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Mawda Eleraj


Rhetorical Analysis Essay

“ Letter From Birmingham sail “by martin luther king is about the need for racial justice. “ A Genetics of justice “ by julia
Alvarez is a story about a woman who won't let freedom. “ Malala story is about yousafzai story freedom of education boy for all “
All of these individuals used rhetorical to help advance their ideas of social justice and equality through their use of ethos, pathos
and logos.

Dr. King used ethos, pathos, and logos throughout his letter to advance his purpose. He used pathos to appeal to his
readers emotions when writes about the treatment of african americans. Julia Alvarez uses examples of rhetoric throughout her
writing as well to share her parents experience and treatment with the government system under Trujillo. Using her parents story
gives her credibility which is an example of how she uses ethos to advance her parents. Malala used logos to include facts of her
bravery and show that getting shot did or scare her or keep her quiet. Malala’s speech did the best job of advancing her purpose
with rhetoric because her speech was strong and she connected with her audience.

King’s purpose for writing the Letter from Birmingham Jail was to End segregation Raise awareness of racial
discrimination in bham. He used ethos, pathos, and logos. "Are you able to accept blows without retaliating"(pg. 2) He's saying that
they're staying to themselves and that he is using their authority against them by saying that they are doing something " Are you
able to endure the ordeals of jail"(pg.2) King is trying to make the clergyman feel bad by putting them in his shoes. "After this we felt
that direct action could be delayed no longer" (pg. 2) With the explanation mile used before this quote he uses this to persuade the
clergyman his solution is common sense or logical.

In a genetics of justice by julia alvarez her purpose is Perturde her audience to speak up for justice At the beginning
of the text she alavez begins by talking about her mom and how she was spared of the bictasmip but her parents lived tyrwhitt this
shows when she says,"By the time my mother married my father however, she knew all about the true nature of the dictatorship"( pg
1) this events advances her purpose by she mares a connection to the dominican repoustc dicataorstip describes her mom buring
this time as a child explains the experience that led to her mom not wanting to speak. Then alvarez goes on to describe alvarez was
started to talk about the dictatorship this is shows when she says" At this point i would always ask her why she and my father had
returned to live in the country if they knew the dictatorship was so bad" ( pg 2)This events advances her purpose by they were
started to talk about the dictatorship and she did not know about it but when they were talking about then she know everything.
finally she new about everythinking.

Yousafzai's purpose by saying this speech by tell everyone that we need freedom and justice and use rhetoric by use
pathos,ethos, and logos. An example of pathos is in the text it states “ The taliban shot me on the left of my forehead they shot my
friends stood they thought that the bullets would silence but they failed”(pg 2) This quote audience the author spectec purpose by
make her audience feel sorry for her experience this would how's she keep on going. An example of ethos is in the text it states”
Honorable secretary general mr ban ki-moon, respected president of the general assembly jeremic honorable un envoy for global
education mr gord or brown respected elders and my dear brothers and sister assalamualaikum” (pg 2) This quote audience the
author spectec purpose by advancement of purpose and ethos because you can turtas person. An An example of logos is in the text
it states “ thousands of people have killed by the terrorists and millions have been injured”(pg1) This quote audience the author
spectec purpose by use this to advance her purpose by including fact of killing so that she gets more support for justice.

Malala dose best job of advancing their purpose because ​ Malala’s speech did the best job of advancing her purpose with
rhetoric because her speech was strong and she connected with her audience. I think yousafzai does the best because she spoke
fast she, didn’t wait a minute a she got heard​ in each of the stories they all use rhetoric in there speaking and write and how is was
speaking every allowed. Martin Luther King’s letter was not good because like he did not go and speaking like he waited a lot of time
and he speech was good but like in the same time he did not go and speak he was waiting the whole time

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