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Gold Experience B1 End-of-year test Units 7–12

Name Class

1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 I / you / visit the doctor / If / were / I’d

If I were you, I would visit the doctor.

2 Peter / love / this film / would / If / he would / were here


3 had / a lot of money / If I / I would / travel the world


4 studied harder / If you / you would / better grades / get


5 If I / sing / could / record / I would / an album


6 If / more time / I had / a new / sport / I’d / take up


2 Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1 I’ve decided to start/starting learning a new language.
2 I’m bored with see/seeing the same things and people every day.
3 Have you arranged to go/going on holiday this year?
4 He’s really good at work/working with people.
5 We’re all looking forward to going/to go to Spain for the summer holidays.
6 I promise to do/doing my homework straight after school.

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3 Complete each gap with one word only.
I used 1) to have piano lessons every week. My mum 2) _______________ that I was really good at

playing the piano and my teacher 3) _______________ me that I was one of her best students. As I got

older, I started 4) _______________ get really tired of 5) _______________ up early to go to music

lessons before school. I wish I 6) _______________ given them up now – it would be really nice to

play the piano well!

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4 Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
1 I didn’t notice that all my friends _______________ already left.
A have
B was
C had
D did
2 The castle _______________ visited by over one million tourists last year.
A is
B was
C were
D has
3 After I had breakfast, I _______________ TV.
A had watched
B watched
C was watching
D watch
4 I think you _______________ get your mum chocolates to say ‘sorry’.
A must
B have to
C could
D would
5 My teacher _______________ our class to revise for the test.
A said
B spoke
C told
D explained
6 She told _______________ to go with her.
A that
B –
C me
D my

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5 Choose the correct option for each sentence.
1 It took us ten hours to reach our destination/traffic jam.
2 My mum brought us back some nice clothes from her business trip/journey to New York.
3 We travelled over the motorway/border to visit my family in Switzerland.
4 When the plane took off/landed everyone had to stay in their seats until it was safe to get their
bags and get off.
5 I’ve never been flight/abroad before but I would love to go.
6 I was really annoyed to hear that our flight was delayed/delay.

6 Complete each sentence with one word only.

1 I just feel like chilling out with friends this weekend.

2 Do you think you could _______________ your own business?

3 Stella loves working with people. She’s a good _______________ player.

4 She can stay really calm _______________ pressure. I think she’d be great at the job.

5 Don’t you want to join _______________ the fun?

6 If you want to hang _______________ with me at the weekend, just give me a call.

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7 Choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
1 We had a ____________ at school today.
A long test difficult
B difficult long test
C long difficult test
2 There’s a ____________ in the sky over there.
A big grey cloud
B grey big cloud
C cloud grey big
3 I love the ____________ in the middle of town.
A beautiful old castle
B old beautiful castle
C castle old beautiful
4 What’s the name of the ____________ who sits next to you in French?
A tall boy dark
B dark tall boy
C tall dark boy
5 This is my ____________ .
A sandy favourite beach
B favourite sandy beach
C beach sandy favourite
6 Have you met the ____________ yet?
A friendly new teacher
B new teacher friendly
C new friendly teacher

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8 Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs made from these words.
find give keep sort take turn

into on out (x2) place up

1 Read about how a holiday disaster can turn into a holiday dream!

2 I don’t know if I can come tonight. My mum wants me to ____________ my room. It’s a mess!

3 My dad wants to ____________ his job. He doesn’t like it anymore.

4 I ____________ trying to learn French, but I’m not getting any better at it.

5 Can you ____________ what time the camera club meets?

6 The music festival will ____________ at the beach this year.

9 Listen to a conversation about a summer job. Are the sentences (1–6) true (T) or false (F)?
1 Sam has wanted to go to Italy for a long time. T

2 Sam and Nora would need to pay for their flights to Italy. ____

3 If you apply for this job, you have to be sporty. ____

4 You need to apply for this job by telephone. ____

5 Sam is really excited about the idea of going to Italy. ____

6 Nora doesn’t want Sam to take too long to decide. ____

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10 Listen to the conversation again and complete the sentences.
1 How would you like to do something really exciting this summer?

2 We need young sports instructors to __________ and work in our water sports camps.

3 __________ we write and apply?

4 I’ve __________ been away from home on my own before.

5 Jack’s older sister worked at a sports camp last year and she __________ never been abroad

6 She said it __________ a totally life-changing experience.

11 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 you eat off / It’s / a / thing / hard / round

It’s a hard, round thing you eat off.

