress test 12

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1 Complete the text with the past perfect form of the verb in brackets.
Jenny was very excited because her friend Robert was coming for dinner. She 1) had been in the

kitchen all day. She 2) _________________ (make) lots of delicious food.

She 3) _________________ (cook) some pizza and pasta and she 4) _________________ (buy) a big

chocolate cake for dessert. She 5) _________________ (switch on) some nice music, too. There was

only one problem – she left the pizza in the oven for too long. When Robert got to Jenny’s house, the

pizza 6) _________________ (burn)!

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2 Complete the sentences with the past simple or past perfect form of the verb in brackets.
1 When I arrived (arrived) home, my mum had gone out (go out) to work.

2 When I last ________________ (see) her, she ________________ (just/come back) from a long
holiday in France.

3 Ellie ________________ (be) really nervous because she ________________ (not study) for
the English test.

4 My teacher ________________ (be) late this morning because she ________________ (sleep)
for too long.

5 I ________________ (eat) breakfast before I ________________ (start) climbing the


6 When I ________________ (get) to the party, everyone ________________ (leave).

7 The film ________________ (just/start) when there ________________ (be) a problem with
the sound.

8 She ________________ (just/decide) to leave her job when she ________________ (meet)

9 I ________________ (be) very cold and tired because I ________________ (travel) a long

10 I ________________ (be) ill for three weeks before I ________________ (go) to the doctor.

11 I ________________ (not eat) when she ________________ (invite) me for lunch.


3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have or get and the past participle of the
verb in brackets.
1 You can have your hair cut.

2 Lucy is __________ her make-up __________ at the moment. (do)

3 He usually __________ his hair __________ at that hairdresser’s. (cut)

4 My family __________ their photograph __________ tomorrow. (take)

5 We __________ our house __________ last week. (paint)

6 I usually __________ posters __________ at Grafix. They’re the cheapest in town. (print)

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4 Choose the correct option for each sentence.
1 I enjoyed the English lessons – I found them challenging/positive but fun.
2 That was a pretty tough/relaxing exam. I found the questions really difficult.
3 Mum asked me to sort out/turn into the clothes which were all over my bedroom floor.
4 Climbing up the mountain was exhausting/relaxing. I wanted to sleep when I got to the top.
5 We should do something relaxing/challenging the night before the exam. Why don’t we go to
the cinema?
6 The first time I tried horse riding I broke my leg. It wasn’t a very tough/positive experience!

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these phrasal verbs.
find out give up keep on take part take place turn into
1 I’m going to give up my Saturday job. I really don’t enjoy it any more.

2 Can you ____________ when the film starts? I don’t want to miss it.

3 Mum! Roberto ____________ taking my things without asking and it’s getting really annoying!

4 When the sun came out, the snowman ____________ a little pool of water on the ground.

5 The music festival ____________ in August every year.

6 Do you want to ____________ in this year’s football competition? Go on, it’ll be fun!

6 Choose the correct option for each sentence.

I was really sad when I had to 1) give/get up football because of my bad leg. I didn’t want to turn
2) onto/into an unfit kind of person so I decided to take 3) up/on a new sport. My friend 4) kept/took on
telling me that I should try swimming. He said it would be good for my knee. I decided to go along to
the swimming club with my friend and see for myself. The first time I tried swimming was a little bit
5) embarrassing/motivating because I was so much slower than everyone else. But the second time was
much better. I took part 6) of/in a swimming competition last month and I did quite well. That was
really 7) motivating/tough for me and I want to keep 8) on/off training! Next year I’m hoping to go to
another competition. This one is bigger and will take 9) part/place in another city. I’m looking forward
to visiting another city with all my swimming friends. It will be 10) tough/fun. The prize is a year of
study in a special sports school, so if I win it will definitely be 11) motivating/life changing.


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7 Listen to Abbie talking about the ‘summer school in the park’ and make notes for each
1 where the Summer School is

Seaton Park

2 why the summer school is different from usual school


3 the most important rule of summer school


4 how much it costs to go to summer school


5 what to do if you would like to teach at summer school


6 where the lessons take place in good weather


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8 Listen to the conversation again and choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
1 When did Abbie go to summer school in Germany?
A two years ago
B three weeks ago
C three years ago
2 What did Abbie do at the summer school in Germany?
A She taught skateboarding and art.
B She learnt skateboarding and art.
C She learnt skatingboarding.
3 Why don’t the teachers want people to mess about?
A They work hard to prepare their lessons.
B The students need to pass tests.
C They don’t want the students to have fun.
4 Why do the students have to pay to go to the summer school?
A so the teachers can be paid
B to pay for trips
C to buy things the school needs
5 What kind of teachers is Abbie looking for?
A Calm people who can work under pressure.
B People who are serious and hardworking.
C People who are creative and enjoy a challenge.
6 What are the lessons like?
A There are competitions to motivate students.
B There are lots of tests.
C The students watch a lot of DVDs.

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9 Match the questions (1–6) with the correct responses (a–f).
1 What are you going to do this summer? f

2 Was it tough? ____

3 What are you going to do this evening? ____

4 Did you enjoy it? ____

5 What was the best thing about summer school? ____

6 Who did you see last weekend? ____

a The teachers. Their lessons were so motivating.

b I don’t know. I might watch TV.
c Yes. It was a really positive experience.
d I hung out with Toby on Saturday.
e Yes. I was exhausted by the end.
f I’m going to go to Italy for two weeks – I can’t wait!

