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Caloocan –Manila contains all types of pollution sources and types of air pollutant. A large number of motor vehicles
daily passing through and querying on major thorough fares and various number of manufacturing facilities operating
within the city have been contributing air and water contaminant over the years. Among all of its river ways and creek
shares water streams that are physically apparent of contamination .Some of this natural surface drainage (which
others are converted into canals ) indicates turbid water filled with garbage and refuse waste. That cause some of
stream suffer a pollution.
Based on studies and record the average waste generation rate per day in Caloocan – manila is 0.50 kilograms per
person and the average city waste generates varies from 745 tons per day. The density of these waste is estimated at
330 kilogram per cubic meter while their composition are 66 per cent (66%) biodegradable 34 per cent (34%) non –
biodegradable. The continuous increases of volume of garbage generated correspond to the additional cost for
collection and handling; uncollected waste materials and improper handling of waste continuously contribute to
worsening of flooding and outbreak of diseases.

Caloocan-Manila suffers from traffic congestion daily. Among the number of causes of traffic congestion are narrow
right of ways and sidewalks. Inefficient bus or jeepney terminals facilities, street and market vendor, poor pavements
inadequate traffic management System and inadequate road geometry.

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