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Hiranrath 1


Ms. Stefanie

English 10

20 March 2019

Marine Department Viewpoints on Ecotourism

According to, “Ecotourism is now defined as ‘responsible travel to

natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people, and

involves interpretation and education’ (TIES, 2015). Education is meant to be inclusive of

both staff and guests.” (“What is Ecotourism?”, 2019). Ecotourism is now a big topic all

around the world. We all want our world to be beautiful and clean. According to paddle asia

“All tour activities have some impact on the environment and the culture where they operate.

Eco tourism programs should provide benefits to local community, but they should mainly

focus on the environment” (“Benefits of ecotourism”, 2019) People damage the environment

one way or another

Based on, the website states that In the present time, Thailand

has many large port that is internationally known. However, in southern part of

thailand there is only one deep sea port which is located in Songkhla in the Gulf of

Thailand that is counted as the main port. On the Andaman side, there is not a single

deep sea port. They have to use their neighbor port to transport stuff (บบบบบบบ

บบบบบบบบบบบบบ [Pak Bara Deep sea project], 2017)

The location for the deep sea project will be located in Pak Bara beach, Petra national

park, Pak Nam and La-ngu district, in Satun province. The size of the project is 320 hectare,

and the port is 46.72 hectare. The width of the port is 430m, the length is 1086m. The Commented [1]: citation?

port is 4.5 km far from the beach. (บบบบบบบ บบบบบบบบบบบบบ [Pak Bara

Deep sea project], 2017)

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บบบบบบบ บบบบบบบบบบบบบ [Pak Bara Deep sea project. (2017, March 24). Retrieved


What is ecotourism. () Retrieved from

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