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Name : Abdulhadi alhageri


GE 4201-W1
Before starting work, the researcher must prepare a plan for the research, including the
introduction, chapters, and doors, as well as interviews that need research or
questionnaires, and this plan works to guide him the way he will take from start to finish.
If the researcher overlooks a plan to guide him in His research is one of the things that
many will answer sometimes about the subject, prolonging the point at the expense of
another, or forgetting about what to do. The role of the research plan as a channel for
those who take the road for the first time.

If the researcher completes his perceptions of the research questions and his plan, he must
begin collecting the scientific references that are necessary for his research, whether
books, other previous research, interviews, tools, or others and should keep them or copy
them to him. Prepare for the interviews required by the research, contact the person to be
interviewed, and write questions, he should be ready for all these steps.

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