10 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 had / I / to Paris / never been / before last summer

I had never been to Paris before last summer.

2 I loved / of it / every minute / but / challenging / it was


3 to college / art / to study / I might /go


4 this summer / going to / learn / I’m / a new / language


5 the lessons / really motivating / I thought / were


6 so tough / I could do it / because / I didn’t think / it was


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A life changing experience!

Summer holidays are wonderful for some. For others it can be far too long with nothing to do, far away
from friends, especially if your family aren’t going anywhere interesting. This was the situation for
George Benno. He had never been abroad before and he had never enjoyed the summer holidays. It
always seemed as if everyone was going somewhere interesting and doing something exciting. This
summer he decided to do something different. He read an advert in the paper: the local children’s
hospital was looking for young people to come and work on the hospital radio, playing music and
talking to the children who were in hospital.
‘I don’t know why I decided to go for it,’ said George. ‘I had never done anything like it before. But I
just thought “Why not?” It’s better than being bored at home for two months.’
George went to the hospital and got the job at the hospital radio station. He worked there from four
o’clock until nine o’clock every day. He didn’t get any money, but that didn’t matter. He really enjoyed
himself and found the work fun. ‘It was a life-changing experience for me,’ George says. ‘Before this
summer I had never been to hospital. I’ve always been really healthy and well. It was amazing to meet
these kids who were really ill. Some of them had been in hospital for months and had had a very tough
time, but they were still positive. I wanted to do my best for them. I spent hours planning my radio
show, choosing music and organising games and quizzes for them. The holidays went by really
Was it challenging thinking of new music to play every day and sounding happy on the radio? ‘Not
really,’ says George. ‘I knew the children would enjoy the music I played and that was really motivating
for me. It made me want to keep on going!’
Now George has gone back to school but he hasn’t given up his hospital work. He has kept on working
there on Saturdays and is planning to return there in his next school holidays.

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11 Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
1 Why did George decide to work at the hospital?
A He needed some money.
B He wanted some work experience.
C He thought the holidays were going to be long and boring.
2 What kind of job did he do there?
A He was a DJ on the radio.
B He looked after sick children.
C He worked in the hospital kitchen.
3 How did he find out about the job?
A He saw an advert in the doctor’s waiting room.
B He read an advert in the paper.
C His mum told him about it.
4 How long did George work every day?
A four hours
B five hours
C six hours
5 Why did he find it motivating?
A The money was really good.
B The nurses were really kind to him.
C The children liked his music.
6 What is George doing now?
A He is working at the hospital every day.
B He is back at school but he works at the hospital once a week.
C He has given up his hospital work.

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12 Read the text again. Are the sentences (1–11) Right (A) or Wrong (B)? If there is not
enough information, choose Doesn’t say (C).
1 George had never been abroad.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
2 His mum told him about the job on hospital radio.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
3 George is usually a very healthy person and isn’t often ill.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
4 George got free meals at the hospital.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
5 The children enjoyed the music George played.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
6 George enjoyed the work.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
7 Some of the children had been in hospital for months.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
8 George didn’t spend a long time planning his radio show.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
9 George still sends emails to some of the children he met at the hospital.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
GOLD EXPERIENCE B1 PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2014 Pearson Education Ltd. 9
10 George has told his friends about his time at hospital radio.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
11 George isn’t planning to return to work at the hospital in his next school holidays.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say


13 Match the bold words in the text with their meanings.

1 a place you go when you are ill hospital

2 very hard __________________

3 something new and exciting which is also difficult __________________

4 when you see the good side of things __________________

5 when something makes a difference to your life and the way __________________
you think and feel

6 to continue doing something __________________

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14 Complete the sentences with these words and phrases.
coloured end exciting nervous view well known
My Best Day

The best day I ever had was last summer. I was on holiday in Denmark with my parents. One day they

took me to the Tivoli fun park in Copenhagen. The Tivoli is 1) well known for its 2) ____________

rides and beautiful gardens, so I was really looking forward to going there.

When we got to the Tivoli, it was a beautiful sunny day. We walked around the park and looked at all

the rides. They all looked such fun and it was difficult to know what to choose. Finally, we decided to

go on the Big Wheel. The 3) ____________ from the top was amazing. My Mum is frightened of

heights, and she had been a little 4) ____________ about going up so high, but in the end she enjoyed


When it got dark, the fun park was even more beautiful than it had been in the sunshine. There were

5) ____________ lights and stalls selling ice cream and food. We all bought drinks and snacks and had

a delicious picnic on the grass. The best thing about the day was watching a show at ten o’clock in the

evening out in the open air.

After a long day, it was time to go home. We went home to our hotel by bike – a perfect

6) ____________ to a perfect day.

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15 Choose the correct answer for each sentence.
1 Kiki’s perfect day was
A last week.
B two summers ago.
C last summer.
2 She went to
A a fun park.
B a beach.
C a zoo.
3 She went with
A her parents.
B her mum.
C her friends.
4 The first thing she did was
A buy an ice cream.
B walk around the park.
C go on the Big Wheel.
5 The best part of the day was
A going on the Big Wheel.
B watching a show.
C sitting in the sunshine.
6 The perfect day ended with
A a bike ride home.
B hot chocolate at the hotel.
C one last ride on the Big Wheel.

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16 Write a true story called ‘My Best Day’. Use the sentences in Exercise 15 to help you.


Total: 100

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