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1) Abstemious- (moderate in eating or drinking) he

seemed weak, maybe because he is abstemious

these days.
2) Acquiesce- (to comply) he acquiesced in his decision.
3) Acrimonious- (bitter) it was an acrimonious
conversation between the two.
4) Admonish- (warn) I admonished everyone in the
class to study yet none did.
5) Adroit/ deft/ dexterous- he decided to venture his
own business since he was truly dexterous.
6) Aesthetic- (appreciation of what is beautiful) she was
aesthetic; my eyes couldn’t blink after the sight of
7) Affable/ amiable/ genial/ gregarious- I believe
everyone should have a gregarious friend like him.
8) Aloof- (reserved, detached) he liked to stay aloof
between the lush green mountains.
9) Amalgam- (combination) a healthy soup if an
amalgam of several green vegetables.
10) Ambiguous- I wonder by everyone looks out the
window when ambiguous

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