2 shiny / thing / metal / cut things with / It’s / a / you


3 soft / thing / you sleep on / white / It’s / a


4 in the sky / It’s / a / thing / round / shiny


5 warm / long / you wear / It’s / thing / round your neck / a


6 a / It’s / square / thing / black / writes on / the teacher


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12 Match the sentences (1–6) in Exercise 11 with the objects (a–f) they describe.
a blackboard 6

b scarf ____

c knife ____

d moon ____

e plate ____

f pillow ____

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Summer time
This week we speak to three people who have had very different summer holiday experiences. You
don’t need to have money to try any of these activities and they all sound like lots of fun!
We started our very own English club!
Carla and Ricardo started their own English club. But isn’t that a bit like school? ‘No, not at all,’ Carla
laughs. ‘We had a lot of friends who went to London and New York for summer school. That’s a great
idea, but a lot of us didn’t have much money and so we decided to start our own summer school right
here at home. There were four of us and it was great – more fun than school! Every day one of us
brought in some English food. On rainy days we watched films in English and listened to English music
and on sunny days we went to the beach, hung out together and chatted in English. It was really good
fun and it was cheap too.’ The best thing about the English club? ‘There weren’t any tests!’
I’ve always wanted to make films!
Sophie had always been mad about film making but she got fed up with working alone all the time. She
wrote an advert which said that she was looking for people to make films with. She got a lot of answers
and soon had her own small film crew of five teenagers. They wrote a short film script and really
enjoyed going to different parts of the city to film scenes. ‘I’m so glad I wrote that advert!’ Sophie says
now. ‘I have a whole group of new creative friends and we made a short film. It’s a horror movie which
we filmed in an old house at night time! The people I met through the advert were such fun and when
we weren’t filming we just really enjoying chilling out and watching films together.’
I organised a hiking group!
Florence loves walking and was looking forward to going for long walks in the beautiful countryside
near her home. There was only one problem – her mum and dad didn’t like her going off by herself. She
decided to get together with some friends and start a hiking group. ‘It was amazing!’ Florence says.
‘Every day we had a different destination. We had picnics by waterfalls and sunbathed on rocks. Every
day someone brought a cake from home and we always found a nice place to sit and eat. I had the best
summer ever!’

13 Are the sentences (1–6) true (T) or false (F)?

1 Carla thought that a summer school in London would be boring. F

2 They watched films in English every day. ____

3 Sophie loves making films alone. ____

4 Sophie’s new friends are creative. ____

5 Florence’s mum didn’t like her walking alone in quiet places. ____

6 Florence brought cake for her friends to eat every day. ____

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14 Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 When did the students’ holiday clubs take place?

in summer

2 What did Carla and Ricardo do?


3 Why didn’t they go abroad to learn English?


4 How many students were in the group?


5 Where did they go when it was sunny?


6 How did Sophie find other teenagers to join her?


7 Where did they film the scenes?


8 What kind of a film did they make?


9 What did Florence want to do?


10 Did Florence’s group go to the same place every day?


11 What did they take with them?



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15 Match the bold words in the text with their meanings.
1 when you are always thinking of new ideas creative

2 small parts of a film _______________

3 to be bored and tired of something _______________

4 something which you enjoy _______________

5 relaxing _______________

6 spent time with people _______________

16 Complete the article with these words and phrases.
an interesting person Darren once said that do you know anybody who I
think it’s a good hobby mad about weird
1) Do you know anybody who collects insects? 2) _________________________ with this hobby is my

friend Darren. He spends lots of time in the garden making ‘hotels’ for the insects who visit him! The

insects are free to come and go as they please, but Darren tries to make his ‘insect hotels’ nice and

comfortable so that the insects will stay a long time and then he can watch and study them more easily.

He’s 3) _________________________ nature!

His mum thinks it’s a really 4) _________________________ hobby, but that isn’t surprising because

she’s frightened of insects! 5) _________________________ because it doesn’t cost anything and you

learn so many interesting things while watching the insects.

I think it’s really important to have a good hobby because this can often help you decide what you want

to do in the future. 6) _________________________ he wants to work with insects when he leaves

school. Maybe his hobby will turn into a job one day.

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17 Read the text again. In which paragraph does the writer:
1 introduce the hobby? Paragraph 1

2 say why the hobby is good? _____________

3 say why he thinks a good hobby is important? _____________

4 give more information about the hobby? _____________

5 give more information about Darren? _____________

6 ask a question? _____________

18 Write an article about a friend you know who has an interesting hobby. Write about 100
words. Use the points in Exercise 17 to help you. Remember to join your sentences.


Total: 100

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