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This phenomenological study presents the experiences of grade 11-

Computer System Servicing on cyberbullying; this provides an opportunity for

individuals to share their cyberbullying experience. This also discusses how this

students of Grade 11 Computer System Servicing overcome the situation.

This chapter presents the results of finding based on the formulated

meanings, clustered themes and emergent themes from the significant


Gathered Many Friends

Today's generation are advance when it comes to social media. One of

the most useful social media is Facebook. The investigators conducted an

interview for the Grade 11-Compter system servicing students to determine their

experiences in Cyberbullying that happens on social media usually on

facebook.They shared if they have a lot of friends on Facebook.

One of our participants boost her self confidence to answer the

investigator,P1 stated "Yes a lot"(code 1.1).

Numerous Friends

Numerous friends of our participants on facebook developed in emerged

theme.Having a lot of friends on Facebook,as P3 said"i have almost 2,500

friends on facebook(3.2),as P5 said "Have 4,000+ friends"(code5,2)


Aside from P3 and P5,P9 also said "5,000 friends(code 9,2).

Not easily accepting friends

Not easily accepting friends on facebook is one of they're doing if there

are people sending them a friend request on facebook.This is a safe way to avoid

scamming and bullying that happens on social media,as P7 said "No especially if

we don't know the person we should know them before accepting to avoid

scamming and Cynerbullying"(code 7.3).P10 also said "No i check first their

background of what they are and who they are"(code 10,3).

Aside from P7,P9 also said "No especially if we don't know the person to

avoid Cyberbullying"(code 9.3).P4 also said "I don't always accept friend request

i always visiting their timeline to know them so that i could accept the friend

request"(code 4.3)

Decimate a person through the use of social media

Decimate a person through the use of social media is to destroy a large

number of peoples like cyberbullying.Using social media to harass or bully a

person using social media like facebook,as P1 said "Yes,Cyberbullying is a form

of bullying or harassment through electronic devices"(code 1.4).P4 also said

"Cyberbullying happens in social media that can destroy the reputation of a


Aside from P1 and P4,P8 said "Cyberbullying is when you bully someone

and someone get hurt"(code 8.5).


According to Saylor (2012), cyberbullying is a practice where an individual

or group uses the internet to ridicule, harass or harm another person. The social

and emotional harm inflicted by cyberbullies grows out of –or leads to physical

bullying in the offline world. A cyberbullying can be considered as a distinct

phenomenon or as a sub-form bullying with electronics devices. It involves the

use of information and communication technologies to cause harm to others.

Annihilated the life of a person

Annihilated the life of a person is one of the result when people didn't

ignore the gossips. Annihilated is destroying someone completely. Because of

feeling sad, mad and depression about thinking the hurtful word that bully shared

on social media can lead to killing the life of a bullied person.. As P6 said "I don't

feel it because if i feel it i can be depressed and maybe kill myself"(code 6,5),P4

also said "It can really destroy the background of a person"(code 4,5).

Aside from P6 and P4,P7 also said "It hurts because we are being bullied

without reason"(code 7,5). According to Gardner (2015) The emotional and

physical effects may bleed into their social lives as they encounter more trouble

getting along with others. They experience trust issues and are more likely to

abuse alcohol or drugs at an earlier age. Victims of Cyberbullying can develop

dangerous stigmas, and experience harmful shame from their peers. Youths are

killing themselves over photos, web posts, and videos posted by bullies using the


Being optimistic in life

Being an optimist or a pessimist boils down to the way you talk to yourself.

Optimists believe that their own actions result in positive things happening, that

they are responsible for their own happiness, and that they can expect more

good things to happen in the future. Optimists do not blame themselves when

bad things happen. They view bad events as results of something outside of

themselves. I didn’t blame myself for losing my job, but saw it as a business

decision that had nothing to do with me personally.As P1 said "Think positive and

show them that you are fearless",P3 said "Learn to accept your flaws and Don't

be affected by it".Aside from P1 and P3 ,P5 also said "I Learned to be strong and

don't be affected by those people"

According to Leanne Beattie (2017) Optimism is a skill of emotional

intelligence, which translates to a better career and greater success in life. Life is

too short to be miserable, so start turning your thinking around! The power of

positive thinking can advance your prospects for work, relationships and other life


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