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Bart Simpson

Born on April Fool's Day, Bart Simpson is the eldest child of

Marge and Homer Simpson. He is a self-proclaimed
underachiever and prankster of Sprinfield Elementary.

A rebel before he was born, Bart mooned Dr.Hibbert while

Marge was having a sonogram. His first words were "Aye

Bart loves Krusty the Klown, skateboarding, pulling pranks,

and reading the comic book Radioactive Man.

Bart's best friend is Milhouse Van Houten. Bart is constantly

getting detention. His main rival is Sprinfield Elementary's
principal, Seymour Skinner. His other nemesis is bully Nelson

Bart and his younger sister Lisa share a sibling rivalry, but
Bart is always supportive of Lisa in her times of great need.

Like many other members of his family, Bart is a skilled

musician. He plays the drums.

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